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Chapter 2100 Twilight Covenant VS Tribunal (6)

2101, Dusk Covenant VS Tribunal (6)


The apartment building in front of him suddenly shattered! Countless reinforced concrete residues shot towards this side like bullets. Xiao Yan had already moved out of the way, but Cáceres was the first to bear the brunt!

He had to wave his lightsaber to fend off the rubble, and at the same time, he had to concentrate on locking Xiao Yan's position to prevent her from taking the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

However, at this moment, he saw an extremely terrifying figure walking from the opposite side.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! The opponent seemed to be doing it on purpose, his footsteps were very heavy, and he gradually came from the other side of the apartment building. It was a terrifying body four meters high, and he was completely like a giant!

Among the countless dust and rubble, Cáceres could not see clearly the other party's appearance, but he could see the pair of vertical pupils emitting a fierce light!

Just at this moment, Caceres made a judgment - he will die! He will definitely die here!

He immediately shouted, "Wait a minute! I vote..."

But before he could finish his words, he saw the huge monster and suddenly started to accelerate and rushed over! A huge ax appeared in her hand, with a buzzing sound, and a blood-red light illuminated the position of the ax blade -

-This is the light ax!


The giant axe, which was more than two meters long, struck down directly on the head. The huge force directly split Cáceres in half! It was really split from the middle! The two halves of the body moved towards each other under the huge impact.

It flew sideways and landed on the ground.

The hilt of the lightsaber that was broken into two pieces rolled to the side, and the light blade had long been extinguished.

Rumble, rumble, rumble... A dull sound came from behind, and the sand and dust spread wantonly. The apartment building was finally overwhelmed and collapsed.

This building was built with local materials in an outlying colony established during the early development period of Dawn Planet. Later, Dawn City continued to expand to include these colonies, and this became the suburb of Dawn City.

Now, this building made of local materials has finally completed its 20-year journey and has become a pile of rubble.

Xiao Yan jumped out of the sandy area very quickly. She shouted loudly into the sand: "Sister Dinosaur! Why did you kill him? He was obviously going to surrender..."

She was answered with two thumps, and Cáceres's chopped-in-two-piece body was thrown out. Karina took heavy steps, her body covered in a mixture of sand, dust and blood, as if she came from the abyss.

Like the devil.

As she walked, her body gradually shrank, and finally returned to her normal height of about 5 meters.

At this time, the fierce light in Karina's eyes subsided slightly. She came to Xiao Yan, stared at her for a while, suddenly grabbed Xiao Yan, and put her on her shoulders.

"Eh? Sister Dinosaur, what are you doing??" Xiao Yan was shocked.

"I think she wants to apologize to you, but she doesn't know what to say." Shen Yuanhao rubbed his forehead and walked over and patted Karina's knee, "Since we plan to let Karina take action, it must be

As a result, I have never seen her leave a whole body for anyone."

At this time, Thalia and Zhang Xucheng also came over.

"Are you okay, Xiao Cheng?" Xiao Yan waved to them excitedly.

"Ah, I'm fine. Except I want to take a shower now." Zhang Xucheng's skills were far behind those of the others. He was now covered in dust.

"You did a great job, Xiaocheng. Ahem..." Talia coughed, "Not anyone can face the pressure of two magistrates...ahem."

"Are you sure it's the magistrate?" Shen Yuanhao asked from the side.

"Confirm." Thalia nodded, "The appearance of the Inquisitor in our country means that the strategy of the Galactic Empire has begun to change. Because before, the Inquisitor hunted Jedi Knights on the Empire's side. In other words, the Empire The claws and claws began to gradually extend outward."

"Are you feeling well? Thalia." Zhang Xucheng asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired. That bald fat guy is not good at anything else, but he is really resistant to beatings. His understanding of the force barrier is stronger than many Jedi Knights." Thalia replied, "I also follow the teacher's instructions. As instructed, each battle should last no more than 10 minutes before the practice is truly completed."

"Can that practice really solve the problem?" Xiao Yan asked, "If it doesn't work, how about using the strengthening potion from Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group?"

"It is still uncertain whether this enhanced medicine will have an impact on the Force. So, let's wait until Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group completes clinical trials." Thalia said.

Shen Yuanhao raised his hand and looked at the information on the universal tool, and then said: "Anyway, let's take a rest first and wait for the reply from the priestess."

"Oh~~~! The teacher is here indeed!" Xiao Yan was overjoyed.

"Of course. Except for Xiao Cheng, none of you can even sense him, which shows how powerful this person is. And he seems to want to harm General Cheng Shitao. In such a situation, the priestess will definitely need to take action. "Shen Yuanhao rubbed his forehead, "We can't let the trial take place in our own territory, right?"

When they heard about the trial, the bodies of these boys and girls trembled slightly.

At the same time, the Dawn Planet Administrative Center and the Office of the Ministry of National Defense.

The priestess picked up a cup of black tea, put it to her mouth under the mask, took a sip, felt the fragrance of the black tea, nodded slightly, and put down the cup.

"Although I don't mind you drinking tea here, Ms. Priestess. But we are in the Ministry of Defense now. Do you really believe that someone will come and assassinate me in front of me?" Cheng Shitao said.

In the previous departmental structural adjustment, the Principality of Liming separated the Ministry of National Defense from the Supreme Military Command and further refined the department's responsibilities. Tang Xiao continued to serve as the commander of the Supreme Military Command, while Cheng Shitao served as the Minister of Defense .

The two of them, together with Army Commander-in-Chief Xian Hui, Navy Commander-in-Chief Matt Horner, and Chief of General Staff Qi Jian, together constitute the highest military command center of the Dawn Principality.

Below this are Severance Tann, Ling Liang and Volgograd Kanidi. The three of them are not only sector governors, but also directly command their respective fleets. They are similar to front commanders and have secondary First-class sector-level command authority.

Further down, there are Dai Hongkui, Trench, and Xiao Guanghua, the commanders of the main arms or the main fleet.

Continuing to the next level, that is the squadron commanders, such as Lin Nanyi, Malcolm Granger, Thomsons, He Ru, and Brent.

Therefore, General Cheng Shitao is right now. With the current strategic position of the Ministry of National Defense, someone actually wants to assassinate the Minister of Defense in the office of the Ministry of National Defense? This is simply ridiculous.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them don't know each other well, Cheng Shitao would have asked the priestess if you are greedy for the box of top-quality Dahongpao I have here.

"The current situation is different from the past, General Cheng Shitao." The priestess said calmly, "Before this, in fact, the entire struggle between the Dawn Principality and the Force-sensitive people was controlled by Grand Duke Tang Xiao and a few of us.

Completely handled. Even on the battlefield, once a Jedi Knight or a Dark Jedi Knight appears, we will be informed and immediately go to the battlefield to deal with it. So during the Clone Wars, the war between ordinary people and the Force-sensitive people

The war between them is actually separate."

She sat on the sofa very dignifiedly, and the black gem on her forehead occasionally flashed a black ominous light. "The main reason is because the Jedi Order was still there at that time, and those under Darth Sidious were

There are not many strong people on the dark side, first of all, and secondly, they don't dare to act too high-profile. But later, the situation changed."

"The Jedi Order was destroyed, and tens of thousands of Jedi fell apart. Due to Grand Duke Tang Xiao's advance deployment and warning, at least half of the Jedi escaped. However, except for a small number of these people, they hid.

, many people fell to the dark side in this process, or were caught and killed." The priestess continued, "So, now in the Galactic Empire, the number of dark side force-sensitive people has greatly expanded.

, and they no longer have any scruples in their actions.”

Cheng Shitao said: "Are you saying that in the future, we will encounter more attacks from the Force-sensitive people of the Galactic Empire? And these Force-sensitive people, even ghost agents, cannot fight against them and must rely on our own Force power.

Sensitive people, like you from the Twilight Covenant?"

"This is exactly the purpose of our establishment." The priestess said, "Not only the Twilight Covenant, but also the Holy Spirit Academy that teaches the public to know more about the Force so as not to cause unknown and fear to those who are sensitive to the Force. Through the teaching of faith,

The Holy Spirit Sect spreads the Force through various methods, and the Ghost Academy makes maximum use of those with lower talent and sensitivity to the Force."

"Then this person might come to assassinate me..." Cheng Shitao frowned.

"I can feel that he is observing you from a distance and feeling you through the Force. I don't know what he relies on to think that he can get close to you, but it is obvious that he will not feel fear from your heart. He should

Run away," the priestess said.

"Can we catch him?" Cheng Shitao asked.

"I'm here to protect you. Although this person's power is very powerful, it is not beyond the capabilities of Team Sky. Let them handle it." The priestess shook her head.

So you are here to drink tea... Cheng Shitao smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, outside the administrative center area, a person wearing ordinary casual sportswear was pretending to be running and running away from here.

He seemed to have lived here for a long time. While running, he waved and said hello to the "acquaintances" he met on the road. Although those people looked confused on their faces, they didn't know why he waved to him.

Taking advantage of this cover, the man spoke quietly through the communicator hidden on his arm, "Lord Salem... Following your instructions, I have left the surveillance area. It looks like usual here, with the security captain there.

Cover, I should be able to get closer, why..."

A deep voice came from the other side, "Forget that idiot Sidis, he has been exposed. If you don't leave, you will be exposed next!"

"I understand Lord Salem. I will leave immediately." The runner said.

"I sent you an address. You go to the Xinyu Street Levitation Station, where I placed a sum of money and a cloaking device. Make good use of these things and escape as soon as possible." The deep voice said.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, Lord Salem! Thank you so much!" The runner thanked him hurriedly.

"Remember, the password for locker No. 3 is 29774." In an inconspicuous old house in another block, a man wearing a black cloak and covering his face with a hood said in a deep voice.


Mas-Salen. High Inquisitor of the Imperial Tribunal.

"I understand. I'll go immediately." The informant on the other end of the communication seemed to be grateful for a moment, and his tone immediately returned to calmness.

Mas Seren suddenly felt that something was wrong. He threw away the communicator without hesitation, raised his hand, and a metal sword hilt fell into his hand. He turned and walked towards the window.

"Hey! Hey!! I told you not to run away!!" In the communicator that fell to the ground, the informant's voice suddenly became urgent, and seemed to be a little... sarcastic?

At this time, the informant who was pretending to be running was tapping the communicator on his arm in confusion, "Master Salem? Master Salem? What's the password you just mentioned?"

"The password is 29774. Remember it. You should be able to use it in your next life." Suddenly a hoarse and cold voice came from behind him.

The informant turned around suddenly and saw a man wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform and a full-coverage helmet emerging from the air, with bright red tactical goggles shining like blood.

"Bastard! Ghost agent!" The informant was shocked, turned around and wanted to run away.

However, the next second, he only felt dizzy, followed by an explosion of pain in his head!!

He covered his head and fell to the ground screaming loudly.

The ghost agent walked over, lifted him up like a chicken, and said gloomily: "Don't worry, this mind blast won't kill you."

Mas Talon looked at the two girls who appeared in front of him with a solemn expression.

One of the two girls is an Eru, who looks about 18 years old, and the other is a human with a black ponytail. She has a good figure but looks only about fourteen years old.

"You were the one who killed Angel and Cáceres?" Mas Seren said gloomily, "I didn't expect you to find me here so quickly."

"There are so many things that you didn't expect, and I don't need to explain them to you. If you surrender now, you may still have a way to survive." Thalia said calmly.

"I'm just curious about something..." Mas Seren suddenly said, "Do you always hide that huge monster as a surprise attack? What is your intention to make you think that I found out?

Can’t do it?” (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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