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Chapter 2114 Dark Archon (Part 2)

2115,Dark Archon (Part 2)

On the other side, the confrontation between Tang Xiao and Black Star continued.

But speaking of it, the confrontation between them was at the level of consciousness, so to outsiders, one of them was holding his head and shouting, going crazy, while the other was sitting half-dead in his seat, vomiting blood.

Those who knew understood that this was a battle between a dark side force strongman and another mind-controlling strongman, while those who didn't know thought that the door of a mental hospital was left open.

"I'll give you one last piece of advice!" Black Star gasped, "You are very strong, indeed very strong! Let's join forces! I have seen it from your heart, you want to kill Darth Sidious, Galaxy

Emperor of the Empire! As long as we join forces, with your power and my mind control, we can definitely kill him! By then, we will be half of the Galaxy Empire!"

Tang Xiao covered his forehead. His eyes were full of chaos and disorder at the moment, and his entire pupils turned into a terrifying golden color. He looked at Black Star and let out a twisted and crazy laugh, "Hey hey hey... one person

Half? Why do you have the right to be on an equal footing with me? Hehehehe, hahahahaha!"

He smiled and approached Black Star step by step with his lightsaber. Black Star was also a little panicked and quickly strengthened his power. Tang Xiao felt dizzy again, and the force of the dark side was once again on the verge of losing control!

At this moment, there are countless voices whispering in his mind...

[Kill them...kill them...]

【You are the Supreme of the Universe, and everything in the world is your slave!】

【Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!】

[If you let them die, they will die! If you let them live, they will live!]

【Come on! Open your heart! Embrace the darkness!】

He is not only fighting against Black Star at this moment, but more importantly, he is fighting against himself!

"Hehehehe..." Tang Xiao stood up staggeringly and walked towards Black Star. His eyes were full of confusion and ferocity. He raised his hand and took out a communicator, pressed it directly, and then threw it away.

, "I prepared a gift for you! Hahahahaha! A small gift!"

"Don't mess around! We are both losing now! Even if you kill me, you will become an unconscious lunatic!" Although Black Star was seriously injured, he was at least conscious and kept persuading, "I already agree.

Your power! We shouldn't be fighting each other! We deserve to be at the top of this galaxy! Put down the lightsaber and let's talk."

But Tang Xiao ignored him at all and just held the lightsaber upside down and stepped closer. The blade of the lightsaber scratched the ground. He didn't know what the ground was made of. Even the lightsaber only left a trace of burn.

It made a mark but did not cut through the ground.

At the same time, the ground began to shake slightly.

Black Star suddenly felt something bad. He looked up suddenly and saw a huge spherical spacecraft landing! The reverse thrust engine had started, and the huge thrust generated made the earth tremble. It was Rookli.

The core ship of the Hooker-class battleship, a huge sphere with a diameter of 1029 meters!

The core ship was passing through the satellite's thin atmosphere and falling in their direction.

Not only that, Black Star sensed something very bad in the spacecraft! Very bad! Very scary! Very disgusting!

Although he didn't know what it was, he understood that this thing was definitely a huge threat!

"You forced me to do this!" Black Star gritted his teeth, pointed at Tang Xiao and yelled, "I gave you a chance! But you are completely a madman! Madman!!"

"What happens to this galaxy has nothing to do with you!" Tang Xiao looked at Black Star with chaotic eyes. Even though the dark side was constantly eroding, his initial and biggest belief remained as solid as a rock, "Because... this is mine.

The Milky Way! Mine!"

"In that case, I will satisfy you!" Black Star said viciously, pressing a button on his aircraft.

They saw the ruins where they were suddenly shaking, and the circular altar in the center began to sink downwards, revealing a crater about the same size as Black Star's spherical aircraft. Then, the aircraft flew over and landed just above the crater.

Immediately afterwards, a bolt of lightning enveloped the aircraft and the entire altar, and then in the midst of the lightning, an illusory figure slowly floated out from the aircraft. This figure looked exactly like Black Star.

This figure looked at Tang Xiao and said something, but it didn't seem to be in the same dimension, and there was no sound at all.

Then, he pounced directly towards Tang Xiao! Looking at this posture, it seemed that he wanted to take Tang Xiao's body by force!

At this time, the spherical core ship had also flown over the ruins, the hatch opened, and something was thrown down. It was a large lump of disgusting rotten meat, but no one at the scene could pay attention to this scene.


"Do you want to control me? Hahaha! I let you control, I let you control enough!! Hahahahaha!" Tang Xiao laughed crazily, he dropped the lightsaber, opened his hands, and let go of himself

spiritual defense line.

With a loud bang, the piece of rotten flesh fell down, falling directly from the broken hole on the top of the ruins. Part of it was hung on the edge, and the other part fell directly to the ground. A disgusting rotten smell suddenly filled the air.

Although the whole thing is dilapidated and decayed, you can still see that this thing is actually the mother nest of the Torgt swarm!

The mother's nest seems not to be dead yet. A bloodshot eye is turning gruntingly, but it is also full of chaos, looking around.

Black Star no longer cares about paying attention to this thing, because now his consciousness has directly entered Tang Xiao's mind and is gradually controlling him!

He felt extremely excited, because as long as he controlled Tang Xiao, he could control the Principality of Dawn! Compared with this huge achievement, what is the little pain he is suffering now?

Although Tang Xiao's power was beyond his expectation and he also had a solid psychological defense line, Black Star believed that with the help of his secret weapon, he would completely destroy Tang Xiao's resistance and make him a

My own slave!

That's right, this secret weapon is this ruin!

This relic is the secret that the entire race of Grisk people must never tell, and is the origin of their race. In fact, this relic is not a facility specifically used for mind control, but an altar for sacrifice. And this sacrifice

This is not an ordinary sacrifice, but a ceremony that can directly connect to the gods!

This ritual allows the souls of the Grisk people to communicate directly with the world of the Force, and in the process their spiritual power will be greatly enhanced. In this way, they will be able to communicate directly with the gods of the Force world.


Black Star took advantage of this to use this ruins as a weapon to amplify his power and try to control Tang Xiao.

But this action is very risky, because this relic is not a weapon in nature, and although it can amplify his spiritual power, it also leaves his own mind defenseless. So the result is that when he collides with the equally powerful Tang Xiao's mind,

Sometimes, it's a lose-lose outcome.

Tang Xiao's reason was that Black Star's amplified spiritual energy was too powerful for him to resist and he fell into madness. Black Star also suffered direct damage to his soul because he had no defense at all and was counterattacked by Tang Xiao's mind.

Originally, Black Star did not intend to continue to use this relic, because if it were to happen again, maybe the two of them would really die together. But after seeing the piece of rotten meat being thrown down, although he didn't know the piece of rotten meat,

What's the use, but it's definitely very dangerous, Black Star finally made up his mind...

The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!!

Black Star's spiritual power was amplified by the ruins, and then extended directly towards Tang Xiao's mind. Surprisingly, Tang Xiao actually gave up resistance?

At this moment, Black Star realized that he had succeeded! He actually controlled the Grand Duke of Dawn—Tang Xiao! Tang Xiao's expression suddenly became dull.

But this wonderful result only lasted less than 1 second. He immediately came into contact with an extremely chaotic existence through Tang Xiao's consciousness...

It’s that piece of rotten meat!!

Now Black Star knows what it is! It is a mother nest of the Killik Swarm, a mother nest of a group called Torgt!

"Kilik Brood! How dare you do this! You madman!!!" Black Star screamed and quickly wanted to withdraw from Tang Xiao's sea of ​​consciousness, but was a step too late.

A cruel smile suddenly appeared on Tang Xiao's dull face.

"No...! What did you do to this brood!!" Black Star screamed. Because he found that the state of this brood was wrong! It was very wrong!!

"I killed it and then resurrected it with the force of death." Tang Xiao kept his hands open. Because of his mind control, he answered honestly, "All the people who were resurrected by me with the force of death."

, will establish a link with my soul, and I will control them through the force of death. This is my plan, as long as you control me, you will also establish a link with this brood."

"You madman! You madman!! I can't bear the chaotic will of the Brood, can you?" Black Star was horrified. He already felt that the will of the Brood was eroding him!

"Of course I am not immune. But I have made up my mind that no one can touch my thoughts." Tang Xiao truthfully stated his thoughts.

"No! No! No!!! Let me out! Let me out!! No! Don't do this! Let me out!!!" Black Star screamed in horror, trying to pull his consciousness away from Tang Xiao's.

Knowledge sea.

"Hahahahahaha! Ahhahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Tang Xiao laughed crazily.

"No!!! Help me! Help me!!!!" Amidst Black Star's shrill screams, his consciousness was eroded by the Toggett Brood and turned into an extremely chaotic stream of consciousness.

Because of the ruins, his mind was defenseless, as if he was naked and standing in front of the Torgt hive. The Kilik swarm was originally the natural enemy of the Grisk people, and in this state, Black Star was even more

There is no chance.

The moment after Black Star's consciousness dissipated, the two Dark Templar warriors Aura-Khan and Sora-A also escaped from the shadow state. They fell to the ground, so weak that they could not stand up at all.

But it's not over yet!

Tang Xiao suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. The dark side force in his body was completely out of control! It was completely out of control, and the dark power shot straight into the sky!

He has almost lost his consciousness, because at this moment, there are three completely chaotic existences fighting with each other in his mind.

One is the will of the Trogt Brood. If an insect swarm is capable of controlling billions of insect swarms, their will is inherently extremely powerful. And due to the characteristics of the insect swarm, the number of the insect swarm

The more there are, the stronger their will is. In other words, the mother nest of the insect swarm is itself a combination of the chaotic and instinctive will of countless insect swarms!

So for any intelligent creature, the will of the insect swarm's nest is full of chaos. Because what kind of will can those individual insects have? Just the bloodthirsty, killing, and greed of beasts are the most primitive.

Instinct. Corroded by countless such instincts, it is no wonder that once the Grisk people want to control the Kilik swarm's nest, they will instantly become crazy.

In Tang Xiao's mind, the second thing was Black Star's remaining will energy. Faced with the erosion of the insect swarm's nest, Black Star only lost his self-awareness, but his will energy was not weakened and was still extremely powerful.

.This consciousness followed its own instinct and wanted to fight for control of Tang Xiao's body.

The third one is the dark side force. The force has no will, but the corrosion of the dark side force exists all the time. This is the power that Tang Xiao has suppressed for more than 20 years! Once this power loses control,

They will also destroy everything in Tang Xiao's mind and turn him into a dark force madman who only knows killing.

Finally, it was Tang Xiao's own will. Under the repeated suppression of so many forces, his own will was already very weak, and he could only huddle in a corner, trying to protect himself as much as possible.

The two dark templar warriors who fell on the ground, elite warriors of the Sali-Gar tribe, Aura-Khan and Sora-A, although they were unable to move on the ground, they were connected to each other. They glanced at each other and already

exchanged their opinions.

There is no doubt that Tang Xiao has completely lost control. If he is not dealt with and allowed to run out of here, the entire galaxy will undoubtedly be devastated!

Aura Khan and Sora'a's eyes became firm, and they used their last strength to reach out and hold each other tightly.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful void energy burst out instantly, even forming a small black hole where they were! Both space and time were distorted and deflected in this small area!

Immediately afterwards, countless bright red flames began to burn as if they were alive!! (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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