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Chapter 2118 Orega VS Phoenix (Part 1)

2119, Ourega VS Phoenix (Part 1)

Phoenix's protoss shuttle left hyperspace and arrived in the Endor system.

At this moment, this galaxy is in a very strange state. Almost all shipping has been suspended. Although it has not come out clearly, the defense fleet stationed on the planet is already in combat readiness and is gathering near the Dawn Planet.

The priestess immediately connected to the communication from the Supreme Military Command and asked: "What is the situation now?"

The voice of Chief of General Staff Qi Jian came from the communication, "Seven hours ago, we lost contact with the main brain. Although the mothership still seems to be normal, the communication we sent will also respond to everything.

Normal. We also sent an investigation team there in the name of maintenance, and they have returned now and are being questioned."

"Where were you interviewed?" Phoenix stood aside and asked.

"In the National Security Bureau's office, one block away." Qi Jian replied.

"I told you not to do unnecessary things." Phoenix was a little displeased and said, "Now, seal the place and don't let anyone in or out!"

Qi Jian's face became solemn and he nodded.

"The person in the mothership now is Orega. An extremely powerful protoss who was once sealed by us, but I don't know why he escaped. Now, I need to deal with this matter and re-arrest him.

, re-seal!" Felix said in a deep voice.

He paused for a while and then said: "If I don't come back, then destroy the mothership. Use your particle light spears to conduct ultra-long-distance bombings. Orega has the ability to devastate the entire galaxy."

"I understand." Qi Jian nodded.

Phoenix drove the shuttle and flew in the direction of the mothership. According to Qi Jian's instructions, 10 disaster-class battlecruisers were already in position 5 light minutes away from the mothership, and the particle light spears were aimed at the mothership.

The general direction. However, these warships did not turn on their active radars to prevent them from being detected by the opponent.

At this moment, in the shelter located underground in the office of the Supreme Command, Nova sat boredly on the conference table, chewing gum, and said with a joking smile: "That rigid protoss just now was right, that one is in the mothership.

The 'prisoners' are likely to have the ability to control minds. Sending an investigation team there is just causing trouble for ourselves, what do you think? Your Excellency, Prime Minister."

Francis Underwood's face looked a little ugly, because it was him who came up with the idea of ​​sending out the investigation team. At that time, he felt that sitting here doing nothing was definitely not a good thing, and he thought that there were extremely powerful people on Dawn Planet.

With a strong defense force, there is no reason to fear the few escaped prisoners.

Therefore, at his insistence, an investigation team consisting of three ghost agents and 10 Salarian special service troops was dispatched.

The investigation team successfully boarded the mothership and returned successfully after about an hour of investigation.

However, Nova was more cautious at that time. She requested that the investigation team not be allowed to get close to the Supreme Command building and that they must be placed farther away for questioning.

"Orega... do you know this person? I seem to remember that you have had a lot of contact with the protoss, right?" Qi Jian turned to ask Nova.

"I've heard of it, but I've forgotten it." Nova simply replied, "But in that vague impression, I think it's best not to get close to him. That guy himself is a natural disaster..."

She blew a bubble out, pricked it with her finger, and added: "So it's best for me to stay here and be your nanny."

"If you say he is a bodyguard, I can accept it a little bit." Ling Liang sat on the stool, still meticulously checking the limited information fed back. She raised her eyes and looked at Nova, and said: "Although I think the job of a bodyguard is

You give in, but the current situation is urgent, I hope you don't mind."

Nova sighed lightly and said: "What I mind is that this table is full of boring guys..." She put on headphones for herself, beat the music to the beat, and quickly immersed herself in herself.

In this world, no longer pay attention to everyone.

Phoenix's shuttle flew next to the Glory mothership, only to see that the hangar platform of the mothership was open, but the spacecraft was stationary.

The shuttle entered from the hangar platform. Phoenix, Priestess and Judgment checked their weapons one last time, opened the hatch and walked out.

"In the vague memory, Orega has the ability to control the mind, and it is very powerful. I am afraid that everyone on this mothership has been controlled by him. If there is resistance, just kill it directly. At least for me

In the current memory, there is no existence that can break free from Orega's control." Phoenix raised his hands, and two light blue light blades shot out from his wrists. The cold light reflected on his golden armor, exuding beauty.

of brilliance.

The priestess nodded and said: "He shouldn't be able to control the robots, right? There are 150,000 combat robots in the mothership. I don't know what state these robots are in. If a conflict does break out, we can use these robots to fight."

"First, let's confirm the status of the crew." Judgment also said.

They looked around and saw that the hangar platform was empty. Normally, there should be many ground crews busy here, and there would also be some engineering robots performing various tasks, but now, there was nothing.

However, all kinds of transport planes and fighter jets were parked here properly, but the arrangement seemed a bit messy. They should have been undergoing daily preparations and training before this, but a sudden change caused everyone to give up what they were doing.

, left here.

The Glory mothership is very huge, reaching a height of 43,100 meters, which is equivalent to 40 kilometers. Since the mothership is erected, and the direction of gravity inside the ship is also in this direction, the main transportation relies on rail elevators. But now

The situation inside the mothership was unknown, so Phoenix and others decided not to take the elevator to avoid being dumped in the elevator.

"Where is Orega? Can you sense it?" the priestess asked.

She asked because she didn't feel anything.

Phoenix shook his head, "Go to the bridge. Regardless of whether he is there or not, we can restore control of the mothership there. We can also confirm the location of those combat robots."

They continued to move forward, and when passing by a closed warehouse, Judgment suddenly pointed at the warehouse door and said: "Look here!" (End of Chapter)

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