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Chapter 2132 The Beginning and End of the Trade Alliance (3)

2133, The beginning and end of the trade alliance (3)

Therefore, the Trade Federation could actually be said to be the largest economic entity in the entire galaxy, or at least the second largest. Moreover, the Trade Federation controlled the lifeblood of the Outer Rim Star Region. It can be said that the Galactic Republic's rule over the Outer Rim Star Region was actually

The above can only be accomplished through the Trade Alliance.

That's why they, like the Interstellar Banking Association, were the only ones who could hedge their bets without being liquidated during the Clone Wars - because these two entities were too huge, and one had a monopoly on the financial industry of the galaxy.

The other has a monopoly on transportation in the Central and Outer Rim of the galaxy.

Compared with these two, other companies, such as corporate alliances and business guilds, are actually completely unable to compare with them.

It is precisely because of this that the Trade Federation was used by Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, and became the trigger for many conflicts in the central and outer star regions of the galaxy.

So now when Darth Vader proposed taking action against the Trade Federation, everyone reacted like this.

Because this proposal is both feasible and unfeasible.

What is feasible is that the headquarters of the Trade Federation is located on the planet Balmorra, the home planet of the Neimoidians, and their important colonial world and wealth world Cato-Neimor.

The planets Idia, Deco-Neimoidia, and Kru-Neimoidia are all located in the core circle of the Milky Way.

In other words, the Galactic Republic can attack these places with just a raised hand.

In fact, the headquarters of the Trade Federation was not in Balmorra at first, but in the Outer Rim Sector. Later, their strength grew more and more, so they set up their headquarters on the planet Coruscant. Then the Separatism became stronger and stronger, and the war was about to begin.

After the outbreak, the Trade Federation, which had been controlled by the Neimoidians, moved its headquarters to the Neimoidian wealth world of Cato-Neimoidia on the grounds of protecting property.

However, during the war, because Newt Gunray stood on the side of the Separatists, the Galactic Republic decided to sanction the Trade Federation. In addition, the planet Cato-Neimoidia once sheltered the Separatist general Severan.

The incident of the Plague Titan battleship led by Silk Tann made the Trade Federation feel that Cato Neimoidia was not too safe.

That's why they finally moved the Trade Federation headquarters to their largest, most developed, and most advanced industrial world in the core circle - the planet Balmorra. Therefore, this place was once called Balmorra-Neimoidia.


The people of Neimoidia finally understood that in such a war era, all wealth and finance are all illusory. Only industry, and it must be industry, can protect themselves.

Therefore, for the Galactic Empire, although the Trade Federation's influence is deeply entangled in the galaxy, and their client worlds are almost everywhere, reaching thousands of galaxies, their most core planets are almost all in the core circle.

In other words, the Galactic Empire does not need large-scale mobilization, and can even directly dispatch the three major armies guarding the core circle-the First Galaxy Army, the Second Galaxy Army, and the Third Army to attack the Trade Federation. Although among them

The Second System Army suffered heavy losses and was almost completely destroyed due to its previous expedition to the Mandalorian sector under the leadership of Master Mace Windu. However, the First System Army and the Third Army combined can still dispatch more than 2,000 capital ships without any problem.


However, the unfeasibility of the plan to attack the Trade Federation is also very serious - even if the Trade Federation has been blatantly mixed with separatism and the Principality of Dawn in recent years, the reputation and relationship network they have established over a long period of time are still

It's so intricate that it can't be shaken easily.

It is impossible to tell how many people have interests in the Trade Federation, who have been bribed by the Trade Federation, or even whose home planet is controlled by the Trade Federation. Even now that the Republic Parliament has been dissolved, the Imperial Parliament has

It's basically a decoration, but those congressmen and senior officials still have enough power to influence the decisions of the Galactic Empire.

Therefore, if we directly attack the Trade Federation at this time, let alone the fact that the Trade Federation will definitely block all major transportation routes and directly destroy them, the opposition within the empire will definitely not be small.

However, the opportunity is also here.

Darth Vader's dull voice said: "Now that Darth Malthael has disappeared, we will take this opportunity to directly destroy the Trade Federation and occupy their core planet. The Principality of Dawn will not be able to make any response."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Indeed! Indeed! Good! Very good!!" Darth Sidious laughed strangely, obviously very satisfied with this plan, "Since attacking the Trade Federation will lead to their counterattack, then why not do it?

Take advantage of the fact that Darth Malthael is not here and destroy them directly! They will not have time to react at all!"

"Your Majesty, there is no doubt that now is a good opportunity... I also agree to attack the Trade Alliance immediately." Sart-Pestach quickly agreed.

For him, as long as Palpatine doesn't think about sending troops to attack the Principality of Dawn, then everything will be fine. Being able to vent all Palpatine's anger on the Trade Federation is not a bad idea.

Others present also thought the same way.

After all, the Trade Federation is still a tangible target, and the Galactic Empire will definitely be able to crush their weak fleet. On the contrary, the Principality of Dawn? That was the one that defeated the Galactic Republic one battle after another in the Clone Wars.

After successive defeats, the empire finally had to accept the powerful existence of their separate peace agreement!

Don’t think that the separate peace talks at that time were the Principality of Dawn bowing to the Galactic Empire. In fact, the Galaxy Empire also believed that it failed to wipe out the Principality of Dawn in one fell swoop. On the contrary, it could only sign a peace agreement with them while pinching their noses. This is a huge problem.

of shame.

As a big country, it can only accept the proposal of a small country to end the war. This is a huge failure in itself!

But unwilling to give up, humiliation to humiliation, even Palpatine had to admit that the Galactic Empire, with its current internal and external troubles, was indeed not suitable to choose the Principality of Dawn as its biggest enemy.

The trade alliance is indeed the most suitable goal from an economic and military perspective.

Therefore, the decision to attack the Trade Alliance was confirmed very hastily in such an anticlimactic meeting.

The person who led this offensive was naturally Darth Vader. He immediately went to the Imperial Ministry of Defense and began to mobilize the fleet and formulate a plan.

This attack on the Trade Federation was named "Operation Eradication" by Darth Vader. The main force launching the attack will be the main fleet of the Third Army of the Galactic Empire, with a total of 1,200 capital ships. The First Galaxy Army will also deploy 300

A capital ship joined the operation.

Therefore, the total force is 1,500 battleships, 2,800 light cruisers and heavy cruisers, 12,000 small battleships, and 2,000 transport ships, including 4 million marines.


The action time is initially set as 40 days later, 12 BBY, August 1.

After determining the established strategy, the entire propaganda machine of the Galactic Empire was fully activated.

Countless editorials and news exposed the Trade Federation's collusion with the Separatists during the Clone Wars, fighting against the Galactic Republic.

Not only that, in the many years since the Trade Alliance was founded, almost all secret transactions, all money laundering, and all illegal activities have been made public!

For a time, the reputation of the Trade Alliance plummeted.

Even though the media controlled by the Trade Federation tried their best to whitewash themselves, the voice they made was still insignificant compared to the official mouthpiece of the Galactic Empire.

Under the control of Crueya Vandron, the core of the Empire's New Order Maintenance Committee, the major media outlets in the Galactic Empire had almost the same voice, and all different voices were directly eliminated in various ways.

All propaganda and media are pointing in one direction - Treason by the Trade Federation!

Not only does the Trade Federation control the navigation data of the Outer Rim Star Region, which made it impossible for the Galactic Republic to counterattack into the Outer Rim Star Region when it once had a slight advantage in the early stages of the war, forming a snowballing situation. It also includes the Trade Federation helping the Confederacy of Independent Systems to produce

The robot army, as well as large-scale logistics channels, allow the Confederation of Independent Systems to establish an industrial core comparable to the three major industrial giants of the Galactic Republic on Port Parmant, a small industrial satellite that was originally unknown!

Then, the Supreme Court of the Galactic Empire declared the Trade Federation guilty of treason in absentia without the presence of Trade Federation representatives. The Trade Federation was ordered to confiscate all assets to compensate for all war expenses from the beginning of the Galactic Republic to the present, and to provide for the clones

Responsible for all war losses during the war.

The current Governor of the Trade Alliance, Newt Gunray, was declared a Class-A war criminal and was the number one person responsible for the Trade Alliance's participation in the war. At the same time, the Trade Alliance's parliamentary representative Lot Dude was directly expelled from the Imperial Parliament and deprived of all political power.

Rights, not to make any voice for the Trade Federation in Parliament.

These actions all point to the fact that the Galactic Empire is determined to wipe out all the Trade Alliance! Under such circumstances, many neutral factions were forced to stand by the Galactic Empire and prepare to participate in this carving up trade.

In the midst of this super cake feast of the Alliance!

Naturally, the Trade Federation was not willing to sit still and wait for death. They immediately stopped all navigation and transportation services in the outer ring star region and announced that all official and unofficial spacecraft of the Galactic Empire were not allowed to use the navigation data of the Trade Federation.

At the same time, the Trade Federation instigated almost all the participating galaxies and their permanent customer galaxies to stand up directly against the Galactic Empire. Not only did they erupt in large-scale demonstrations, seize the assets of the Galactic Empire, they even directly ordered all merchant fleets flying the flag of the Galactic Empire to be

included in the target list.

This time it was almost a direct confrontation. The Trade Federation carried out a destructive counterattack against the Galactic Empire with the mentality of losing everything.

For a time, the Galactic Empire lost contact with all its sphere of influence in the outer ring of the galaxy at almost the same time. In the absence of navigation data, the Galactic Empire could not even send troops to the outer ring star area to suppress it!

So the Galactic Empire has only two options left - the first is to sit back and watch the Trade Federation cut off all communications with the Outer Rim Star Region, and acquiesce that the Galactic Empire loses all its territory in the Outer Rim Star Region. The second is to directly deploy heavy troops at the core of the Trade Alliance

galaxy, forcing the Trade Federation to engage in a decisive battle.

In short, even if our Galactic Empire loses the Central and Outer Rings, we will still fight to the end with your Trade Federation!

There is no doubt that the Galactic Empire chose the latter.

A large number of fleets began to assemble, surrounding several core planets of the Trade Alliance - Neimoidia, Balmorra, Cato-Neimoidia and several other most powerful planets.

In fact, even before this, these planets were already under the direct supervision of the Galactic Empire fleet. The powerful force of more than 800 capital ships had blocked these planets.

In fact, the blockade has existed before, and the core planet of the Trade Federation has long been surrounded by the fleet of the Galactic Empire. But the current series of troop deployment actions is obviously not a normal defense change.

The mobilization of thousands of capital ships and more than 4,000 frigates of various types also made it clear that the Galactic Empire has no intention of letting the Trade Federation continue to survive this time!

But the Trade Federation has deep pockets after all. In order to protect their own property, they began to build large-scale planetary defense systems in these core planets.

Planetary shield? That's the minimum equipment.

These planets also include planetary energy supply centers, large planetary shields, large orbital defense systems, concealed space hangar platforms, Agonev-class interstellar bases, Gauss defense platforms and other various defense facilities. These

Expensive and powerful facilities have begun to be installed in almost all participating systems of the Trade Federation.

In short, the Trade Alliance lacks everything except money.

A complete planetary defense system can match the powerful force of a squadron of the Galactic Empire. But now that it is discovered that the Galactic Empire has evil intentions, the Trade Federation has activated all its defense forces, forming an extremely powerful defense network!

Newt Gunray quickly appointed Mal Took, a rare and famous general among the Neimoidians, as the commander-in-chief to coordinate and arrange the orientation of the core planet.

At the same time, Newt Gunray also personally went to the Dawn Planet to ask for help from the Grand Duke Tang Xiao.

Now that the Galactic Empire wants to invade directly and solve all the problems of the Trade Federation in one fell swoop, Newt Gunray hopes that the Principality of Dawn can directly send troops, at least to launch several offensives on the border to contain the Galactic Empire's fleet.

But what makes Newt Gunray very uneasy is that every time Tang Xiao asked for an audience with him, he would directly start a dialogue without any obstacles. But now, Tang Xiao never showed up, and the person who received him was Frank, the Prime Minister of the Principality.

Cece Underwood.

Underwood's answer to Newt Gunray was also disappointing - the Principality of Dawn currently has neither the power nor the will to directly send troops to start a war with the Galactic Empire.

This chapter has been completed!
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