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Chapter 2136 The Beginning and End of the Trade Alliance (4)

2137, The beginning and end of the trade alliance (4)

"Bet? I don't want to bet!" Newt Gunray flatly refused.

He is a businessman and can make money. Betting on this kind of uncontrollable behavior is very unpopular in Neimoidian society.

Ling Liang shook his head and said, "Whether you gamble or not, it doesn't depend on you, Trade Alliance." Using Trade Alliance as the subject directly, this statement is already extremely serious.

"You..." Newt Gunray was choked for a moment, "Our Trade Federation has always been loyal, and now we are in crisis and asking you for help. Do you still want to take advantage of others' danger?"

Ling Liang smiled slightly and said: "Yes, we just want to take advantage of others' danger. You can only participate in this bet, otherwise... the consequences, I can only tell you, are very serious."

Newt Gunray's expression darkened, "I'm here to ask for help, not to listen to your threats."

Ling Liang was still smiling, "You can choose not to listen, and you can leave now."

"You are extorting money!" Newt Gunray shouted angrily, pointing at Ling Liang's nose and yelling, "It is in vain that our Trade Federation has given you so much support! Don't forget that you were just a mere person before.

When we were a Dawn Planet, we gave you so many things and how much investment we gave you! And now is this your answer?"

However, before he finished speaking, his neck was immediately grabbed by the invisible force and he was lifted directly from the table!

Newt Gunray struggled violently, but to no avail. Then, the force directly threw him out and hit the wall with a bang. He groaned and panted for a long time but could not get up.

The priestess waved her hands without any trace, only to hear 'Tang Xiao' say coldly: "You only need to do one thing now - listen."

Newt Gunray didn't dare to say a word. He was so angry just now that he never thought that Tang Xiao was here too.

Ling Liang's cold voice came, "If the Trade Federation fails to meet our requirements, then we will directly confiscate all the Trade Federation's properties in the Principality of Dawn. If you think maybe we will be merciful, it doesn't matter.

We can leave it to Geth to do the work."

As soon as he heard the word Geth, Newt Gunray trembled all over, and his voice was trembling as he spoke, "No...it can't be the Geth. If it's the Geth...we...we might even be exterminated."


He could even imagine the tragedy of the Geth impaling all the Neimoidians on the dragon's teeth! Moreover, Inuit Gunray's status was known to the Geth who had done this with the corpses of the Neimoidians.

According to the experiment, after being made into corpse puppets based on the unique physique of the Nemoidians, they will become a very dangerous and terrifying alien species that spreads viruses everywhere!

In other words, the geth must be very happy to add such alien zombies to their army.

When the Trade Federation began to relocate its industries to the planet Mekitor, they also took the Geth into consideration. However, what they thought at the time was that the Geth, a cold-blooded and ruthless mechanical life, on the contrary

They are also the most reliable allies. With their protection, your industry should be very safe.

At the same time, Newt Gunray is not willing to go to the Dawn Planet because he believes that once he goes to the Dawn Planet, he will lose his independence. On the contrary, it is good to be in the North. On the one hand, it is protected by the geth.

, On the other hand, the sky is high here and the emperor is far away, and the Dawn Planet does not have direct jurisdiction over this place.

In the north, there is the Interstellar Banking Association (M) and the business empire of the Fourth Group. Now that the Trade Alliance has joined them, the independence here will be strengthened due to the increase in strength.

Maybe in the future, this place will really become another country, China - just like it was during the Galactic Republic when the Trade Federation was in the outer ring of the galaxy.

But now, Ling Liang's cold words let Geth handle it, shattering all Newt Gunray's illusions!

Yes, the Principality of Dawn has indeed given these super enterprises in the North enough independence and freedom, but at the same time, it has also retained an existence in the North that will not reason with you at all - Geth!

What do businessmen fear most? What they fear most is that others will not be reasonable with you. And Geth is the one who is the most unreasonable!

Tang Xiao's arrangement was premeditated! Whether he was going to the North or to the Dawn Planet, he had enough means to manipulate them.

"We...really don't have the ability to resist the empire's attack..." Newt Gunray was still making his last effort. He lay on the ground and howled.

"Then, why don't you listen to our plan?" Ling Liang said slowly.

12 BBY, June 35, the fifth day after the Galactic Empire decided to take action against the Trade Federation.

The public opinion propaganda of the Galactic Empire has reached a climax, triggering a wave of opposition to the Trade Federation almost across the country. Not only that, the Empire's propaganda machine is also very vicious in blaming the Trade Federation for the massive poverty and exploitation within the Empire.

On the body.

According to the reports of the major media of the Galactic Empire, it is precisely because the Trade Federation is in the middle that the central policy of the Galactic Empire is separated from the outer ring sector. It is precisely the existence of the Trade Federation that they have embezzled a large amount of supplies provided by the Galactic Empire to the outside world.

Financial aid for the Ring Star region.

Those unscrupulous media also took the example of the planet Rafah, which had been in a fierce turmoil before. They claimed that it was not that the Imperial Ministry of Agriculture was unwilling to provide fertilizers to the planet Rafah. The Ministry of Agriculture was very aware of the damage to the planet's cultivated land by planting high-energy crops, so it had already

It allocated 3 billion Empire credits to provide the planet Rafah with funds to purchase fertilizer. But now after investigation, it was discovered that the Trade Federation had embezzled all 3 billion credits!

Not only that, the major media have also blamed the Trade Federation for the huge losses that have recently occurred due to corruption and plunder by officials at all levels of the Galactic Empire. Basically, as long as something goes wrong, it must be the Trade Federation!

On those planets where uprisings broke out, why were there so many injustices and why did the government force the people to rebel? It was also the Trade Alliance that did it!

What makes the Trade Alliance feel the most uncomfortable is that their size at their peak was really worthy of this unreasonable accusation.

The Trade Federation at its peak said that they had complete control over the Outer Rim Star Region, which is not an exaggeration at all. Even if the Galactic Republic wants to collect taxes from the Outer Rim Star Region, it has to go through the Trade Federation, isn't it?

Moreover, the Trade Federation has indeed bribed a large number of senior officials and bribed a large number of parliamentarians to work for them. Even now, there are still many people defending the Trade Federation in the Imperial Parliament and among departments at all levels.

Not only that, has the Trade Federation reduced its exploitation and oppression on those planets in the Outer Rim? If nothing else, there was a famine on the planet Rodia in the early days of the Clone Wars, and hundreds of millions of people starved to death. Wasn’t it the Trade Federation’s fault?

But he has a criminal record!

So can you say that the Trade Alliance is completely clean? If not, then all these things should be blamed on the Trade Alliance. There are always a few things that were done by the Trade Alliance. Isn’t that right?

Therefore, for a time, everyone in the Galactic Empire was clamoring for the Trade Federation. Led by the Empire Youth League, many people took to the streets to launch demonstrations to protest against the Trade Federation's actions and demand that the Empire severely punish the Trade Federation!

The clouds of war have begun to hang over. The Supreme Court of the Galactic Empire has issued subpoenas to all senior officials of the Trade Federation such as Lot Dude, Newt Gunray, Rune Harkor, etc., requiring them to return to the center of the Empire within a time limit to face trial.

But it was impossible for them to come on their own initiative. After the 24-hour deadline passed, the Galactic Empire issued a wanted order for more than 90 Trade Federation executives headed by Newt Gunray!

Thanks to MWPTQD for the reward of 3427 starting coins!! Thanks to Xingchen Ai Novel for the reward of 100 starting coins!!

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