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Chapter 264 Political Victims


As soon as he heard that Francis said that he would directly give them the blueprint of the battleship, Thunbark-Tula was even more smiley, and the fat all over his body was shaking. It is true that the planet Semiers has a developed industry, but their

Most industries have also developed by cooperating with trade alliances to engage in reprocessing and OEM orders.

In addition, the Semires people are hardworking, physically strong, have a population of 10 billion, and have high IQs, which is why they have developed to this day.

But at this time, the Semires people were like rabbits in the 20th century. They had developed industries but lacked industrial resources. They had almost no core technology and almost no things that were completely designed and built by themselves.

Think about it, if Rabbit was given a blueprint for a Ticonderoga-class cruiser in the 1990s, Rabbit might not have celebrated for a month. The same was true for the Samirs. This blueprint for a Revenge-class light destroyer not only allowed them

With the ability to build this kind of warship on their own, they can draw inferences from other related technologies and then make a leap forward in their own technology!

You must know that if you look at the entire galaxy, there will not be more than 100 planets or forces that have the ability to design and manufacture 100-meter spaceships on their own, and most of them are concentrated in the inner ring and core areas, basically out of touch with the outer ring star areas.

In fact, everyone from top to bottom on the planet Semels was in favor of this cooperation, and Thunbark-Tula also took this opportunity to take her influence on the planet Semels to a higher level. She

The reason why I came here to complain to Francis Underwood was because I wanted some benefits.

Francis was also very wise and told her directly that the profits from the 20 Apocalypse-class light cruisers would only be 95%. In other words, they would divide the remaining 5% of profits directly.

This is a huge amount of hundreds of thousands of credit points, and it is given directly to individuals!

The two chatted happily for a while, and Francis also said that he would introduce Tula to a top costume designer on the Dawn Planet, which made her even more excited.

The strategic partnership between the Dawn Planet and the Semires Planet was thus confirmed over a luxurious breakfast. All that is left is for Tang Xiao to find an opportunity to visit the Semires Planet for a mutual visit.

We went there several times, then signed a secret agreement and started formal cooperation.

Thunback-Tula was in a good mood now. She cleared away all the food on her table, and the fat on her body seemed to have grown thicker. But at this time, her expression gradually became serious.

After finishing the last plate of steak to prevent the next topic from being off-putting, she leaned over and asked Francis in a low voice: "But some things that have happened recently have made us very worried, Mr. Frank."

"Oh? Is there anything else that can worry our elegant Ms. Tula?" Francis wiped her mouth and asked with a smile.

"This war between the Kali and the Yamrayi..." Tuunbak Tula lowered his voice and said: "The current developments on the Galactic Republic side make me a little worried...In fact, we all know

, the Yamrayites were the invaders, but because of their incompetence, they were beaten all the way to their own door by the Kali people."

Francis didn't speak, just asked the waiter to bring over two more glasses of after-dinner wine, and then waited for Tula to continue talking.

"Furthermore, the Galactic Republic explicitly prohibits slave trade, genocide, and invasion of planets of other intelligent races. On these points, the Yamri'i have violated almost all of them. But even so, now on the Republic side... Alas,

I'm really worried that something like this will happen to us..." Tula said.

Francis said calmly: "You know what? The Cali people made two mistakes."

"What is wrong?"

"The first mistake was that they also committed genocide and invaded other intelligent race planets, which violated the constitution of the Galactic Republic. But in fact this is not critical and can be erased in one sentence. But the problem lies in the second mistake they made.

What a mistake..." Francis' expression became serious, "They think that as long as they destroy the invaders, everything else doesn't matter."

"I don't quite understand, Mr. Frank." Tula was a little confused.

"After all, the Kali people are still in the cold weapon age. In their view, war is just war. But for the current situation of the Galactic Republic, war is for politics." Francis took a sip of wine and said, "The Kali people

They won the war but did not know how to act politically, and they were not even willing to contact the Republic... This was their most fatal mistake."

"But it's not their fault, is it?" Thunbark-Tula said.

"Strictly speaking, there is something wrong. That is that they are unwilling to abide by the rules set by the Galactic Republic." Francis said.

There was a grunting sound coming from Tuunbaq Tula's upturned nose. She stood up and said somewhat sadly: "So, the tone of the matter has been set?"

"The Kali invaded the home planet of the Yamrayi, massacred their people, and refused to accept the mediation of the Republic." Francis said lightly.

Thunback-Tula drank all her wine in one gulp. She had drunk a lot today and was a little tipsy, so she staggered towards the door.

When passing by Francis Underwood, she suddenly asked expressionlessly: "Mr. Frank, what do you think of this rule of the Galactic Republic?"

Francis raised the wine glass in his hand and said inscrutably: "Here's to our alliance."

The war between the Kali and the Yamrayi gradually began to become clear over the next few days.

The Yamriyi colluded with the Trade Federation and bribed officials at all levels of the Galactic Republic. And because this war in wild space was considered by many officials to have no political impact, in other words, this envelope belonged to

It didn't matter if they accepted it, so they started taking action one after another.

They have to do something with the money, not to mention that although the thing they do is unscrupulous, it will not affect their political career, so it doesn't matter.

When you manage a village, the birth, old age, illness, and death of each villager are major events. When you manage a country, the concept of life begins to blur, and collective interests often take precedence. And when you are facing a population

When the Milky Way is hundreds of megabytes long, these things are really just numbers.

A completely biased and simply biased report was placed on the desk of Finis Valorum, Speaker of the Galactic Parliament.

The Kali people fought back to escape the fate of being enslaved and massacred by the Yamrayi. They fought back against an interstellar civilization as a cold weapon civilization. Faced with the huge gap in technology and strength, they sacrificed far more than the Yamrayi.

The cost and casualties were high, but they still continued to fight for the future of their own civilization.

Generation after generation of Kali people shed their blood and sacrificed their lives. Under the leadership of the two gods of war, Hilal and Kumar, they were victorious. In the end, even Kumar himself paid the price with his life.

However, and just when they were about to achieve victory...


By the Galactic Republic...

Considered an invader.

This chapter has been completed!
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