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Chapter 292 Massacre

292, massacre

"What did you say? The Inchori launched an invasion, occupied the Golden Nice Shipyard, and launched an attack on the Challinor System?" Master Windu was still meditating when he got the news, and he immediately understood that this was a timely event.

Its a serious incident.

"This is indeed the development of the matter. Considering the successful mediation of the Jedi Order in the Cali War, I believe that this time, the Jedi Order can still prove your ability." Finis Valorum said in the communication,

His tone still seemed cold.

Master Windu frowned. He was very unhappy with Finis Valorum's current attitude, as if the Jedi Order owed him money, but he also understood that the current situation was urgent and it was definitely not the time to dwell on such personal grudges.

What's more, Master Windu also has a clear view of the current political situation of the Galactic Republic. He knows that Fenis Valorum's time is short, so there is no need to be angry with him. Rabbits can bite when they are anxious.

If Valorum were to bite the Jedi Order again after being forced into a desperate situation, the gain would outweigh the loss.

In fact, Master Windu himself did not realize that when he began to think about these issues politically, as the de facto leader of the Jedi Order (Master Yoda did not make decisions most of the time), the Jedi Order

It has changed.

Because the Jedi Order’s perspective on thinking about issues should be the Jedi Order itself and the Force itself, rather than the perspective of the Republic.

Without time to discuss with the Supreme Council, Master Windu checked the list of currently available personnel and selected a name, "Have Jedi Master Naeshahn come to see me immediately."

After a while, a middle-aged human woman in her 40s came over with a young man in his 20s. She bowed to Master Windu and said, "Do you have anything to ask me about? Master Windu."

"The Inchori have launched an external invasion. The latest information is that they captured the Mevic No. 7 colony and massacred all the human miners on it." Master Windu said in a deep voice: "Master Nathan, recently

Your activity has allowed the Republic to calm down several crises. I hope that this time you can also use your power to bring peace to the Republic. Send an envoy to the planet Inchori to ask them to stop their aggression immediately."

The middle-aged woman smiled and bowed and said: "Okay, Master Windu, I will set off immediately with my apprentice, Ebor Taulk, to seal the planet Qori."

The young man beside her also stood up and bowed to Master Windu.

"The Injoli are ferocious by nature, so you must be extremely careful during this operation. May the Force be with you." Master Windu nodded and said.

"May the Force be with you...Master Windu." Master Nathan smiled slightly, turned and left.

Master Narshane and her apprentice Abo-Turk traveled to the planet Inchori in an unarmed Republic Consul-class cruiser, where they learned from the hostile but conversable Inchori population

, the chieftains of the Incholi people are now on the Uhanaihe planet, one of the three colonial planets in the Incholi galaxy, so they adjusted their course and flew to this gloomy jungle planet [Note 1].

Upon learning that Jedi Knights were coming, the Injori Chiefs had already set up their formation. Hundreds of Injori warriors gathered in a fortress deep in the jungle, fully armed and ready.

Jedi Master Nashaan and her apprentice Abo-Turk showed no fear, passing through countless Incholi warriors and arriving in front of the Incholi chieftains. Several highly respected wise men, including Sufuk and Karl

Dirk, Yorick, etc. By the way, the one who wants to marry his daughter to the Devalon mercenary Velma is Kaldek, a wise man from the Zam tribe.

"I am Jedi Master Nathan, and this is my apprentice Ab-Turk. We are here on behalf of the Galactic Republic." Nathan said neither humble nor overbearing.

"We have no interaction with the Galactic Republic, what are you doing here?" Kaldek, one of the members of the Chiefs, asked in return.

"You invaded the Challinor system and massacred the miners on Melwich Colony No. 7, so this has something to do with the Republic." Nathan said calmly.

"They dared to resist us, so we also took up arms. They couldn't defeat us, so they were the ones who died. Is there a problem with that?" Kaldek said with a ferocious smile.

"This is not allowed by the constitution of the Republic, because you invaded their territory first, so their resistance is legal."

"Is it uncomfortable for us to invade their territory because they are too weak? Doesn't the Galactic Republic, which occupies such a large galaxy, rely on the Republic's powerful fleet to maintain it? The truth of this galaxy is that the weak eat the strong!"

"The Republic also sent a delegation headed by Congressman Quinas to mediate before, and I hope to see them." Nathan said.

"Oh, there's a cesspit outside this jungle, maybe you can find them there." Kardec said.

"I do not quite understand you."

"It means... they have been digested and then excreted! Hahahahahaha!!!" Kardec laughed wildly.

The other Incholi people around also laughed loudly, and for a while the whole fortress was howling like ghosts.

"If this is the case, because you have seriously violated the Constitution of the Galactic Republic, you must follow me to Coruscant and accept the trial of the Supreme Court." Nathan did not say much, took out the hilt of his lightsaber, and made a snap.

A blue light blade shot out.

At the same time, Abturk also drew his blue lightsaber.

"Hahahaha!! I have long heard that the Jedi Knights are the most powerful warriors in the Galactic Republic. Does anyone want to see it?" Kaldek waved his hand, and more than a dozen Injori warriors immediately came out.


Nathan frowned, raised his hand and used the force, trying to influence Kaldek's mind, "No, you will come with me! You will come back to Coruscant with me!"

Kaldec laughed ferociously, "Going to Coruscant? It's just you?!"

"Master! He seems to be completely unaffected by the Force!" Abo-Turk became a little nervous.

"Kill them!!" Kaldek gave the order, and the dozen Incholi warriors immediately rushed forward, raised their weapons and shot at Nashanen wildly!

Master and disciple Nashaen danced their lightsabers quickly, bouncing back all the explosive beams and bullets. However, the rebounded explosive beams and bullets hit the Injoli as if nothing happened. Their bodies of nearly 3 meters brought

A terrible sense of oppression, followed by waves of terrifying roars, surrounded the two Jedi Knights!


[Note 1: There was an error in the previous article. Issus, Ibikrol and Uhanaihe are three planets, not a space station. This has been corrected now. 】

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