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Chapter 306 Queen Amidala

306,Queen Amidala

The central ring of the Milky Way, the planet Naboo, and the capital city Theed.

On a beautiful planet, a beautiful city, a city now enveloped in a rain of flowers.

In the city, colorful flags were flying, drums and music were playing, and countless fireworks illuminated the sky with colors.

People spontaneously took to the streets and sprinkled flower petals on the central street of Sid City. They cheered loudly, laughed and shouted the same name together——

Queen Amidala!

On Central Street, a long parade motorcade passed slowly. At the front of the motorcade, a girl as beautiful as a budding flower was standing on the roof of the car, surrounded by flowers, showing her beauty and innocence.

Smile and wave to the people around you.

After seven months of preparations and elections since the previous king of the planet Naboo, Ars Veruna, announced his resignation and disappeared, the planet Naboo finally determined its new king, or rather... queen.

Padmé Nabeli!

The respected elder personally painted Padmé Naberelli with heavy makeup representing the supreme authority, then put the gorgeous crown on her head, announcing the birth of the new king of the planet Naboo!

This 14-year-old genius girl has an unparalleled reputation in the hearts of the people on the planet Naboo. She has studied law since she was a child, and entered the Legislature of Theed City at the age of 8, and three years later she became the

Graduate with first-class results and become an official legislator.

Moreover, she has been conducting various charity activities and refugee relief activities all year round. She has been traveling to every impoverished area on the planet Naboo for a long time, bringing support and warmth to the poor people who were starved of food due to King Veruna's mediocre rule.

Padme has been determined to engage in politics since she was a child, because she believes that only by engaging in politics can she help more people. For this reason, she did not hesitate to part ways with her second lover and an artist she loved deeply, Ian Largo [Note


The planet Naboo uses a monarchy electoral system, so at the age of 13, shortly before King Als Veruna plotted to assassinate Hego Damask II, the girl of the Nabeli family was elected.

The princess is one of the candidates for the king, and her royal title is Amidala.

From that day on, Padmé Nabeli was Princess Amidala.

After King Als-Veruna announced his resignation and left after leaving a mess, some people hoped that Padmé Nabeli would stand up and elect the king and lead the planet of Naboo to move forward.

Padmé Nabeli originally thought that she was too inexperienced and did not want to elect the king now. However, Sheev Palpatine, a member of the Naboo planet, also expressed his support for Padmé and often went there.

Attend her charity events to raise money for her poverty alleviation fund.

And Palpatine also hinted that now only she can save the planet Naboo from the dire straits, which made Padmé finally make up her mind.

There were no surprises in the results of the election. Padmé Nabeli, who won the support of both civilians and nobles, easily defeated all her competitors and was elected Queen of the planet Naboo.

After becoming queen, her royal title continued and she was called Queen Amidala.

Therefore, her name should be Padmé-Nabelli, and her royal title is Queen Amidala. These two are the official titles, and Padmé-Amidala is just a popular title based on convention.

After being elected as Queen, Padmé immediately began to fulfill her promise. She claimed that she wanted to return power to the people, and the previous perverse behavior of Als-Veruna also proved that a lifelong king could bring disaster to the planet Naboo.

As a result, Padmé amended the constitution to limit the king's term to 5 years, and he could be re-elected once.

And because Queen Amidala is the second youngest king in the history of the planet Naboo, her cabinet has also arranged many means for her safety. There is a group of maids around Queen Amidala, all of whom are with Pa

Deme's best friend since childhood, and received rigorous training as her bodyguard, spy, and even mistress of political opponents.

Moreover, Padmé herself was hidden among the maids, appearing as an ordinary maid, while the one wearing heavy makeup, a crown, and gorgeous clothes was actually her stand-in—a maid named Sabe.

Sometimes, no matter how kind or noble a person is, once it comes to the level of royal power, they will be stained with a little bit of blackness.

After that, faced with internal and external troubles, Queen Amidala began to take difficult steps step by step. She first sent an envoy to the Gungans, hoping to repair relations with them, and promised not to over-exploit plasma mines in the future and to protect the Gungans.

living environment.

Then she began to negotiate with the Trade Federation and lowered her stance, hoping that the Trade Federation could reconsider the unequal treaty signed with the King of Als-Veruna.

Queen Amidala told the Trade Federation Governor Newt Gunray that if the previous unequal treaties continue, the administrative foundation of the planet Naboo will be severely hit, and there may even be an outbreak between humans and Gungans.

war. And because the population of Gungans living in the water on the planet Naboo is more than twice that of human residents, close to 3 billion, once the war begins, it will be out of control.

If it reaches this point, the Trade Alliance itself will not be able to guarantee the production of plasma mines.

And if the treaty can be re-signed, the planet Naboo is willing to cooperate more with the Trade Alliance on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to make the bilateral relationship closer.

But at the negotiation venue, although Sabé, pretending to be Queen Amidala, spoke sincerely according to her instructions, Padmé, who was standing in the crowd as a maid, despairedly saw Newt sitting opposite.

-Gang Lei's expression became increasingly cold.

The Trade Alliance has no intention of negotiating at all.

After the first day of negotiations, Newt Gunray just said one sentence, the Trade Federation's interests on the planet Naboo cannot be tainted. Then he walked away and left, flying directly to the Golden Nice Shipyard, and followed the Fourth

The representative of the group, Gross Shelbia, was laughing and joking, looking excitedly at the analyzed battlecruiser data one by one.

Rune Harkou, who stayed behind to negotiate on behalf of the Trade Alliance, was a coward and did not dare to speak harshly like Newt Gunray, but his position was still extremely firm——

If the planet Naboo cannot come up with new terms that make the benefits of the Trade Alliance no less than those of the current unequal treaty, then everything will continue as usual.


[Note 1: You read that right, before meeting Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one, Padmé had two relationships, and she had her first love in every sense. 】

[Easter Egg Chapter Attached Picture 1: Queen Amidala (disguised).]

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