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Chapter 309 The Dying Man2

309, dying person × 2

When he heard Darth Plagueis say that the operation to blockade the planet Naboo would be launched in half a year, he felt a little strange about this time.

Because it stands to reason that Padmé Amidala, Queen of the Planet Naboo, has already negotiated with the Trade Federation, and Newt Gunray, under the instructions of the Sith, has determined that the Planet Naboo will be regarded as a model, killing the chicken to show the monkeys.

, to shock the Galactic Republic, so negotiations cannot succeed.

So in that case, if the talks have broken down, let's start the war right away. Why wait half a year? And the reason Plagueis gave is that Newt Gunray still needs to plan his battleship formation.

This is obviously an excuse given by Newt Gunray. The Trade Federation actually has military staff to think about its own battleship fleet? This is simply the biggest joke of this century!

Sure enough, it happened.

Tang Xiao was planning his actions while recalling the plot.

The time has now reached 32 BBY, which means that after the Battle of Naboo, Sheev Palpatine took office as the Speaker of the Galactic Parliament, and that night was the day when Darth Plagueis died.

One thing he wants to be sure of is that Darth Plagueis must die!

Because during the three years since he was Darth Plagueis's apprentice, he had served Plagueis almost heart and soul, and even made a gesture of being willing to sacrifice everything.

Even the fourth group he founded is now legally owned by Darth Plagueis.

In this case, if Darth Plagueis does not die, it will be obvious that he will completely become his vassal in the future, without self or thought, just a tool.

This situation... must not be allowed!

In order to ensure that Darth Sidious killed his master Darth Plagueis, Tang Xiao secretly did a lot of things.

For example, he actively involved the Fourth Group in every riot planned by Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, regardless of whether Plagueis asked him to go or not. Similar to the Inchori

Plagueis had no intention of letting Tang Xiao participate in the riot, but Tang Xiao still took the initiative to participate, and by the way, he also planned to seize the Golden Nice Shipyard.

Doing so not only allows the Fourth Group to take advantage of these turmoils and get better opportunities for growth, but also allows the Fourth Group's activity to fall into the eyes of another person...

Darth Sidious!

Tang Xiao understood that he was a pawn secretly cultivated by Darth Plagueis to check and balance Darth Sidious, so he must constantly show his value. Now, his value has been confirmed by Darth Plagueis.

-Plagues' approval was also seen by Darth Sidious.

From Darth Sidious's point of view, he would only think that the Fourth Group, an emerging enterprise that was not under his control and had not even had any contact with him, but had quietly intervened in his plans time and time again, was

The backup plan arranged by Darth Plagueis.

The Sith Lord himself lived in conspiracy and suspicion. When Darth Sidious saw Plagueis secretly cultivating power, he could only think that Plagueis wanted to deal with him, so he would attack Plagueis.

Gus becomes increasingly fearful.

But it was impossible for Darth Plagueis to explain this matter. On the one hand, the Fourth Group was his own trump card, and on the other hand, he was the Lord. Naturally, he would not lose face and explain to his apprentice what he wanted to do.

What to do.

In this way, the more active the Fourth Group is, the more fearful Sidious will be towards Plagueis. And this fear, coupled with his original murderous intention, will make him determined to kill Plagueis.

Be more determined!

And what's even more wonderful is that the things he did were all natural. Neither Sidious nor Plagueis would think that this was someone trying to sow discord.

And now, this is another opportunity! An opportunity to sow discord between Sidious and Plagueis, the plastic pair of masters and apprentices, without making a move!

Coruscant Underground Space, Level 1022.

Several residential buildings exploded and were immediately engulfed in flames. The fire brigade's water jets and firefighting B-1 robots were extinguishing the fire at the scene.

There were many people around watching the fire, and everyone was still pointing.

In an inconspicuous corner, a human man in his 40s, accompanied by a robot, watched the fire scene intently. He was the self-proclaimed information intermediary, Lorne Pawan.

Just one day ago, he had just visited one of the houses and spent 500,000 credits to purchase a holographic memory from a Neimoidian. It is said that there is an extremely dangerous military plan inside, which may be in

The planet Naboo will be sealed off in the near future!

What's even more terrifying is that there is evidence of the existence of the Sith in the memory!!

Maybe many residents of the Galactic Republic have forgotten what a Sith is, but he is different. He knows what the word Sith means.

However, he does not have 500,000 credit points, but he also knows that this memory is not trivial. As long as he can get it, many people are willing to pay a high price to buy it.

So he played a little trick and let his own robot I-5 invade a bank's system and make his electronic account look like it had 500,000 credit points. Well, it just seemed like he didn't have the ability to modify it directly.

The account can only be maintained for about 40 minutes before it is discovered by the bank's security system.

But he still succeeded, he deceived the memory and left.

But the fire in front of us made things look not that simple.

What Lorne Pawan didn't know was that his little trick put the mighty Deputy Governor of the Trade Alliance into a desperate situation. Because Haas Monchar was chased by the bounty hunter sent by Newt Gunray, and his account was also destroyed.

Freeze, so he pointed to the 500,000 credits to bribe a smuggler to take him away from Coruscant.

Who would have known that he handed over the memory and didn’t receive a penny?

So when he was desperate, he was blocked by Darth Maul, and then he was completely exposed.

The victims inside the burning house were carried out one by one, and the bodies were burned beyond recognition. From the comments of some people around, it seemed that more than a dozen bounty hunters died inside, and several high-ranking officials from the Trade Federation also died.


Pawan's heart sank for a while. He knew that it seemed that the other party had also killed the bounty hunter who was chasing the Neimoidian. What a cruel method!

When the Neimoidian's body was finally carried out, Lorne Pawan's heart almost jumped out of his chest!

He knew the scars from the incision on the neck of the headless corpse! Although it had been burned by the fire, he could still tell that there was no blood flowing out of the incision, and it was scorched by the high temperature in an instant!

He knew that this was a wound caused by a lightsaber!!

It is absolutely impossible for a Jedi to do something like this, so there is only one possibility!

Sith...they really exist!!

Lorne Pawan sped up and quietly left the shadows. He let his loyal robot I-5 hang behind to watch for any followers.

He only has one idea now: sell this memory as soon as possible, and then tell his son about the appearance of the Sith!

The reason he was able to identify the lightsaber wounds was because he was very familiar with the Jedi. His son was...

Jedi Knight, Jax Pawan!!

This chapter has been completed!
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