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Chapter 32: The development of the situation [Please recommend, please vote for me, please follow up, please dont wait for the new book issue]

32, developments

Things have developed to this point, and he is now beginning to worry about whether there is something wrong with Quinto and the others.

"Qi Jian, did anyone else witness this battle?" Tang Xiao asked.

"In addition to the two Jedi Knights Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, there should be another person who saw it. He is one of the three militants we captured on the Dawn Planet before, and his name is Kenneth. This person is in Kota

Lelia has studied for several years and is considered one of the more educated among those people, so he usually teaches our people Galactic Standard Language courses. The classroom where he taught at that time should be able to see this air battle.

Yes." Qi Jian said.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth, he leaned back on the backrest, crossed his legs and said nothing.

"Why, are you still worried about Quinto? If he wasn't a fool, he should have understood after meeting Heige that we are grasshoppers tied to a rope." Cunt said.

"I'm not worried about him. Even if he tells Hege that we secretly rescued Saimid, he should know that he won't survive no matter what. It's not that the more he knows, the faster he will die.

Hahahaha..." Tang Xiao sneered.

"Then there are other people, such as Kenneth." Cunt said.

"Keep an eye on them secretly to see if there is any movement from them. Since we are going to use them, we must make sure that they can really be used by us, if necessary..." Tang Xiao made a gesture of cutting his throat.

"I suggest we take a longer-term view. We urgently need to establish good relations with the local forces in this universe. Although this time is just the tip of the iceberg, the power revealed by this universe is indeed shocking. So Quinto is timid and cowardly.

, and have been smuggling for a long time, and people who are familiar with all religions and streams are what we need most. So instead of killing them at every turn, it is better to give them a chance and observe their behavior first." Cun Te shook his head and said.

"Okay, then I'll leave Quinto's matter to you." Tang Xiao accepted his suggestion and continued: "You'd better not run too far these days to prevent what happened last time from happening again. I

An elite pilot named Judith has been awakened, and she will immediately begin training and familiarizing herself with driving the Oro-class cargo ship. For the time being, the defense around the mothership will be left to her. But you must always


"Okay." The villager nodded and agreed.

"Also, take all the 100,000 credits, and then...well, it would be better to go to Tatooine and see how to spend the money, you know what I mean," Tang Xiao said.

"Leave it to me. By the way, manager, actually you don't have to worry about everything, otherwise how would we get paid?" The village special officer gave Tang Xiao a thumbs up and grinned, then waved his hand and walked out of the command.


Tang Xiao rubbed his forehead and smiled to himself.

Yes, you don’t trust those you employ, and you don’t trust those you suspect. Now that I am in such a position, I should let my subordinates free their hands and feet. If I have to take care of everything from scientific research, personnel, combat, diplomacy, and smuggling, how can it be possible?

Can you handle it?

Isn't this the most common mistake made by many people who are new to management? They always think that only they can do things well.

But in fact, there are many people who can do better, it just depends on whether you give them a chance.

With this thought in mind, he opened the personnel list again, switched to the legendary character, and his eyes fell on that person's name. However, he still did not press the button after a long time.

He shook his head with a wry smile and whispered to himself: "Let's wait a little longer."

A Z-10 Explorer-class spacecraft entered the planet Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic. After passing the inspection by the defense fleet, it flew towards the Jedi Temple.

"What's wrong with you? Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon Jinn turned around and found that his apprentice was looking out the window in trance.

"I...I was thinking about the group of people in the Endor galaxy, Master. Those people who call themselves the Fourth Group Company." Obi-Wan Kenobi nodded.

"Oh? What are you thinking about them?"

"Although they claim to be a company, their behavior is not what they say." Obi-Wan said, "Although their fighter jets have poor performance, the pilots are obviously well-trained. Think about it.

, even very large enterprises such as the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association do not have such systematic training of their own pilots. Except..."

"A regular army." Qui-Gon Jinn received it, and he nodded, "You look carefully, Obi-Wan, this is what I'm worried about. Go back and report first, things are happening in the galaxy now.

A lot, I always have a bad feeling."

The spacecraft docked on the apron of the Jedi Temple. The master and apprentice went to one of the towers in the temple and reported their findings to the 12-member Supreme Council of the Jedi Order.

"A regular interstellar colonization group, huh." After hearing Qui-Gon's report, Master Yoda nodded, "Are there any other discoveries?"

"No more. We have not found the source of the disturbance in the Force." Qui-Gon Jinn replied.

"This feeling is gradually dissipating. This thing is gradually maturing." Master Yoda turned back to look at a tall bald black man, "What do you think? Master Windu."

Master Windu has a serious look and a sense of calmness and authority. He is one of the 12 members of the Jedi Supreme Council, and his status is second only to Master Yoda.

He nodded to Qui-Gon and continued to ask, his voice low and powerful, "So, did you see anything unusual about that colonial group?"

"They call themselves the Fourth Group Company and have a very huge spacecraft. According to radar, this spacecraft has a height of more than 41,300 meters, surpassing any spacecraft we know now. But this spacecraft is completely

Civilian products, its own weapons and equipment are very lacking, and the fourth group’s defense force is also very weak." Kui Gang answered.

"You have no ability to defend yourself, but you go to colonize the remote planet of Endor. Hmm..." Master Yoda pondered for a while, shook his head but did not continue to speak.

"I'm afraid we don't have the power to continue to invest in the remote areas of the outer ring of the Endor system, Master Yoda. The galaxy is not peaceful now. The war on the planet Nile has just died out, and the conflict between the planet Marathal and the Enterprise Alliance

The quarrel has intensified, and a military confrontation may occur at any time. Since this fourth group only carries civilian spaceships and equipment, we do not need to pay too much attention." Master Windu said.

Then he looked at Qui-Gon and said: "My opinion is to conduct an investigation through the Republic's Department of Commercial Management - if they are indeed a formally registered company. You have done enough on this matter, and then hand it over to the Parliament.

Go handle it. Thank you for your hard work, Master Qui-Gon. May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you." Qui-Gon Jinn bowed and then exited the conference room.

This chapter has been completed!
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