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Chapter 358: Incident on Coruscant

358, Incident on Coruscant

Darth Sidious looked at the gradually shrinking shadow of Darth Maul's spaceship, with a cold smile on his face.

Raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a while means this is the moment. Darth Maul is like a sharp blade. Once he stabs out and kills people, that's it. What happens after that has nothing to do with this sharp blade.

Under the training and suppression of Darth Sidious, Darth Maul's heart was filled with rage and violence, and he could only be satisfied with the blood of Jedi Knights. He longed for blood and killing!

Although Darth Maul's talents are limited for the four existing Sith, including Sidious, Plagueis and Malthael, his rage and devastation are second to none.

Now, his anger and rage will be completely unleashed on the two Jedi Knights on Tatooine! And this is just the beginning!!

Tang Xiao stood on the hotel balcony, looking at the distant sky.

In his opinion, when this series of things happened together like a storm, he felt something strange.

Because he had clearly seen it in movies, animations, and information in his previous life, and knew what happened and how these things happened, but now, these things really appeared in front of him, and they were also happening, but they were unstoppable.

Although he has made many changes to these things, many things still inevitably happened.

Xiao Guanghua sent a message yesterday that he had followed the Trade Federation's robot army to settle in and occupy Sid City, the capital of the planet Naboo. He also said that he was looking forward to representing the fourth civilization and leading his army into the enemy's capital.

one day.

However, Xiao Guanghua also mentioned that the Trade Federation army had just captured Queen Amidala of the planet Naboo. In less than two hours, the queen was snatched away by two Jedi knights who appeared out of nowhere.

Yes, it seems there is a Gungan who is very slippery.

Tang Xiao knew that things were progressing according to the plot. Maybe Anakin was not dead, but was still hiding somewhere on Tatooine, and then due to the fate of the Force, he reunited with Qui-Gon Jinn and the others and helped them repair it.


Although the Bounta Night podracing race on Tatooine has been destroyed and has not been opened for almost two years, the Chosen One will always have other ways to obtain the parts he needs.

In this way, the final battle is not far away. It's just a pity...

Tang Xiao sighed. The Jedi Knight he met for the first time was Master Qui-Gon Jinn. He was a respectable elder, but in the end, he still failed to see him for the second time - face to face.


He must stay in Coruscant now, waiting for the arrival of what can be said to be the most important day, waiting for the death of Darth Plagueis, waiting for the fourth civilization to completely break free of its shackles and emerge from its cocoon to become a butterfly. He cannot


So this means that he will not interfere with anything that happens on the planet Naboo, including... the death of Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

"The black tea is a specialty of Planet Dawn. I really hope I can have a tea talk with you face to face..." Tang Xiao sighed with emotion, and then sent a message to Xiao Guanghua, asking him to leave immediately.

The situation was just like the plot, developing in a direction that was out of control and out of control.

Sheev Palpatine originally thought that Queen Amidala, who was only 14 years old, was an innocent and cute little girl, which was why he strongly supported her ascension to the throne.

But Sheev Palpatine, who has always had a vicious eye, finally misjudged Queen Amidala, who was neither naive nor cute. She actually dared to follow the Jedi and ran away from the Trade Federation's noses! Not only that, she

After a trip to Tatooine, we actually arrived directly at Coruscant, the capital of the Republic!!

Councilor Palpatine had no choice but to bravely go to greet Queen Amidala, and because the planet Naboo was currently so important, Finis Valorum, the Speaker of the Galactic Parliament, also went to the tarmac to greet her in person.

However, Finis Valorum was full of worries. He simply exchanged greetings with the queen and left. However, Sheev Palpatine glanced at the little brown-haired boy who was following Master Qui-Gon Jinn without leaving any trace.

Anakin Skywalker, Anakin immediately noticed Palpatine's gaze and lowered his head nervously.

However, Sheev Palpatine has never been a person who panics due to emergencies. He has been preparing for this day for too long, and a small queen of the planet Naboo will not put him at a loss.


After expressing regretfully that he was powerless in the Senate in the face of the Trade Federation's invasion, Palpatine began to talk about the darkness of Coruscant officialdom and the Congress's insensitivity. After that, he threw out the final bait.

"...With all due respect, Your Majesty the Queen, only the Republic Parliament and the Supreme Court can prevent the Trade Federation from invading us, but both of them..." He shook his head, "will consume a lot of time."

"The people of Naboo are starving! We don't have time to waste time with the Parliament and the courts! The invasion of the Trade Federation must be stopped immediately!" Queen Amidala said sternly.

"If this is the case, then there is only one last resort..." Palpatine glanced at the Queen, "Vote no confidence in the current Speaker Finis Valorum and impeach him. In this way, what will happen

The time for a new powerful Speaker will be short, and the new Speaker will definitely be willing to resolve the dispute on the planet Naboo as the first thing he does for the Galactic Parliament."

"Finis Valorum has always been a staunch supporter of the planet Naboo. Senator Palpatine, your proposal is to make the planet Naboo betray its friends!" the queen said.

"This is the last resort and the only way..." Palpatine shrugged.

But Queen Amidala didn't know that when she and Senator Palpatine were discussing the future of the planet Naboo, another eye was also staring here.

Hego Damask II, or Darth Plagueis!!

After saying goodbye to the Queen, Darth Sidious also hurried to Darth Plagueis's residence as soon as possible. Sidious's face was extremely solemn, "Lord! I saw that child! That child!"

A little boy from Tatooine! He..."

"He is the Chosen One, there is no doubt about it." Darth Plagueis said in a deep voice, "How old is he approximately?"

"About ten years old." Sidious replied.

"Ten years old!" Darth Plagueis clenched his fists, and even the surrounding furniture trembled because of his powerful strength. "Of course I remember what happened ten years ago!"

This chapter has been completed!
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