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Chapter 367 The Battle of Naboo (8)

367, Battle of Naboo (8)

Time goes back to one day ago, when Palpatine was still enjoying the song and dance performance of the Mon Calamari with Hego Damask II, a life-and-death battle was also taking place on the planet Naboo.

With the help of Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Amidala and her party escaped the Trade Federation's pursuit and interception - this is actually not accurate, because Newt Gunray had already dispatched all spaceships to escape before the encirclement.

Queen Amidala. Currently in orbit outside the planet Naboo, there is only one armed Rookery Hook-class cargo ship as a robot control ship, controlling all combat robots that invade the planet Naboo.

And in fact, for both Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis, the incident on the planet Naboo has completed its historical mission so far, so they don't care about the outcome at all. So it's completely

I didn't think about reminding Newt Gunray of anything, I just told him about Queen Amidala's return to the planet Naboo. As for other mistakes and omissions, I didn't even bother to talk about it.

And Newt Gunray had already brought trouble to the parliament because of this matter, which seemed to have actually led to the resignation of Speaker Finis Valorum, so he did not dare to call the other scattered warships back to the planet Naboo.

So the current situation on the planet Naboo has become a very abnormal situation, with a giant armed cargo ship controlling 2 million robots.

Xiao Guanghua, a military observer sent by the Fourth Civilization, said four words: the way to death.

After escaping her pursuers, Queen Amidala went directly to the Holy Land where the Gungans had taken refuge, led by the Gungan Jar-Jar Binks, and in a very low profile begged the Gungans and the humans on the planet Naboo.

Form an alliance and send troops to resist the Trade Federation.

Facing the invasion of the Trade Federation, the Gungans were already angry. They accounted for the majority of the population on the planet Naboo, with a total population of nearly 3 billion. They had many conflicts with humans before, so they have maintained a large army.

But they themselves also understand that their technology is too backward and they are definitely no match for the Trade Alliance, so they have been hiding underwater.

However, hiding was not an option. When Queen Amidala came to her door and knelt down on the spot to request an alliance, the Gungan leader Rugor Nass, whose self-esteem was greatly satisfied, agreed to Amidala.

In response to the Queen's request, she is willing to send troops to help the humans on the planet Naboo.

In fact, at this time, resistance movements have broken out all over the planet Naboo. The regular army of the Naboo planet has been broken into pieces, harassing the Robot Legion of the Trade Federation everywhere, and with the evacuation of a large number of spaceships, the troops of the Trade Federation

There simply weren't enough planes to guarantee air superiority.

If the number of N-1 starfighters on the planet Naboo was not extremely limited, maybe they could really use this excellent and very expensive starfighter to launch a counterattack against the Trade Federation.

But no matter what, the Trade Federation's 2 million robot army is still an unshakable existence. What's more, this army is also equipped with a large number of tanks and personnel carriers, and its degree of mechanization is also very high. After all, they came in 60 spaceships.


Queen Amidala, Qui-Gon Jinn and Rugel Nass agreed on a strategy. They divided their forces into two groups. The Gungans assembled an army to pretend to attack the human capital of the planet Naboo, Theed City, and attract the Trade Federation robots.

Attracting the attention of the Legion, Qui-Gon Jinn then led an elite team into the city of Theed.

Then this elite team will be divided into three. One team will contact the resistance forces near Theed City and constantly harass the Trade Federation army; the other team will go straight to the palace and capture Newt Gunray and their adjutant Rune Ha.

The last force assaulted the apron, snatched the N-1 starfighter squadron there, and then launched a desperate assault on the robot control ship in outer orbit.

This is a desperate battle plan. No matter who is on the road, there is almost no chance of winning, but this is all they can do.

Afterwards, the Gungan leader Rugel Nass assembled an army of 100,000, appointed Jar Jar Binks as the general, and attacked the city of Theed, which was occupied by the Trade Federation.

After receiving the news, Newt Gunray responded immediately. He mobilized the surrounding robot armies to fight. The first batch of troops included an army of 50,000 B-1 combat robots, 36 AAT armored assault tanks (Armored Assault Tanks), 48

MTT container transport vehicles, 50 PAC attack troop carriers (Platoon Attack craft).

At least 300,000 more robot armies are coming soon.

At this time, Xiao Guanghua, a military observer who heard that there was going to be a war, couldn't restrain his excitement. The small-scale guerrilla warfare before had bothered him, but now there was finally a large-scale battle. He threw Tang Xiao's words behind him.

He took the initiative to ask Newt Gunray to participate in this battle personally.

Newt Gunray, who thought he had a chance to win, naturally agreed and gave Xiao Guanghua command rights, allowing him to convey tactical instructions to the robot control ship through the captain robot, and then the operators would complete his combat command.

However, this battle does not require Xiao Guanghua to command anything. Although the Gungan army of 100,000 is large in number, its equipment is extremely backward. The infantry equipment is made of Booma made of plasma ore, a sphere similar to a plasma grenade, which can be directly

Destroy the B-1 combat robot, but how can this hand-thrown attack method be an opponent of the Trade Federation army with tanks?

Xiao Guanghua gave a very powerful order and commanded an army of 50,000 robots to attack across the board. After breaking through the Gungan shield position, the AAT armored assault tanks covered the PAC attack troop carrier and drove straight in, directly dividing the Gungan troops into

Several parts were immediately defeated.

On the other hand, the team that broke into Sid City made relatively smooth progress.

With the cooperation of the underground resistance forces, they broke into the palace directly. After a fierce battle, Queen Amidala successfully captured Newt Gunray and Rune Harkor who were completely unprepared, but they were also rushed after hearing the news.

An army of robots blocked the King's Hall and did not dare to go out.

When Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were covering the pilot team to occupy the apron, they were blocked by the Sith Lord Darth Maul who had been chasing them. The master and apprentice attacked Darth Maul, but

Darth Maul was unafraid, fighting one against two without losing any of his strength.

The pilot team of the planet Naboo also successfully grabbed a squadron of N-1 starfighters on the Royal Air Force tarmac. This was also the last little possession of the planet Naboo.

More than 20 N-1 starfighters flew directly into the outer orbit of the planet Naboo, and had a fierce exchange of fire with the Vulture robot fighters guarding the Rookery Hook-class armed cargo ship that served as the robot control ship.

Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala's navigation robot R2-D2 was originally hiding in an N-1 starfighter. Later, by some strange combination of circumstances, he actually started the plane, and under the influence of autopilot

It also flew towards the robot control ship!


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: ATT tank.]

[Easter Egg Chapter Attached Picture 2: PAC attacks the troop carrier.]

PS: I tried to keep the content of the movie as brief as possible, but I still have to write what needs to be explained. Firstly, not every reader has watched the movie, and secondly, if you skip it directly, the plot will appear incomplete. This type of

Please be patient with the chapters. Anyway, The Clone Wars is only three movies, but the time span is as long as 13 years, and there won't be too many chapters that overlap with the movie plots.

This chapter has been completed!
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