Chapter 378: Shrouded in darkness (Part 2)

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378, shrouded in darkness (Part 2)

The outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Felucia.

A Republic T-6 shuttle was flying across the planet. Thick smoke was billowing from the engine of the spacecraft. The shield had been penetrated, but it was still trying to escape.

Following closely behind this T-6 shuttle were dozens of Parker fighter jets. These fighter jets were extremely ferocious, and it was obvious that those piloting the fighter jets were veterans who had been licking blood for a long time!

Although the shuttle piloting skills are extremely superb, the engine has been damaged and there is no weapon to fight back, so they can only escape in despair.

Suddenly, a blaster beam hit the side of the shuttle, causing a violent explosion. The shuttle lost control, rolled and fell.

At the same time, Count Dooku's Geonosis solar spacecraft also arrived at the planet Felucia. He connected the communication, and a fierce-looking Pike leader appeared in the holographic projection, "Okay, your information is very accurate.

, I have shot down Seve Dias’s spaceship. Where is our money?”

"One million credits, and all of them have been converted into the Hutt's currency - Upi Upi coins. No one will know the source of this money." Count Dooku said coldly.

The Parker looked down at the personal terminal, raised his head and said, "Very good, confirmation received. Now, you can go check out the crash site."

Dooku piloted the spacecraft and followed the guidance of the Parkers to the crash site of Seve Dias. He looked at the burning wreckage of the T-6 shuttle in front of him and found the number - 775519 on the flap position, confirming that this

It's Seve Diaz's spaceship.

He came to the cab, where Seve Dias was covered in blood and hung by a seat belt on the side of the seat, looking extremely miserable. He saw Count Dooku walking in, muttering in a low voice, "Quick... go... be careful

…Pike people…”

Before Master Dias finished speaking, he saw the Pike pirates following Count Dooku respectfully. His eyes suddenly widened and he looked in disbelief at this old friend who had been with him for more than 40 years. However, at this moment,

It seems so strange.

Immediately afterwards, Count Dooku's lightsaber had pierced his chest!!

"Enough, Master Dias, enough. You have done too much for the Republic, enough..." Count Dooku said with a grin, "And your death is what you can do and be useful to this Republic.

One last thing – destroy it!”

He turned the lightsaber hard, and the life was immediately withdrawn from Master Dias's body. Finally, he raised his hand and scratched Count Dooku's chest, as if to remind him of his true feelings, and then fell to the ground and died.


After doing all this, Count Dooku closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said to the Pike pirates beside him: "Pack up the body and send it to my spaceship. Is there anyone else here?"

"Of course not, Seve Dias came alone." The Pike leader replied.

Count Dooku nodded and said nothing.

Returning to the spaceship, he turned on the communicator and knelt down on one knee. The terrifying figure of Darth Sidious appeared on the other end of the communicator, "I have killed Seve Dias, now about the clone army.

, only we know.”

"You did a great job, Count Dooku! Killing Master Dias also means that you are completely cut off from your past. You will officially become my apprentice, and I will also officially grant you the title of Sith - Darth

-Darth Tyranus!" Darth Sidious said with a grin.

"Serving the dark side is my lifelong wish, my lord." Darth Tyranus replied seriously.

The Geonosian solar sail spacecraft took off and flew towards outer space.

At this time, a Pike came to their leader and asked: "Boss, didn't we also capture Valoran's assistant Silman?"

The leader looked at an inconspicuous corner with a grin, where a man was tied up and stuffed in the corner, his mouth was blocked and his eyes were horrified. Apparently he had seen all the scenes where Count Dooku killed Master Dias just now!

"You have to have a backup plan when doing things. After all, neither the Jedi Order nor Count Dooku are easy to mess with. If they want to fight, let them fight slowly. Hahahaha..." The leader of the Pike people smiled coldly.

He stood up and said, "Okay, brothers, we've got the extra money, it's time to get down to business! Send this batch of spices to the Corellian galaxy, Dryden Vos of the Bloody Dawn is waiting for it! He and the Fourth Group

It’s an old friendship. We just got an Apocalypse-class light cruiser. He is the strongest in the area around us. It’s best not to let him worry about us.”

The unexpected death of Master Seve Dias did not cause much disturbance. Under the actions of Chancellor Palpatine, the sacrifice of Master Seve Dias was described as an intervention between several tribes on the planet Felucia.

During the conflict, he was killed during peace negotiations.

Master Dias won the respect of everyone, and his body was cremated by local tribesmen according to local customs and returned to the nature of the planet Felucia.

The document was filed as Document No. 127456, and after being briefly notified to the Jedi Order, it was suppressed as a confidential document.

But for Chancellor Palpatine, things are not over yet.

In the last few months of 32 BBY, in order to protest Palpatine's policies towards the outer planets, a large number of workers from the outer planets launched a strike. However, this activity was led by unknown people and eventually turned into an attempt to

Armed clashes stormed the parliament building.

After the conflict was calmed down, Speaker Palpatine said that because the actions of the so-called corrupt elements were becoming more and more lawless, in order to ensure the safety of parliament members, he proposed to expand the parliamentary guard. And he naturally included those who were recruited by him and once belonged to the common people.

The Echani Sun Guards of Regus were incorporated into it, and the Chancellor's Guards were established.

Wearing blue armor and robes, the Speaker's Guard looked majestic and were composed of the most elite warriors. Although some members raised objections, saying that the appearance of the Speaker's Guard marked the beginning of a threat of force. However, the strikers stormed the Parliament.

In the case of the building, they were unable to raise any more objections.

In the last month of 32 BBY, something extremely terrible for the Galactic Republic finally happened!!

The Count of Serenno, the former Jedi Master, and Count Dooku suddenly appeared on the distant main planet of Lasax and made an impassioned speech on this once prosperous planet, but now its environment has been gradually destroyed due to over-industrialization.


He claimed that in the one thousand years since the Ruusan Reforms, the Galactic Republic had proven that they did not have the ability or determination to truly manage and rule the galaxy.

The Republic continues to give in in various disputes, only safeguarding the interests of developed planets and corporate giants, and ignoring the demands of backward planets, leading to the eventual polarization of the Republic.

The recent events in the Council once again demonstrated the attitude of the Republic. Those high-ranking officials on Coruscant turned a blind eye to the Outer Rim Sector and levied taxes at will, but were unwilling to assume any obligations!

In this case, there is only one way to go in the outer ring star region——


Count Dooku began to call on the Outer Rim Sector to refuse to recognize the rule of the Republic. The Outer Rim Sector will handle its own security and finances by itself. From now on, it has nothing to do with the Republic!

This chapter has been completed!
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