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Chapter 392 The Birth of the Main Battleship

392, The birth of the main battleship

The Dawn Planet, the Semels Planet and the Jiwen people signed a secret agreement to establish a mutual aid alliance, with Tang Xiao, the governor of the Dawn Planet, as the leader.

Because among the three planets, it is Dawn Planet that actually masters core technology. Population can be produced and factories can be built, but core technology, unless tens of billions or hundreds of billions are invested in this thing, there will be no sound at all.

In addition, Tang Xiao is the advocate, and he also owns the terrifying Titan battleship outside. When he becomes the leader of the alliance, neither the Jiwen people nor the Semires people have anything to say.

After that, the diplomatic and political paces of the three planets began to align.

They began to adopt a distant attitude towards the separatist movement advocated by Count Dooku. They expressed their strong support for his ideas, but they have been unwilling to take any actual actions.

Count Dooku only thought that these planets were going to wait and see because of their own strength, so he didn't think much about it. He had too many planets to lobby for, and he didn't have time to keep an eye on such a few planets.

When all the attention of the Republic was attracted by the separatist movement, the Masonic Alliance began to launch a series of extensive cooperation.

They first established a secret team, with Ji Wen as the core, and the members were all senior engineers who had previously participated in analyzing the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship. This project is currently only in the preliminary preparation stage, and the total number of people in the team is not large.

There are about 200 people, but it will be equipped with the most advanced experimental and computing equipment, and a secret experimental site.

Their goal is to launch a new and terrifying project.

This project was classified as top secret, so that all relatives of the entire team were controlled to ensure that no information would be leaked. And this project now only has an inexplicable name - Ankylo Project.

After that, they concentrated their greatest efforts and began to analyze their future main battleship project - the Kol-class Battleship!

This battleship is the main battleship of the Traders' Emergency Alliance in "Sins of a Solar Empire". It is 1,100 meters long. According to the battleship classification of the Fourth Civilization, the battleship's level was downgraded to a battlecruiser.

The Cole-class battlecruiser is a very good battleship, with almost all heavy firepower concentrated at the front. It has 4 heavy laser cannons and a large electromagnetic rail gun with a diameter of 40 meters at the front. This rail gun

It is a semi-axis base gun, and the entire gun is more than 670 meters long.

In addition, the Cole-class battlecruiser also has a complete close-in defense system. There are two quadruple close-in defense laser cannons on the rear and starboard sides, three on the port side, and two more on the top of the front section, which are mainly used for

For close defense, it is a twin-mounted medium-sized turbolaser cannon that can pose a sufficient threat to large and medium-sized warships.

In addition, the Cole-class battlecruiser also has a very powerful shield system and extremely strong armor and structure. However, as a sacrifice, the battleship's hangar is not large and can only carry 12 Ghost fighters or 30 Vulture robot fighters. The battleship

It has a crew of 2,500, including 500 Marines.

In general, the Cole-class battlecruiser has powerful firepower and solid defense. It is a very standard large battleship for fleet decisive battles. With a strong energy supply, 4 heavy laser cannons and that terrifying 40-meter-caliber

The electromagnetic railgun can deliver a devastating blow to the opponent's warships.

Not only that, a nuclear bomb launcher for orbital bombing is also installed below the battleship, which can launch a fusion nuclear bomb with an equivalent of 50 million tons and has 60 rounds of ammunition. Basically, if there is no other resistance, this battleship can attack a

The planet causes terrible damage.

The Cole-class battlecruisers will be built by the Semires people. The first batch of orders is 100 ships. They are 25 ships from the Dawn planet, 40 ships from the Semires planet, and 35 ships from the Given people. This is also because the Semires planet has as many as 100 ships.

With a population of 100 million and a huge market, more warships are needed to protect ourselves.

This kind of warship is expected to be analyzed in 3 months, because the main technologies have been overcome during the previous development of the Ragnarov-class Titan warship, including the 40-meter-caliber large electromagnetic railgun in front of the warship, which is also a Ragnarov-class Titan warship.

A miniature version of the 500-meter-diameter super electromagnetic gun on the Love-class Titan battleship.

The construction period of these 100 warships is expected to be 10 years. After that, the Mutual Aid Alliance will establish more warship factories. In this case, the output will gradually increase.

While the Masonic Alliance is secretly operating here, at the Republic Council on Coruscant, the pace of the Fourth Civilization has not stopped.

To outsiders, since Sheev Palpatine was elected Speaker of the Republic, Francis Underwood has been attacking Palpatine like crazy, regardless of their previous good relationship.

In the Senate, Francis Underwood has been attacking Speaker Palpatine, saying that he manipulates the election for personal gain and attempts to split the Galactic Republic.

Whenever this happens, Palpatine will retort, saying that you are clearly the one who colluded with a large group of planets to oppose the Republic.

Francis would immediately point to the tax policy of the Outer Rim Sector as an issue, saying that Palpatine had continued Finis Valorum's wrong policies and that taxing the Outer Rim Sector was an exploitation of these planets.

And Palpatine asked, how can tax collection be considered a division? It is obviously a policy that is conducive to the unification of the republic.

Francis made an impassioned speech. If you want to be conducive to the unification of the Republic, then ask the Republic's judicial fleet to show courage to clear out the pirates in the Outer Rim and give the Outer Rim a stable environment. Then the tax policy will naturally be improved.

will be implemented.

Both sides would argue about this issue for half an hour each time. The most amazing thing was that because they were well prepared and eloquent, even though it was the same topic every time, what they said each time was actually different.

Same thing.

Not only that, Francis also began to strongly support Ainle-Tim, a member of the Malastar planet. After Tim lost to Palpatine in the election, he was not convinced. He attributed his failure to

He was involved in the betrayal of Senator Orn Free-Tower from the planet Rynos, so he hit it off with Francis.

Francis was ostensibly headed by Congressman Tim, and used his influence to vigorously win over other congressmen, mainly former environmental congressmen.

In this way, after several months of unremitting efforts, some members of the Ring faction who had previously been divided due to the defection of On-Fry-Tower are now beginning to reunite. They are led by Francis and Tim.

, calling themselves the New Environmental Sect, have formed a powerful political force.


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Cole-class battlecruiser.]

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