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Chapter 428 Everyone is happy

Although the terms of the peace talks proposed by Tang Xiao were harsh, they did not push the Airu people into a desperate situation, but gave them enough room for common development - provided that they were under the leadership of the Fourth Civilization.

Of course, in the end, it all depends on whether the Airu people know the truth or not.

At the same time, at the Galactic Council on Coruscant, Francis Underwood also informed the council of the 'peaceful settlement' of the Elru matter. The general meaning was that a decision had finally been made between the planet Dawn and the planet Annaji.

Let go of hatred and reach a consensus to jointly develop the Model Star Sector and build a harmonious world.

Palpatine and Quat Power Dockyard, who had made over a billion credits in this war, did not question this any more. After all, from the time they chose to participate in this matter, it was impossible for them to continue to do so.

What are the accusations made in public?

Naturally, everyone was happy with the result, and Palpatine happily announced that the Dawn Planet had once again contributed to the peace of the Republic. The New Ring Councilors in the Outer Rim Sector were also very happy to see that their new big brother looked like

They are really awesome, you can definitely follow them.

The aristocratic gentlemen in the inner ring and the core area are also tired of arguing over a garbage area with no shit. Now that the matter is over, their ears are clear.

The Fourth Civilization has officially established their hegemony in the Model Sector, and the 1 billion Waxians who used to belong to the Airu Civilization have also changed their family and recognized their eldest brother again. They are all very good laborers. For such a race Tang Xiao

I never hesitate to give rewards.

With a wave of his hand, he appointed the Varsian high priest as the Varsian pope, and built a huge temple on their altar, the moon of Qina, and also made a gold throne for them. Now he really surrendered to him.

The good news is that the economic situation of the Fourth Civilization is far better than that of the Eru Civilization, and the treatment given is naturally much higher.

The Warthians are inherently hard-working and hard-working, so they are even happier and work wholeheartedly for the fourth civilization.

Similarly, the Airu civilization originally had 400 to 500 million humans. After these humans became autonomous, the Airu people would naturally not look good on them. These humans lacked housing, food, let alone industry, and they had no choice.

He had no choice but to seek refuge with the Fourth Civilization.

Tang Xiao was also very generous. He roped in the Trade Alliance and worked with Newt Gunray to help these humans start to establish their own agricultural and industrial systems.

And Tang Xiao also started his new plan on the planet Sonel, the former prison planet of the Aru people. There are 1 million prisoners on this planet, and those who can be sentenced to exile to aliens are all serious criminals. In addition,

In addition, there are about 2 million human residents, most of whom immigrated from the planet Annaji and do not like the way of life of the Aru people. They make a living by farming and fishing.

In addition, there are about 100,000 Kian'thar people living here, mainly engaged in animal husbandry. This is a very rare race with telepathic abilities. Currently, Tang Xiao is just appeasing them and not targeting them for the time being.

Take further action.

The planet Sonnel does not have any high-quality minerals that cannot be used to build spaceships. Therefore, Tang Xiao is planning to build a huge barracks here. If the felons here are willing to serve as soldiers, they will conduct a maximum 15-year training camp here.

years, or up to two-thirds of the racial average life span of military service. After completing the military service, you will receive a considerable stipend and regain your freedom.

The Interstellar Banking Association is carrying out modernization work on Orville III, the original industrial planet of the Aru people. Co-chairman San Hill has also begun to prepare for war. For an industrial planet with a pretty good industrial foundation, it is natural.

Can't get it.

A happy ending for everyone, only the Elu people were beaten.

After this war, both San Hill, the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, and Newt Gunray, the governor of the Trade Alliance, also got to know Tang Xiao again from their different perspectives.

Thorn-Hill always believed that Tang Xiao was Plagueis's unknown apprentice, but he was not sure, but at least he knew that there was a deep relationship between the two, so he often started to take the initiative to get closer to Tang Xiao.


Newt Gunray thought that Tang Xiao was also one of the chess pieces laid out by Sidious. Since we are all chess pieces, wouldn't it be good to stick together for warmth? At least when Sidious wants to treat them as abandoned pieces,

It's better to find someone to discuss it with you.

For this reason, and the fact that Count Dooku was indeed brokering the relationship between these parties, the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association also unconsciously cooperated with Tang Xiao's Dawn Planet, the Fourth Group and Dama.

Sk Holding Group has formed a relatively close alliance.

After the Fourth Civilization and the Eru Civilization signed the unequal treaty known as the "Annaji Contract", the First Model Sector War also came to an end.

After the contract was signed, Tang Xiao returned to the Fang of Kuna planet, where the war began. First, Tang Xiao held a grand funeral on behalf of the entire fourth civilization to pay homage to the 179 miners and Etiur who died in the massacre.

Led by 447 passionate pioneering members.

Tang Xiao then declared that the day of the massacre was the anniversary of the Fang of Kuna. On that day every year from now on, everyone would observe three minutes of silence at the moment of the massacre.

Moreover, the Fourth Civilization paid high pensions to these victims, because they were all pioneers who had left their hometowns, so those who had relatives were given to their relatives, and those who had no relatives were given to close relatives.

Next, there is a grand event to celebrate peace.

At the meeting, Tang Xiao personally awarded Volgograd-Kanidi the Medal of Merit for Combat Heroes. He smiled and came to Khanidi, who was wearing a straight military uniform and stood tall and tall. He held the medal in both hands and said, "You are at an extreme disadvantage.

Your troops not only defended the colony, but also dealt a heavy blow to the enemy. This is what you deserve, Mr. Canidi. I never thought that you had such outstanding military talents, so here, I award you the rank of major general.

, command the colonial operations and military operations of the entire Kuna Star Cluster. You... are our battle hero."

Who would have thought that as soon as he heard the words "fighting hero", Volgograd-Kanidi's face suddenly turned livid. He stood up suddenly, grabbed the merit medal from Tang Xiao's hand, and threw it to the ground with a snap.

, gritted his teeth and said: "This can be avoided, right? This war can be avoided! Those miners don't need to die, right!?"

"I'm sorry, General Canidi. There is no pure and flawless relationship between countries. There never has been. I think if you want to take on greater responsibilities, you must understand this." Tang Xiao

His expression remained unchanged, he just smiled and said.

"But those people!" Canidi pointed fiercely at the newly built monument over there. His movements were very forceful, even with a whistling sound. "Those people, they are innocent! I won't stop you if you want to start a war.

You! I don’t blame you for soldiers dying on the battlefield! But sacrificing these civilians! I can’t accept it!”

"If you sort out the whole incident carefully, you will also find that I only added fuel to the flames. The people who really caused all this are still the Airu people. You can't stop this." Tang Xiao said calmly.

"So since I am a battle hero and a general, can I make a request?" Canidi said suddenly.

This chapter has been completed!
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