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Chapter 477: The Galactic Republics Road to War (Part 2)

477, The Road to War in the Galactic Republic (Part 2)

Because the Separatist movement has very clearly begun to move towards war, the Galactic Republic must respond. There is already a lot of information indicating that the Separatists are building a large number of new warships. These warships blatantly violated the warship restriction treaty during the Rusan reform period.

Whether it is the hyperspace engine level, the maximum power of the weapon, or the shield capacity, they all greatly exceed the limits of the contract.

In comparison, the main battleships of the judicial fleet, the large and bulky prosecutor-class, governor-class, and commander-class ships, seem to be more than 8,000 meters, more than 4,000 meters, and more than 2,500 meters in length, but they will be easily defeated by those 1,000 meters in a fight.

The new warships weighing up to 3 meters were bombarded to pieces.

Star battleships are such a continuous spiral development process from small to large, then from large to small, and then from small to large, and from large to small.

This situation has intensified everyone's fear of the threat of separatist war. This fear is like if you are the boss of a heavy industry group, but you are blocked by a group of gangsters with sticks when you go out in an alley.

Although you can transform the heavy industry group into a military industrial enterprise with an order when you get home, and then drive over with a group army's tanks, at this moment, you are inevitably beaten, and you may even be beaten to death!

How to deal with it?

It's better to drive out the tank before going out, so that these gangsters can no longer threaten you.

May 16th, 24BBY, is a day destined to be recorded in the history of the Galactic Republic!

Because on this day, the "Military Creation Act" proposed by Speaker Sheev Palpatine was not passed. He failed...

This vote did not receive a majority of votes in the Galactic Parliament as Palpatine had judged and hoped. Although those members are indeed full of fear of war, Palpatine misjudged one thing - he

Thinking that the fear of war would be enough to win him a majority of the vote, he underestimated the extent of the corruption among the Galactic Republic's fat-minded senators.

Because according to the "Military Creation Act", Palpatine will receive emergency response powers during the war, as well as legislative powers. Legislative powers are the most powerful weapon and the greatest power in the hands of these congressmen.

In other words, if they want to support this bill, these congressmen must hand over their power. This is something these congressmen are unwilling to accept, even if the war is to come to their doorsteps tomorrow.

Anyway, it will take at least a few decades for the war to reach Coruscant. During this time, it is better to enjoy the benefits of this huge power.

At the end of every dynasty in history, there would be many such sycophants and traitors, but in the Galactic Republic, such guys filled the entire Galactic Parliament Building.

Moreover, the strong opposition from Dawn Planet’s Congressman Francis Underwood and the New Ring Congressmen led by him is also a very big factor.

In fact, the number of New Ring members has been much reduced now. Many planets have withdrawn from the Galactic Republic parliament, but some members are still insisting. It is not because they are greedy for this power, but to continue to create products for the Galactic Republic.


As for Francis Underwood, he wanted to give Tang Xiao more time to prepare for the war, even though he knew that his time in the Republic Parliament was numbered.

However, Sheev Palpatine has never been a person who only does one thing for one goal. After the voting on this motion ended, Orn Free-Tower, the member of the planet Rynos, proposed another motion.

Senator Orn-Free-Tower said that in this extraordinary time, only Speaker Palpatine is the right person to lead the Republic forward.

However, Speaker Palpatine's second term is about to expire. According to the constitution, he can no longer be re-elected. This means that when the threat of war from the separatist movement is imminent, the Galactic Republic will replace a new one.

The supreme leader, and changing the supreme leader often means policy discontinuity or even fault.

No matter what angle you consider it, such a result is very bad. If it is serious, it will even give the separatists more opportunities and cause the Galactic Republic to lose future wars.

Orn Free-Tower offered to grant Sheev Palpatine an unlimited additional term until he had completely resolved the Separatist crisis.

Maybe it's because Palpatine already has great political power, maybe because of his good public image, maybe because the "Military Creation Act" he proposed before was not passed, so that those members who opposed it could have a way to compensate or find a balance.


This motion was passed by a high vote.

The passage of this bill also allowed Palpatine to completely break free from the shackles of his term of office and be able to carry out his actions unscrupulously within the scope of the Galactic Republic and expand his power.

At the same time, this also means that the speaker election that took place 4 years ago in 28BBY became the last in the Galactic Republic’s more than 25,000-year history.

There will be no next time, Sheev Palpatine is also the last Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

At this time, he was thinking about another thing... He had realized his mistake, and he understood that in order for those corrupt and greedy members to hand over their power, he needed more foreshadowing - one that was enough to make those corrupt and greedy members hand over their power.

Pave the way for MPs to recognize the reality.

He is patient enough and can wait.

And this wait is 2 years...

The past two years have passed by in a flash, and Count Dooku has always maintained a tacit understanding with Palpatine. He knew that his master was not ready yet, so he was not in a hurry to take the final step so quickly.

He continued to make preparations. Under his management, the Outer Rim Star Region of the Milky Way gradually became monolithic, and an administrative system independent of the Republic began to form among these planets. Based on this system, the Outer Rim Star Region

The planets began to uniformly allocate resources to each other for use in possible wars in the future.

It is worth mentioning that Francis Underwood’s wife, Claire Underwood, also has a high reputation in the Outer Rim because she founded the Outer Rim Sector Mutual Aid Fund. Therefore, she finally accepted Count Dooku’s appointment.

With the invitation and appointment, the Outer Rim Sector Mutual Aid Fund was reorganized into the Outer Rim Sector Administrative Headquarters to coordinate the affairs between all planets that joined the separatist movement.

This move is also a show of goodwill to Tang Xiao and the Dawn Planet, because since the Battle of Naboo broke out in 32 BBY until now in 22 BBY, in these 10 years, the development of the Dawn Planet has reached the point where even a figure like Count Dooku has

It must be taken very seriously!

Tang Xiao's war preparation plan has also reached its final steps.

This chapter has been completed!
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