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Chapter 493 The Growth of Civilization (Part 2)

493,Growth of Civilization (Part 2)

In fact, it was precisely because of the potential population explosion that Tang Xiao often put the words "living space" in his mouth during meetings with Count Dooku and others.

The current population of Planet Dawn is 400 million, and this planet with a diameter of 4,900 kilometers is only a circle larger than the moon with a diameter of about 3,800 kilometers. If we want to ensure the current quality of life and ensure that the environment is not destroyed on a large scale,

Then the population on Planet Dawn cannot exceed 1 billion.

This is the result of calculations after the construction of Dawn Planet's star ring has been completed, and almost all heavy and polluting industries have been placed on the star ring.

Because in this matter, there is also a potential ethnic issue involved-the Ewoks.

As the Ewok people gradually become civilized, their population has gradually increased to more than 5 million. When batches of systematically educated Ewok people enter society, they will gradually pay attention to this issue.

They will think that humans and other races are outsiders and invaders who have occupied their planet. Although Tang Xiao has been committed to solving this problem through cultural assimilation, there is no guarantee that no one will think so. Once such thoughts sprout, they will

It is difficult to eradicate and is likely to cause racial strife on the planet.

In fact, this is also the reason why Tang Xiao has not awakened and cultivated other races except the Salarians and Jackals until now. Even the Jackals were cultivated as vassals of the Salarians.

Therefore, we must shift our attention, take everyone's attention away from the small Dawn Planet, and put it into the vast Milky Way Galaxy.

This is living space.

The expansion of the Kuna Star Cluster is only the first step. Currently, the fourth civilization has established a stable colony on the Fang of Kuna planet and has begun to absorb a large number of immigrants from other planets. With the atmospheric modification work of the Fang of Kuna planet,

As the process begins, the living conditions on the planet are gradually improving, and now there is no need to wear a respirator when going out for a short time.

The current number of residents of the Fang of Kuna planet has increased to more than 4 million, most of whom are from other races. But Tang Xiao has already asked the governor of the Kuna sector, Volgograd-Kanidi, to implement a new immigration plan.

This plan will gradually colonize 50 million human residents from Planet Dawn over the next five years.

The main task of these immigrants now is to expand, expand, and expand again.

The immigration of these human residents is not because the Fourth Civilization is implementing a racist policy, but because it is preparing to culturally assimilate immigrants from other races through these human residents, so that these people can truly become members of the Fourth Civilization. Because Kuna

The star cluster will serve as the main immigrant-receiving area for the Fourth Civilization, and the immigrant population here is expected to exceed 200 million people in the next five years.

At the same time, during the previous war with the Airu people, the prison planet Sonnel planet that was taken over from the Airu people will continue to exist as a prison planet. In addition to expanding the prison planet, there will also be construction on the planet.

A barracks that is actually not much different from a prison.

Because it has been implementing a quasi-war policy, the army of the fourth civilization has been growing like a snowball.

At present, the number of the entire Fourth Civilization's army has reached 2 million, and it has established 8 infantry divisions and 6 mechanized infantry divisions. The Fourth Civilization currently does not have a dedicated armored division, but only subordinates an armored regiment to each infantry division.

, the mechanized infantry division is subordinate to two armored regiments.

At the same time, each division has a strength of 20,000 personnel and 10 regiments. 10,000 of them are natural persons and the other 10,000 are robots, mainly B-1 combat robots and B-2 super combat robots. The combat regiments composed of these robots

It will be responsible for some charge or near-death missions, and the natural combat group will be responsible for the main attack mission.

The reason why the coverage rate of armored units is so low is mainly because the fourth civilization has been expanding its army and expanding its army. All arsenals are serving the ever-increasing army, and there is simply not enough productivity to make the equipment of these armies better.


This is also the reason why the Army of the Fourth Civilization did not undergo a third change of equipment after the second overall change of equipment, replacing the M-15 Vindicator assault rifle and Liberator combat uniform - because the population is

The adoption of frozen embryos continues to snowball, and naturally so does the military.

If everyone is detailed, then what the Fourth Civilization has to do is to solve a series of problems such as food rations, housing, education, employment, production, training, equipment, etc. for every citizen who has grown from frozen embryos within 5 years. Freezing

The extremely short growth cycle of embryos also brings great pressure on productivity. So far, the fourth civilization has been able to handle these problems well, which is already very good.

Tang Xiao also understood why the number of frozen embryos carried on the mother ship was only 5 billion, because if there were more, the population explosion would be unimaginable, and even simply unbearable.

Human beings are very fertile. If we give you 5 billion young adults, a planet as big as the Earth will explode in less than 30 years.

According to the predictions of General Xian Hui, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, the current Army of the Fourth Civilization can basically guarantee a huge advantage against the natural soldiers of the Galactic Republic. However, General Xian Hui made a judgment based on the plot intelligence provided by Tang Xiao.

, he raised a very serious question, that is, the ace in the hands of the Galactic Republic - the clone army.

The cultivation model of the clone army is similar to that of the Fourth Army secretly established by Tang Xiao. However, because the content of the combat database of the Fourth Civilization is much more comprehensive than that of the Galactic Republic, which has been in peace for thousands of years and almost all relevant combat information has been lost, the clones

The army's combat experience will be slightly inferior to that of the Fourth Army in the early stage, but they will basically be invincible against the ordinary armies of the Fourth Civilization.

The clone army of the Galactic Republic has about 3 million. This army will be led by Jedi Knights in the future and become the sharp knife-like force of the Republic. Although placed on the battlefield of the entire galaxy, these 3 million are very few, but if used in some key areas

If there is a breakthrough, it will be a terrifying force.

Not to mention that with the productivity of the Galactic Republic, the equipment of the clone army will undoubtedly be the best! Every soldier will be armed to the teeth! This is different from the Fourth Civilization, which has been constantly choosing between quantity and quality and having a headache.

In comparison, it is simply the difference between rich people and losers.

Because of the existence of hyperspace channels, this clone army can fight everywhere in a short period of time, destroying resistance in one theater after another.

Tang Xiao understood that in the Clone War in the original plot, this was how the Confederacy of Independent Systems started with a huge advantage in the early stage and then lost the war step by step.

Moreover, Lieutenant General Cheng Shitao also conducted a series of combat simulations. The simulation results are that if the Galactic Republic invests 300,000 to 500,000 clone troops on the Dawn Planet without considering space operations, then the resistance of the Fourth Civilization will be

will be destroyed.

Admiral Xian Hui told Tang Xiao that such a situation must be avoided. In other words, the Confederation of Independent Systems must be allowed to bear the main offensive of the Galactic Republic. Otherwise, with the size of the Fourth Civilization, it will simply not be able to withstand the Galactic Republic.

The full blow of the Republic!

The power gap in this war is so huge!

But... we must fight! And we must win!

This chapter has been completed!
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