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Chapter 497 Political Genius

497, political genius

Regarding her own assassination, Padmé Amidala also had her own judgment, "This assassination must have been carried out by Count Dooku. Just like a month ago, he hoped to bring fear to our Republic Assembly.


Master Windu on the side shook his head and said: "I think you have some misunderstanding about Count Dooku, Senator Amidala. Dooku was once a highly respected Jedi Knight. He may have joined politics, or he may not have the same political views as us.

, but he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Padmé frowned. She did not expect that Master Windu would actually excuse Count Dooku. On this occasion, she did not want to make Master Windu stand down in front of Master Yoda and Chancellor Palpatine, so

He just replied lightly, "Let's see."

At this moment, in a building where the Parliament Building can be seen from a distance, a bounty hunter wearing a full-body armor made of Mandalorian steel was talking on the phone. Count Dooku's name was projected in the holographic projection of the communicator.


"The assassination failed. The bomb I placed on the tarmac did not kill Padmé, but her substitute." This man was Jango Fett, the most outstanding bounty hunter in the galaxy.

"Don't let this matter drag on for too long. It's just a young woman. There's nothing difficult about it. Kill her as soon as possible so that we can sign an agreement with the Trade Federation." Count Dooku said.

"I have already arranged my back-up, and bounty hunter Zam Wither will take the next step. Padmé, I won't see the sun tomorrow." Jango Fett replied.

"Go ahead, I will use some connections on Coruscant to make things more confusing and create some opportunities for you." Count Dooku waved his hand and cut off the communication.

Soon, the news that Padmé Amidala, a member of the Naboo planet, was assassinated on the tarmac of the Capitol Building of the Galactic Republic spread throughout Coruscant. Major media rushed to report it, and even appeared on the Internet.

There are various versions of Padmé Amidala's obituary.

For a time, the fear of war once again enveloped everyone's mind.

At the same time, the meeting in the Galactic Parliament did not stop. After Palpatine announced that Senator Amidala had been assassinated and directly used the power of the Speaker to delay the vote until the next day, he hurriedly left,

Went for emergency consultations with the Jedi Order.

But those congressmen who were already gearing up to show off their strengths and achieve their own political goals on this "Military Creation Bill" did not stop. They were still quarreling in the parliament.

Some pre-arranged demonstration teams from various factions have also reached the vicinity of the Parliament Building. They held up their own slogans and cursed at other parade teams. However, with the support of a large number of military police, things did not get out of control.

Asik-Ak, the parliamentary assistant of Malastar Planet, shouted loudly, because the death of Senator Amidala further illustrates the necessity of the "Military Creation Act", otherwise such assassinations will happen again and again.

Under such circumstances, those opposition members could only remain silent because they themselves were afraid of being assassinated.

At this moment, Speaker Palpatine returned to the venue again, and he once again became the focus of everyone's attention. He opened his hands and said loudly: "No matter how difficult it is, the purpose of our parliament is still to promote peace.

!I emphasize once again that the purpose of the Military Creation Act is not for war, but for peace!"

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, he did not clarify to the members whether Representative Amidala was still alive.

At this time, the pro-military congressman, Senator Candabrin-Boo from the planet Lansono, stood up and publicly accused Speaker Palpatine, "Your Excellency, Speaker, you directly announced the postponement of the vote before, which has exceeded your authority! You must

Explain this!"

"I have already said that the purpose of the Republic Council is fairness and justice, and in the case of security threats, postponing the vote is a normal procedure." Palpatine replied with a smile.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the entrance of the parliament venue, "I support your point of view on this matter, Speaker Palpatine."

Everyone immediately looked over and discovered that it was Padmé Amidala, who was rumored to have been assassinated! The entire parliament hall fell silent.

Amidala rode the anti-gravity platform to the center of the venue. She first exchanged glances with her partner who held the same position, Bail Organa, a member of the Alderaan planet, and the latter nodded to the press officer on the side. News

The officer understood and flew a photography drone, aiming it at Amidala.

This means that Padmé Amidala's next speech will be a public speech and will be sent to all major media in the galaxy.

Palpatine had some bad premonitions, but because Padmé's behavior was reasonable and legal, he couldn't force the termination. Moreover, Padmé put a high hat on him as soon as he came in, but instead let him

Unable to step down, there was no way to stop Padmé's behavior at this time.

In front of many congressmen and the public camera lens, Amidala showed no stage fright at all and said loudly: "As you can see, I did not die in the assassination! And this assassination also exposed those who opposed

The fear in the hearts of people with my political stance! It is precisely because of my existence that they can’t wait to take extreme actions, but I am fearless..."

She talked to the camera and took full advantage of the impact of the assassination. She blamed Count Dooku, blamed the separatists, and blamed all the political opponents who wanted to pass the Military Creation Act for the assassination.

Put the hat on their heads.

This speech was unexpected by Sheev Palpatine. He had no idea that just now he was in his office and was unhappy with the Jedi Order because of the assassination. In the end, he insisted that the assassination was caused by Count Dooku.

Why did Padmé Amidala turn the blame for the assassination on her political opponents!

You must know that Padmé Amidala's political opponents include his own supporters such as the 'Loyalty Council'. Padmé's statement has actually put Palpatine's own political power on fire.


This once again casts a shadow on the already finalized Military Creation Act.

Padmé Amidala was still talking to the camera, and at this time, although Chancellor Palpatine still had a smile on his face, he secretly clenched his fists and was extremely angry.

Padmé Amidala is indeed an idealist with a sense of justice, but on the other hand, she is still a very good political genius!

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