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Chapter 499: Dry wood and fierce fire

499, dry firewood

The voice calling her was very low, so no one else noticed it, but it still startled Padmé Amidala. She turned around suddenly and saw a woman with short hair.

call her.

"Mina Bonteri? How did you..." Padmé recognized this person immediately.

Mina Bonteri, a councilor from the planet Onderon, she once lived and taught on the planet Naboo for a period of time. Padmé Nabeli, who was studying law at that time, was her student, and they also established a

Have a good relationship.

But later, because the planet Onderon was getting closer and closer to the separatist movement, in order to avoid suspicion, the two of them also severed contact. Now, Padmé really did not expect to meet Mina Bonteri here.

And now it's really surprising to see her on this refugee ship.

They are said to be refugees, but in fact most of them are people from outer-ring planets who took spaceships to leave the areas controlled by the Republic and return to their hometowns. Because now the smell of war between the Republic and the separatists is getting stronger and stronger, so it is a personal matter.

Knowing that war is imminent, those who go to areas controlled by the Republic to do business or go to work are preparing to go home, fearing that they will become victims of the war.

Therefore, in the past six months or so, the passenger flights between the outer ring and the inner ring have been full every day, and every day they are crowded with people who had to give up their careers and return to their hometowns because of the war.

"Actually, we have also begun to evacuate." Mina replied while looking around, then pulled Padmé to an inconspicuous corner.

"Evacuate? You mean those separations..." Padmé stopped mid-sentence. She felt that it was not polite to mention this word in front of her friend and teacher.

"Yes, separatism. It's us planets that support separatism." After confirming that the surroundings were safe, Mina said openly, "Because of the Military Creation Act, we see that the Republic seems to really want to

There's a war, so we have to go home."

"But... it's not over yet!" Padme lowered her voice and said, "We are thinking of ways to make sure this bill is not passed!"

"But even you were forced to leave Coruscant, weren't you?" Mina asked in return.

"No...this kind of thing..." Padmé wanted to refute, but she didn't know where to start.

"Listen to me, Chancellor Padmé Palpatine is the one who really wants to start a war." Mina said earnestly, "Frank has told us about this matter more than once, and it was he who gave us the

It gave us the strength to continue fighting in Parliament, otherwise I would have wanted to leave two years ago."

"No...although the Speaker is sometimes hesitant, he will never want war. He has had countless opportunities to push the Republic into war, but every time he personally pulled the Republic out of the abyss of war.

Come back." Padmé said.

"There are many things that you can't see in Coruscant..." Mina Bontri sighed and did not try to convince Padmé. "Goodbye Padmé, I just don't know if we will meet again next time.

What an occasion...sigh..."

After saying that, she carried her suitcase and got back into the crowded crowd in the cabin without looking back, and disappeared.

Padmé wanted to say something else, but Anakin beside her grabbed her cattails and pulled her back to the wall. Then he stood up and blocked her with his body.

"Be careful, Padmé. Someone is looking for you. That person just now did help you." Anakin said calmly.

Padmé Amidala looked over and found that there were several people in casual clothes looking around, as if they were looking for something. But when they looked here, they didn't seem to see anything.


"Don't worry, I will protect you. This is my promise." Anakin said confidently.

"Those people just now..."

"That's right, I used the Force to make them unable to see anything."

Only then did Padmé Amidala realize that her hand was being held by Anakin, and she quickly shook it off, as if she had been electrocuted.

Anakin rubbed his fingers without leaving a trace, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, a man with an expression as if someone owed him a million came over and asked Mina, "Who were you talking to just now?"

"Oh, it's a former student of mine, named... Susan." Mina Bontry smiled.

The man nodded and said seriously: "Please be careful and don't talk to people casually. After all, we don't know whether the Republic will attack us. Palpatine is a man with different appearances. He is secretly

Nothing is unexpected. But please rest assured that our Military Intelligence Department will do our best to protect you from Coruscant."

Mina smiled reluctantly, "Okay, thank you for your protection."

"In addition, if you see Padmé Amidala, remember to report it. There is an extremely dangerous Jedi following her, and she must be captured." The man added.

Mina said: "Don't worry, if I see her, I will report it to you immediately."

After saying that, she frowned and thought about it, "Dangerous Jedi?"

Like other people on the outer planets, she had no good impressions of the Jedi Order, so she really began to worry about Padmé's safety. But she thought about it carefully and remembered that there was really no one else around Padmé just now, she just

I was alone. So I shook my head in relief and found a relatively spacious place to sit on my luggage.

Anakin Skywalker accompanied Padmé Amidala back to the planet Naboo. Padmé did not appear in public because another of her handmaidens was playing her role on Coruscant.

So during this period of time, Padmé simply let go of everything and returned to her hometown to live with Anakin Skywalker.

When Anakin Skywalker first met Padmé 10 years ago, he regarded her as the most beautiful angel in the world. At that time, Padmé left an indelible impression on Anakin's heart.

Therefore, after 10 years of separation, he, who had already begun to fall in love, finally couldn't hold back his inner emotions and vented all the fire in the past 10 years.

He began to pursue Padmé crazily.

And Padmé also fell in love with this sunny, handsome, brave and decisive boy at first sight. Although she has been busy running around as a queen and a council member for 10 years, she no longer has much impression of Anakin when she was a child, but she has

It doesn't stop her from being tempted by Anakin as a woman now.

A young, powerful and confused Jedi Knight came together with an equally young and beautiful Congressman, like a raging fire.

At this moment, all the precepts of the Jedi, the Constitution of the Republic, any identity barriers, and age differences were all thrown away.

Separatism, republics, wars, parliaments, and military bills were all completely forgotten.

At this moment, the young couple who had just fallen in love were just madly in love. They were enjoying the precious world of two people in this troubled world and enjoying love.

This chapter has been completed!
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