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Chapter 512 The Battle of Geonosis (2)

512, Battle of Geonosis (2)

"That's right! Darth Sidious is the name of this great Sith Lord! The Galactic Republic has been decayed and rigid for a long time. This is when the Republic is at its weakest. If we don't destroy the Republic at this time,

How long will it take for us to rule the galaxy?" Count Dooku opened his hands and said, "Darth Sidious has been planning for this great cause for decades, and now we are the leaders of this great plan.


On the other side of the conference table, San Hill, co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, cast a searching look at Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao just smiled and shook his head.

Thornhill understood, lowered his head and stopped talking.

At this time, Tang Xiao asked: "Did you just say that this great Sith Lord occupies a high position in the Republic?"

"That's right! It's precisely because of this that he can cooperate with us inside and outside to destroy the rule of this republic." Count Dooku said, and Tang Xiao also understood that he really thought so.

"In that case, why are all of us here participating, and not Quart, Rendili, or Corellia?" Tang Xiao asked in return. He pointed to the other people present and said, "Then I

To put it more bluntly, do you think there is any difference between us, the Trade Federation, the Interstellar Banking Association, and the Corporate Alliance, and Quater and Rendily?"

This question was very pointed, and several other people also frowned and looked at Count Dooku.

"Because they are the ruling core of the Republic, they are the Republic itself, and it is impossible to overthrow itself! What we have to do is to unite all forces, overthrow these vested interest groups, and then establish a powerful new

Order!" Count Dooku said.

Tang Xiao didn't want to argue with Count Dooku. He just wanted to put this issue in the open. Now that his goal was achieved, he nodded and stopped talking.

Newt Gunray, Governor of the Trade Federation, said: "Darth Sidious planned the robot riot at the Eriadu Business Summit. This incident also showed that he has great powers in the Galactic Republic, and his hands and eyes are all-powerful.

It is precisely because of this that I am willing to join his plan. I believe you are the same, right? Governor Tang Xiao."

Tang Xiao had long noticed the fear deep in Newt Gunray's eyes, and he knew that Newt Gunray was really scared.

Because Newt Gunray felt extremely frightened after the Battle of Naboo. He once went to Count Dooku and told him about Darth Sidious, hoping that Count Dooku could inform him of this matter.

Jedi Order.

But now Count Dooku says that he is Darth Sidious's apprentice?! How could this not frighten Newt Gunray?

Tang Xiao gave Newt Gunray a bright smile and said: "Of course, the power of Darth Sidious is indeed terrifying. But compared to this, I care more about

Yes, which high-ranking official of the Republic is Darth Sidious? Senator Bail Organa from the planet Altilan? Senator Orn Free-Tower from the planet Rynos?"

"When the time is right, we will naturally meet Darth Sidious himself. And now, what I am about to show you is the power given to us by this great Sith Lord!" Count Dooku finished.

, nodded towards the Grand Duke Bogle.

Bogle-Inferior took out a memory and projected the contents directly onto the huge holographic projection in the middle of the conference table.

The projection of a spherical interstellar base appeared in front of everyone! And on the equatorial part of this planet-like interstellar base was a very obvious trench, and in a conspicuous position of the interstellar base, there was a huge dish-shaped device.

Around the projection, countless data and exploded views scrolled, indicating that the design of this super weapon had been completed and was just waiting to start construction.

Seeing this design, not only the other people present, but also Tang Xiao's heart beat violently! There is no doubt that this thing is one of the most terrifying weapons in "Star Wars" - the Death Star


Count Dooku said: "What you see is the DS-1 platform, a super giant combat satellite with a diameter of 120 kilometers. When it is completed, it will have the power to directly destroy any planet, and no planetary shield can withstand it.

!This is the guarantee of our victory! This is the proof of Darth Sidious’s supreme power!”

"Building this thing will crush our finances," Tang Xiao said.

"Think of the day when the Republic will kneel down and beg for mercy in front of this super weapon! All investments will be rewarded," Count Dooku said.

Others began to whisper among themselves, obviously shocked by this super weapon.

At this moment, the alarm sounded again. Grand Duke Bogle looked at the communication, jumped up, and said angrily: "Those Jedi are destroying our orbital defense cannon!"

"They are preparing for the arrival of the fleet! We have been discovered, everything is over!" Newt Gunray's adjutant, Rune Harkou, covered his head and said in horror.

"We are not scared by a mere 200 Jedi." Count Dooku said coldly, "General Grievous! Let the fleet enter the atmosphere of the planet Geonosis and destroy those Jedi!"

In the communication, General Grievous said: "The Jedi are attacking the orbital defense cannon, which means that they will have a fleet coming later! I can't let the fleet leave the outer orbit! Let the Sabos Chapter go down!"

"The command of the fleet will be left to you." After Count Dooku finished speaking, he touched his snow-white beard and said: "This is also a good opportunity to lure those Jedi Knights over and annihilate them all... The Jedi Knights are so large.

It's not common for them to be dispatched. Have the two Jedi Knights in the factory been caught?"

"They were blocked in the workshop by the Destroyer robot. They have surrendered. We are bringing them over and locking them in the dungeon." Bogle-Inferior said.

At the same time, the three Sabos destroyers of the Sabos Chapter descended from the sky and entered the atmosphere of the planet Geonosis. They went directly to the orbital defense cannon that was attacked by the Jedi fleet, and started fighting with the Jedi fighter jets.

Moreover, a large number of Nantex-type fighter jets also took off from the hidden airports on the planet Geonosis, rushing towards them in a dark force.

In the atmospheric environment, the Jedi fighter jets could not fly at the exaggerated speed in the cosmic environment, but correspondingly, the warships of the Sabos Chapter did not dare to open fire unscrupulously. Master Windu saw the opportunity and ordered Jedi Master Adi-Ga

Leah leads a detachment of Jedi fighters to focus on attacking the Sabos Chapter's warships!

At this time, Count Dooku, accompanied by Bogle-Inferior, arrived in the dungeon below the main lair, followed by Tang Xiao, Newt Gunray, and Thorn Hill.

Only Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were seen being locked in the middle of the dungeon by a laser force field, unable to move.

"Long time no see, Governor of Dawn Planet. It's a pity that we helped the wrong person back then." Obi-Wan Kenobi looked at Tang Xiao and said.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Death Star design drawings from the Geonosis Conference.]

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