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Chapter 515: Battle of Geonosis (5)

515, Battle of Geonosis (5)

At this moment, Master Yoda, who was standing there with his cane on the bridge of the Indomitable battleship and said nothing, suddenly opened his eyes and turned to Mabel Garson.

: "Approaching, huge danger."

Mabel Garson was stunned, but out of trust in the Jedi and Master Yoda, he asked: "Master Yoda, do the Separatists still have reinforcements?"

"Hmm..." Master Yoda nodded, thought for a moment and said: "Land on the planet and start as soon as possible. No fighting, loaded with soldiers."

Mabel Garson nodded and immediately gave the order, "The landing team gets rid of the entanglement, enters the atmosphere immediately, and launches the attack as planned!"

The 12 Cheer-class assault landing ships loaded with clone troopers immediately gave up the fight and flew towards the atmosphere of the planet Geonosis.

When a huge spacecraft passes through the atmosphere, the surrounding air is squeezed and friction begins to burn, making it look like the clouds in the sky are ignited.

According to prior scanning and planning, 12 Cheer-class assault landing ships will focus on attacking the assembly points in the eastern hemisphere of the planet Geonosis.

After the warship entered the atmosphere, it immediately carried out violent bombing of ground targets. At the same time, a large number of V-19 Torrent fighter jets took off to seize air superiority.

The defense force of the Geonosian planet also immediately took off a large number of fighter jets to attack, but the Republic's fighter jets relied on the powerful firepower of the Cheer-class assault landing ship to easily destroy the Geonosian air force.

General Grievous cursed Trabo in the communication, but it was still to no avail. The 10 Generosity-class frigates in the hands of this mediocre man were completely entangled by the 7 Cheer-class assault landing ships, and he did not dare to break away easily.

Fighting, worried about causing losses, can only continue to stalemate.

But the Geonosians still organized a large number of ground troops. Countless anti-aircraft turrets were raised from their hiding places and fired wildly at the Cheer-class in the sky. Even if the three orbital defense cannons were destroyed, they

There is still enough firepower to prevent the Republic fleet from flying directly over them and blowing them to pieces.

After that, the 12 Cheer-class assault landing ships began to fly a large number of LAAT low altitude assault transport aircraft (Low Altitude Assault Transport). There are two types of assault transport aircraft. The larger one is the LAAT/C type, which is 28.82 meters long.

, the abdomen is empty and has only one pylon, which can be used to transport large mechanical equipment.

The other type is the LAAT/I type, which is relatively small, 17.4 meters long and 17 meters wide. The belly is a spacious cockpit that can carry 30 soldiers.

Moreover, this assault transport aircraft has powerful firepower, and it can be said to be armed to the teeth. It is equipped with three scattering laser cannons, two in front and one in the back, two spherical beam laser turrets on the left and one on the right, and two missile launchers above.

It has 30 rounds of ammunition and 4 air-to-air missiles installed under the wings.

These LAAT assault transport aircraft were fully loaded with personnel and equipment and took off from the hangar of the Cheer-class assault landing ship. After a burst of bombardment on the ground, they landed on the ground and dropped off the personnel and equipment, and then returned to the battleship to continue sending people off.

The well-trained clone soldiers stepped off the transport plane and immediately began to take up their positions, establishing landing positions, setting up command centers and artillery positions at all levels.

The surface of the planet Geonosis immediately fell into flames of war. The clone army of the Republic launched an attack on the main lair of Geonosis from 12 different directions. They immediately destroyed almost all the airports on the surface of the planet and cut off all areas of the planet.

The connection between the areas formed a siege on the main nest.

Not to be outdone, the Geonosians assembled an army of 1.1 million B-1 combat droids and launched a counterattack in their direction while the clone army was still making landing deployments.

Master Yoda also took one of the LAAT/I transport planes to the ground, and gathered dozens of transport planes to fly directly to the direction of the arena, preparing to rescue Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and respond

Master Windu is still fighting in the underground factory.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in space!

On the Republic flagship Indomitable, tactical advisor Mabel Garson received an emergency communication from the Majestic battleship fighting in space, "Colonel! We have detected a hyperspace jump signal! It belongs to a large battleship!"

"Impossible!! The information given by the Intelligence Department is that the separatist fleet is basically stationed! Where can they get more fleets?!" Mabel Garson was shocked.

"I don't know, maybe the intelligence is wrong, maybe it's separatism or other unknown forces." The captain of the Majestic said.

Mabel Garson's eyes became serious.

In fact, no matter how the politicians quarreled in the parliament and discussed the "Military Creation Act" over and over again but failed to pass it, the military of the Republic was not idle.

As the atmosphere of war became stronger and stronger, the Strategic Command of the Republic also started intelligence work very early. Because the two sides were originally one family, the flow of personnel was very complicated, so in fact, what shipyards did the two sides have and how many spaceships were built?

The information is basically available.

The same goes for the Fourth Civilization itself. Their several peripheral industrial bases have more or less informants who provide intelligence to the Republic. This is impossible to prevent. But the only thing they have better is the star ring of Dawn Planet.

Because the cohesion of the Fourth Civilization can be said to be second to none in the entire galaxy, the Republic does not have very clear information about the Dawn Planet itself.

Of course, as the war officially breaks out, it will become more and more difficult for the warring parties to infiltrate each other. At this time, intelligence can basically only be obtained on the front line.

Currently, according to the information from the Republic Intelligence Department, most of the Separatist fleet is staying at the station and not taking action, and several monitoring stations on the main hyperspace channels have not sent any signals of large-scale hyperspace jumps. At this time, where?

The coming fleet?

But he couldn't wait to continue thinking. A large-scale white light flashed outside the gravity well of the planet Geonosis, and then 15 large battleships appeared!

This kind of warship is 1,100 meters long, long in strip shape, some have big heads and small bodies, and the four large laser cannons at the front are very conspicuous. Seeing these warships appearing on the screen, Mabel Garson's eyes were dazzled, "This is... Dawn

The new separatist warship built on the planet Semels, the Cole-class battlecruiser! Bastard! Where did they get out of here!"

At this time, a signal was connected to the public channel, and a heroic Chiss female general wearing a white general's uniform, high leather boots, blue skin, red eyes, and wavy hair appeared on the screen.

She crossed her legs and looked here jokingly, "Oh? Unprepared? Is this the level of a commander of the Galactic Republic fleet? Not as good as a freshman at our Naval Academy."

Mabel Garson gritted her teeth and said: "Separatist bastard! We'll see!"

"Hahahaha! Did your hyperspace outpost only detect the main channels? For me, who has been fighting in what you call the 'unknown star field' for a long time, no matter how complicated the hyperspace channel is, it is a smooth road. It seems that you also

They are just a bunch of mediocre people who only know how to read." The female general laughed, "Remember my name before you die! Severance Tann, this will be a nightmare for the Galactic Republic!"

There was a click, and the communication was cut off. At the same time, the four heavy laser cannons at the front of the 15 Cole-class battlecruisers lit up with a burst of dazzling energy, and then a full 60 laser beams were irradiated into the melee with the Confederate fleet.

The Cheer class assaults the landing ship.

"The Akon was attacked by a laser! It was confirmed to be an X-band laser!"

"The shield power is reduced by 20%, quick! Turn! Turn!!" The Republic warship under attack suddenly became a mess.

Mabel Garson quickly said loudly: "Every ship reorganizes its formation and gets out of the battle! Repeat! Get out of the battle!"

At the same time, Master Yoda's voice also came from the communication, "Support the space battlefield, as soon as possible after completing the landing."

"Yes! Inform the landing troops to drop all troops and return to space immediately!" Mabel Garson immediately gave the order.

However, saying this is easier said than done! Each Cheer-class assault landing ship carries 16,000 clone soldiers and corresponding equipment, a total of 200,000 troops! They carry a total of 1,000 LAAT/I transport aircraft and 400 LAAT/

C transport plane needs to make many trips back and forth before it can drop off all the people.

At this moment, in space, there are only 7 Cheer-class assault landing ships fighting with the 10 Generosity-class frigates and 15 Cole-class battlecruisers!

Severance Tann's ability to capture fighter jets is absolutely top notch!

At the same time, Severance Tann also connected to the communication of Admiral Trabo, the commander of the Confederacy. She almost pointed her nose at him and said arrogantly: "Stop your stupid command!

Give me command of your warships—if you don't want to be court-martialed for wasting your chance."

"No... you have no right to do this..." Trabo still wanted to protest, "I belong to Governor Newt Gunray..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was strangled by a force that appeared out of thin air! Severance Tann raised her hand and shook it in the air. Trabo immediately started to struggle, his eyes filled with fear.

"I said, give me the command of your fleet. Idiots are not qualified to command the fleet." Severance Tann said coldly.

After speaking, she raised her hand and waved, and Trabo was immediately thrown aside by an invisible force.

This time he did not dare to disobey and quickly handed over the identification code and authority to Severance Tann.

Severance Tann said coldly: "I am your commander now. Send the status of each ship immediately and prepare to listen to my next order."

"Yes...yes..." The captains of the Generosity-class communication frigates had already been shocked by Tann's momentum, and quickly asked the T-series tactical robots equipped beside them to report the situation of their respective warships.

Severance Tann looked at the status of each Generous class frigate on the screen, and saw that the shields of these warships had suffered shield damage ranging from 30 to 70%, but none of them had shield damage.

was penetrated.

This was also caused by the previous chaos. In fact, the two warring parties were fighting randomly. Mabel Garson's purpose was just to entangle Trabo's fleet and create opportunities for them to land, so she took the initiative to turn the battle into a chaotic battle.

This also makes the firepower of both sides very dispersed.

And Admiral Trabo is indeed an idiot. He was completely unprepared for this chaotic battle. He was completely unable to exert the firepower of the two heavy turbolaser cannons directly in front of the Generous class frigate. He just kept accompanying the Republic battleship in circles.


Therefore, although the two sides have been fighting for a while, neither side has made any achievements. This is a long time coming.

In fact, this also shows that in the early days of this war after thousands of years of peace, both sides, from officers to soldiers, were unfamiliar with war.

Severance Tann flicked her fingertips, and countless data passed through her mind, then filtered, reorganized, and determined the plan. Then she began to issue instructions...

"...give up the attack on the Republic Fang, Valiant and Borg battleships. Attacking them will only cause chaos in the formation."

"The Generosity-class ships No. 7, 9, and 10 abandoned their current targets and formed a temporary attack group. Their main guns aimed at the Republic Majestic battleship and fired three salvos."

"Ship No. 2 and Ship No. 6 of the Generosity class gave up the attack, retreated to regroup, and concentrated their firepower to drive away the Republic's fighter jets."

"The Generosity-class ship No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 spread out to both sides to give way to my Cole-class battlecruiser. At the same time, they divided into two combat groups and concentrated their firepower to attack the opponent Akon.


After a series of instructions, the actions of the 10 Generosity-class frigates of the Trabo fleet began to be coordinated and started to act very purposefully. The 10 warships were divided into four combat groups by her, and gave up attacking those deep formations, as if to disrupt the formation.

The several Cheer-class ships that were like shit sticks turned to concentrate their firepower to attack the warships located relatively outside.

In this way, the powerful frontal main gun of the Generous class frigate can finally be used.

After another salvo, the shield of the Akon battleship on the Republic side was immediately penetrated, followed by another salvo of 60 laser beams on the Cole-class battlecruiser here! The powerful energy immediately burned through

The armor of the Akon battleship, if it weren't for the Cheer-class armor, which was made by molecularizing the neutron star material and then collapsing between the metal molecular bonds, and possessing unimaginable strength, other ships would have fallen apart in this attack!

But even so, a series of concentrated attacks still caused heavy damage to the Akon. Smoke billowed from the rear half of the battleship, and flames continued to spurt out from the cabin, and then were instantly extinguished in the vacuum of space.

At this time, Severance Tann said to the T-series tactical robot beside her: "Have you calculated it? According to the rotation rate of the planet Geonosis."

"The calculation is completed and has been sent to your command terminal."

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Tann's mouth, "So, when will you come up? You mediocrity of the Republic..."


[Easter Egg Chapter Attached Picture 1: Geonosis landing battle, those aircraft are LAAT/I low-altitude assault transport aircraft.]

[Easter Egg Chapter Attached Picture 2: V-19 Riptide Fighter.]

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