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Chapter 606: The Battle of Christophersis (2)

606, Battle of Christophersis (2)

Christopher Sith planet, July 12, 800 kilometers east of Crystal City, transportation hub Kimberly City.

In the sky, a formation of vulture robot fighters flew by, and kept swooping down to aim at the target and bombard them indiscriminately. The Christopher Sith army could only hide under bridges or behind some solid buildings, and carefully poke their heads out to open fire.


However, on the main street of the city, the robot army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems is advancing unstoppably.

The huge body of the AAT armored assault tank moved forward slowly. In addition to the turret above, this tank, which is armed to the teeth, also has a large-caliber turbolaser cannon on the dragon racks on both sides, and six sets of rockets on the chassis.

Launcher. These tanks are firing while advancing. The robot army has no mercy. As long as they find someone in the building, they will immediately open fire until the building collapses.

There are also fearless Christopher Sith soldiers who want to quietly go over and blow up some tanks, but there are several B-1 combat robots standing on these AAT tanks who are always on alert. If anyone wants to get close, they will shoot directly.


A huge array composed of B-2 super combat robots and LR-57s marched directly into the middle of the road. The B-2s fired in front to suppress them, and the LR-57s fired at fixed points from behind.

The robot army is like this, with no cover and no tactics, just advance, fire, and destroy.

On a huge metal building more than 2,000 meters high in the center of the city, the battle has reached its final stage. The few remaining Christopher Sith troops are desperately resisting. The elevator has cut off the power supply. They block the stairs and keep firing at those who are walking along the stairs.

The robot climbs up layer by layer.

The resistance was in vain. After the last resisting soldier was killed, a Croydonian with dark blue skin and habitually narrowed eyes came to the control center of the building. He was Worm-Lotham.

, a famous Croydon general. The yellow general uniform on his body represents his growth from a civilian official to a general.

In the Confederation of Independent Systems where excellent commanders are scarce, generals like Worm-Lotham are among the very few capable generals.

Worm-Lotham came to the console, cleared his throat with a dry cough, and then said in an extremely unpleasant voice: "People of the planet Christophsis, what you are hearing now is the voice from the Confederation of Independent Systems.

This planet now belongs to us, to the Confederation of Independent Systems. As you hear this sound, it means that the communication center of the planet has been controlled by us. The battle is about to end. Your leaders have abandoned you. They have taken their own

Wealth to escape, and leave you alone to face our powerful and ruthless army..."

[…Now, this planet no longer belongs to the Galactic Republic, and you are no longer bound by the laws of the Republic. Your planet’s resources will be managed by us, and we will fight for your independence and freedom. Please do not resist

our work and actions, and remain vigilant against reprisals by republican elements...】

Looking at the triumphant Worm-Lotham on the holographic screen, Prime Minister Modisei of the planet Christophsis frantically contacted the commanders of various theaters, and there were fewer and fewer commanders who could still keep in touch with him, which brought about

It's all bad news.

He finally gave up and fell to the ground with his head in his hands, "It's over...it's all over..."

A generous hand was placed on his shoulder, and Bail Organa's heavy voice came, "We can't give up hope! The 35 billion people on the planet Christophsis are still waiting for us! As long as we work together, we can definitely defeat

Of the invaders!”

Mortimer didn't care about this anymore. He slapped Bail Organa's hand away, pointed at his nose and cursed loudly: "It's all your fault! Why don't your army come to support! Your fleet.

Woolen cloth?!"

Bail Organa finally couldn't help but snarled at him, "It was you who rejected the Republic's request to garrison troops before!"

But Modise couldn't listen at all. He continued to curse, "Everyone of you is staring at the crystal on our planet Christophsis, and you are all staring at my money! Your republic and separatism are the same thing, you

They just know how to make us pay for it! Pay for it! Pay for it!"

"Enough!" Bail Organa said loudly: "Now we must shrink the defense line, concentrate the remaining troops to defend the core city, and organize the residents to evacuate! Then mobilize the people, organize militia groups, and do their best to resist the robot army.

Move forward and wait for reinforcements from the Republic!"

He glanced at Modisei, who was still incompetent and furious, sighed, and said: "My special envoy still has 500 clone soldiers. I will lead them to the eastern suburbs of Crystal City to delay the separatist army as much as possible.

Footsteps, that's where their main force is. You should organize the next defense as soon as possible."

Back to 3 days ago, when the dispute on the planet Christophsis was intensifying, on the other side of the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, master and apprentice, had led a small force.

The army tracked the Dark Reaper's whereabouts all the way.

Through the ability taught by Ulic Quil-Droma, Anakin Skywalker has been able to sense the energy of the Dark Reaper, which is like boundless darkness. At the same time, he also feels that this power is tempting him to fall all the time.

In the end, he tracked the Dark Reaper to the planet Thule. Impulsively, he ignored Obi-Wan Kenobi's obstruction and led his army to directly attack the satellite Sivvi, where Thule's planetary shield was located.

However, his army was defeated, and he could only hide alone under the pursuit of countless robots on the Xiwei satellite.

On the one hand, Obi-Wan Kenobi asked the Republic for help, and on the other hand, he also began to think of ways to rescue Anakin Skywalker, because there was no food and water on the Xiwei satellite. If he continued, Anakin Skywalker would

Jin has only one way to die.

But he no longer has enough military power to attack Xiwei. Count Dooku has deployed heavy troops on the planet Thule and is preparing to activate the Dark Reaper here.

Meanwhile, Coruscant, level 476 underground.

In a neighborhood filled with crime, spice smuggling, red light districts, casinos... all kinds of illegal transactions are everywhere. The dark streets are often visited by crooked gamblers and drunkards. They have no future and no hope.

I will think about my future.

A drunk man was carrying a bottle of low-quality wine and was walking by singing. However, there was nothing in the middle of the road, but he seemed to have hit something and was bounced away. But under the anesthesia of alcohol, he just

He got up again, shook his head and walked away.

He also failed to notice that when he was bounced away just now, the scenery within 5 meters around him seemed to tremble for a moment, and then returned to normal.

A mouse crept over from the corner of the wall, but when it entered this area, it suddenly disappeared. After a while, it crawled out from the other end of this strange space, as if nothing happened.

"Concentrate, sister, if the dream you gave me is wrong, then I won't be able to create the right illusion." A small voice came out of thin air, as if a girl was speaking. The voice was very pleasant, but it seemed that

No one is anywhere to be seen.

"That person just now stinks too much, I have to push him further away." Another girl's voice came.

"Okay, hurry up. The master just asked us to investigate spice smuggling activities. We should get back to her in 30 minutes."

"It's okay, I have stabilized the dream again."

"Oh~~ let's get started, connect to the Governor's communication... and then see what interesting things he will let us do? Ah, sister, did you not mute the sound?"

"...I was negligent..." Following the girl's voice, the surroundings fell into silence again, with only the drunken man's walking footsteps still echoing.

This chapter has been completed!
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