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Chapter 651: Operation Trojan Horse

651,Operation Trojan Horse

"Requesting support! Requesting support! We are surrounded!"

"Attention! The enemy has a mysterious black force. They are extremely powerful and are infiltrating inside!"

"Why is the P-3 artillery position firing on our own people!?"

"Separatist fighter jets are attacking our warships!"

Listening to the chaotic sounds in the command channel, the clone team commander, Sergeant CI-3331, nicknamed Slick, smiled coldly and closed the communication. He knew that the time had come.

Seeing him stop, a clone soldier next to him asked doubtfully: "Sergeant, what's wrong?"

"The situation has changed. In addition to the monsters that the separatists have invested, other troops have infiltrated in. We just received the communication. The area we are responsible for is completed by other teams, and now we need to ensure the safety of the communication center."

Hua Tou said.

The clone trooper did not doubt his presence, nodded and said nothing.

This clone team of more than 50 people turned around and headed towards the high tower of the Crystal City Communication Center. Along the way, they passed the defense lines of several local Christopher Sith troops. These local troops had long been frightened by the war.

How dare you, when you see the clone troopers coming, you let them go without asking anything.

Entering the huge communication tower, Hua Tou ordered: "There is intelligence that a crowd of living dead is gathering in the direction of the south street. You should organize local soldiers to set up defenses on the south side as soon as possible. We cannot let these living dead destroy our communication facilities!"

"Yes!" The clone soldiers immediately responded with a salute, and then led a group of people over to greet the local soldiers to start building a defense line.

Hua Tou himself led another small group of soldiers into the console inside the communication center. After looking around, a soldier asked doubtfully: "Is there nothing abnormal here? Why are we here?"

"Good soldiers follow orders. This is a battlefield where millions of people are fighting. We can't see the whole picture from our perspective. Therefore, I can't answer this question for you. I'm just asking.

Relay the superior's instructions." Hua Tou said in a deep voice.

"Okay, what you said does make sense." The clone trooper nodded and looked around again, "Then what should we do now?"

"Plug this into the host of the communication center, and then I will run a self-test program. If there is no problem, then you can focus on defending against the crowd of living dead in the south." The slick head took out a memory, shook it, and handed it to the soldier.

"Why didn't I know when you got this thing?" the soldier asked, weighing the device in his hand, which had a different shape from the general-purpose memory.

"Okay, the thing is in your hands, go ahead and do it. Don't let these chores bother me." Slippery waved his hand pretending not to care, and came to the console screen and pretended to start running the self-test program.

Seeing his appearance, the soldier gave up his doubts and walked to the host computer to insert the memory.

Hua Tou smiled coldly and entered a line of instructions on the console. The Trojan program stored in the memory immediately started to operate and quickly connected with the Trojan he had implanted at the Clone Army Command Center. The Trojan had been hidden all this time.

was activated immediately.

But he just pretended to check it, and then started the Trojan horse program, saying: "Okay, luckily the communication tower is fine. As long as the communication is open, we can still defeat me in this battle! Let's go, let's go to the perimeter defense too.


The other clone soldiers didn't doubt his presence, so they turned around and walked out the door.

However, as soon as they turned around, Hua Tou suddenly picked up the DC-15 blaster rifle in his hand and fired a burst of fire! All the unsuspecting clone soldiers were immediately knocked to the ground!

There was also a clone trooper who was not dead and was still struggling on the ground. He turned his head to look at Huatou and murmured: "Why...why...why?"

Hua Tou fired another shot without saying a word, then took off his helmet and threw it aside. He sneered and said, "You chose to die for the Jedi, but I chose to live well."

Then, he returned to the console, began to upload a video, and sent a message - [A large number of warships appeared on the planet Christophersis, confirmed to be the main fleet A of the Dawn Planet, requesting support!]

At this time, the Trojan horse virus of the Christopher Sith planet's communication network had unknowingly spread in the communication network of the Republic Army, and quickly took over the entire communication network, while the Galactic Republic Army, which was in the midst of a fierce battle, was unaware of it!

Because this Trojan didn't do too many actions, it just kept sending messages for help to the rear, about the sudden appearance of the main fleet of the Dawn Planet on the planet Christophersis!

At this time, because the Dawn Planet A fleet on the planet Bespin suddenly set off, the uneasy and uneasy Governor of the 19th Army, Suramar, also received the news that he absolutely did not want to hear——

The main fleet A of the Dawn Planet indeed appeared on the planet Christophersis!

Although Suramar had not made a decision during this day, it was not that he did nothing. On the one hand, he left the Dawn Planet A fleet from the Bespin planet and reported information on the planet Christophersis that might go there.

To the Galactic Republic Intelligence Headquarters on Coruscant, on the other hand, he withdrew part of the battleships defending the defense line on the planet Cal and transferred it to the planet Gerrenthum, which is another line of defense close to the planet Bespin.

His approach actually revealed his inner hesitation. On the surface, moving the fleet to the planet Glenson can have the best of both worlds. On the one hand, it can put pressure on the planet Bespin, and on the other hand, if the defense line of the planet Carl is really attacked

, then you can quickly return to defense.

But in fact, this behavior has no effect... except to give him some psychological comfort.

Suramar hoped that the information from his side would be sent to the Republic Intelligence Headquarters so that he could get more accurate information from the headquarters. Little did he know that the Intelligence Headquarters was also waiting for his first-hand information!

The Dawn Planet has deployed more than 50 large battleships on the Bespin planet. This is definitely something that needs to be focused on, because wherever these 50 large battleships appear, they will be a fatal threat!

At this time, the 19th Army on the front line reported that the Dawn Planet's fleet was heading to the Christopher Sith planet. This information was originally reported by Suramar for confirmation by the Intelligence Headquarters, but now it has become what the Intelligence Headquarters wanted.

s answer!

"The Governor of the 19th Army, Surama, was once a finance minister. The first thing he does not have is the determination and bravery of a soldier." At the military meeting of the Fourth Civilization a few days ago, Helmut Ze, the chief minister of the cabinet, said

Don't define Suramar as above.

"He is an official supported by a wealthy family in the core circle of the Galactic Republic. Almost every wealthy family in the core circle will support dozens or even hundreds of officials like him. Therefore, he has the most in his heart.

One of the emotions is..." Zemo stretched out his fingers and tapped on the table, "a sense of crisis."

He continued: "So, when faced with sudden changes, he will never react immediately, but will find ways to get assurances from higher-ups... This is a way of shifting responsibility, and perhaps in the officialdom

Very useful, but in a war..."

After the slicker sent out a false request for help, the Intelligence Headquarters under the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic also confirmed the news. An intelligence officer quickly came to the Minister of Intelligence and said, "Sir, the intelligence is confirmed! Dawn Planet A Fleet 50

Multiple battleships spanned more than half of the galaxy and suddenly appeared on the planet Christophsis!"

"Is the intelligence credible?"

"Confirmed without a doubt! The army on the planet Christophsis confirmed the news. At the same time, the 19th Army also confirmed that Bespin's Dawn Planet Fleet has headed to the direction of the planet Christophsis!"

"Report to the Strategic Command immediately!"

The intelligence was immediately sent to the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic, in front of the Chief of General Staff. After reading the intelligence, the Chief of General Staff looked gloomy and said sternly: "Tell this idiot Suramar! Such a huge fleet slipped under his nose.

Go, he must be responsible for this!"

"Then... now we should..." asked a staff officer next to him.

"The main enemy of the 19th Army is the Dawn Planet! Now more than half of the Dawn Planet's fleet has gone to the Christopher Sith planet! What do you think Suramar should do!" the Chief of General Staff yelled angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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