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Chapter 742 Super Soldier

742,Super Shock Soldier

Inner ring of the Milky Way, Manaan.

This is an isolated ocean planet that was noticed because it produced a drug called Corto. During the Sith War thousands of years ago, the planet Manaan became a battleground between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.

A battleground for war, and this planet also suffered serious damage during the war.

However, later on, as Bacta Liquid was discovered, Corto, which was less effective, was abandoned, and pharmaceutical companies in the Republic turned to planets that produced Bacta Liquid.

Therefore, the planet Manan was abandoned, and the Serkes, the original inhabitants of the planet, sneaked into the ancient city deep in the ocean to isolate themselves from the world.

Even now, in the cosmic space around the planet, you can still see a large number of relics left by the war thousands of years ago. The ruins of battleships, the ruins of space stations, and even dehydrated and dried corpses that were well preserved in the vacuum.

Because the location of Manan Planet has penetrated deep into the hinterland of the Republic's inner ring, and it is not a place where any large hyperspace channel passes, the transportation is not convenient, so there have been no garbage dealers. After all, they are too lazy to do it.

Some trash to deal with the Republic outposts everywhere in the Inner Rim Sector, as well as the endless questioning by the border guards.

But on this day, there was a trace of movement on the planet Manan.

After a fierce flash of white light, a huge battleship appeared in the space. This battleship did not have much painting on its body. It just maintained the original metallic color of the armor, coupled with the rough workmanship of many outer armors, giving people a

A sense of industrial roughness and an unpopular cold atmosphere.

What is even more frightening is the exaggerated size of this battleship.

14100 meters in length!

This size is now the largest battleship in the entire galaxy. Next down is the old Commander-class dreadnought of the Republic Navy, which is 8,000 meters long. Of course, the Commander-class is already a battleship of the previous era. If it is compared with this

If a battleship were to confront each other head-on, a conservative estimate should be that it could last for 61 seconds...

Well, 60 seconds is the main gun charging time.

There is no doubt that this super battleship is the most powerful battleship of the Fourth Civilization - the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship, the Plague!

On the somewhat compact bridge of the battleship, Severance Tann, the admiral of the Fourth Civilization, sat in the captain's position a little tiredly. A medical robot behind him was gently massaging with a mechanical arm, and using

Just the right amount of current stimulates her tired body and relaxes her.

Darth Lilim stood in the direction of the console and smiled coquettishly when he saw the picture returned by the sensor, "Hehehehe, what a coincidence. There are so many battleship wreckage here, it's great

Got it! Send out engineering ships immediately to push those metal garbage over!"

"Yes!" The adjutant on the side immediately saluted and responded.

"According to the comparison of database information, these wreckage should be left behind by the Sith war flagship thousands of years ago and are the battle fortresses of the Sith Empire." Another officer said.

Darth Lilim's eyes turned cold, "Isn't this great? Let the stupid Sith in the past take a good look at how the Republic should be destroyed! Process these wreckage into cannonballs and store them! Ask the response

The operator sent a signal and we will complete the supply within three days!"


Then, Darth Lilium twisted her waist, came to Severance Tann, looked at her and said calmly: "I didn't expect that you could actually lead the Plague."

Come to the inner ring of the Milky Way. This really makes me admire you..."

Severance Tann opened her eyes and snorted coldly, "With your poor wisdom, you naturally don't understand how I navigate the unpredictable hyperspace channels in my hometown."

Darth Lilim curled his lips, "This time you have made a contribution to the master's great cause, but I have to remind you that hyperspace... is not empty."

She stood condescendingly in front of Severance Tann, but there was indifference in her eyes, "If you directly use the Force to connect to hyperspace like this many times, you may be noticed by unknown beings. Even in the Jedi Knight

In the group, such an approach is also an absolute taboo. Except for Master Jolus Serbaos, no one else will be allowed to try this. Therefore, in order for you to live longer, I will do something for my master.

For better service, you’d better do less of this kind of thing.”

"You are just a fallen Jedi apprentice. Don't act like a master all day long. Take care of yourself first, idiot." Severance Tann retorted.

Darth-Lilim turned and walked away.

The Plague Titan battleship is hidden among the ruins of the war on the planet Manan. This place is only 4 seconds away from their target, the planet Cato-Neimoidia, which is very close. But similarly, in

There is no direct hyperspace channel connection between the two planets. If you want to get there, other than transferring to the hyperspace channel, you can only use the method that Severance Tann has used before, using the Force.

To navigate hyperspace navigation.

The engineering ship on the Plague began to work, transporting the surrounding wreckage to the Titan battleship, and then the smelting factory on the Plague would process the wreckage into huge projectiles that could be fired by the main gun.

In order to maintain absolute confidentiality on this voyage, and to better pass through complex hyperspace tributaries, the Plague did not carry the projectiles of the 500-meter-caliber super cannon. These sub-caliber projectiles with a diameter of 300 to 400 meters and a diameter of 5 to 20 meters

The total weight of the scattering projectiles is hundreds of millions of tons, which is also a very heavy burden.

In fact, this is also the reason why the Plague's maneuverability is very poor. Just as Darth Plagueis commented on the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship during his lifetime - this is not a particularly advanced battleship, just a civilization.

When facing a life-or-death situation, he devoted all his efforts to create a doomsday weapon, everything is extreme.

For this terrifying firepower, the Ragnarov class basically sacrificed everything that could be sacrificed. The only thing that can show superb shipbuilding technology is the materials, structure, and energy embodied in this huge ship.

The accumulation. Without the efforts of countless scientists and the baptism of countless wars, such a battleship would never have been built.

This is also the reason why Darth Plagueis has never connected the blueprint of this battleship with the Dawn Planet. On the contrary, he is more inclined to believe that it is the creation of an ancient civilization.

At the same time, several standard hours later, some transport ships controlled by robots arrived at the Manan planet and began to deliver various supplies to the Plague. In order to conceal their presence, these transport ships did not leave after their arrival, but hid together.

This chapter has been completed!
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