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Chapter 777 The battle situation is stalemate

777, the battle situation is deadlocked

In the Battle of Keeling Wasteland, the Fourth Civilization deployed 15,000 army soldiers and more than 15,000 combat robots to launch a determined attack on the Galactic Republic's defense line.

The Republic clone army here is the 118th Commando Regiment, with a total of 5,000 people, plus some 3,000 people from the local security forces on the planet Terminus.

Naturally, those local security forces collapsed at the first touch, but the resistance of the clone army was very tenacious. They arranged their defense lines in an orderly manner and blocked the advancement of the Fourth Civilization Army in most positions.

The combat quality of the Republic clone army is very strong. Even under the indiscriminate bombardment of siege tanks, they still remain calm and counterattack calmly with the help of pre-set positions.

With the fire support of a large number of AT-TE walkers, AT-XT walkers and AV-7 self-propelled artillery, the Republic's position is almost impregnable.

Moreover, the Republic continues to have an absolute advantage in the number of fighter jets on the battlefield. The Vulture robot fighter jets can only play a role in harassing the Republic's fighter jets. Only the Ghost fighter jets can still pose a fatal threat to the Republic's fighter jets.

But after all, the number of ghost fighters is small, and the duration of the stealth device is limited, and the time they can take off for combat is not much. Compared with the Galactic Republic, they have enough pilots and enough fighters to rotate.

This is also the biggest difficulty faced by the Fourth Civilization Army. They have to start attacking when the ghost fighters take off for combat. When the ghost fighters retreat, they can only stop the attack and organize defense on the spot.

The clone army seized this opportunity very keenly, and immediately launched a counterattack as soon as the Ghost fighter retreated.

The LAAT/I assault transport boats bombarded the Fourth Civilization Army indiscriminately, and the V-19 Torrent light fighters continued to swoop down and shoot.

At this time, the army of the Fourth Civilization can only rely on the Giant Mecha and the M-9 Wolverine anti-aircraft vehicle to resist. Fortunately, these two units have strong air defense capabilities. Otherwise, those brave warriors will be the same as those on other battlefields.

Like the Confederate Army of Independent Systems, they suffered heavy losses in the Republic's air raids.

However, the new Army Lieutenant General of the Fourth Civilization, the legendary tank general Dai Hongkui from "Command and Conquer: Generals" played a great role.

After taking office, he began to conduct rigorous training in the Fourth Civilization Armored Corps, practicing large-scale mixed-arms armored assault tactics. This armored assault tactics also played a great role. Under the command of frontline commander Xiao Guanghua,

The Fourth Civilization Armored Corps and Mechanized Infantry Division first carried out a concentrated assault, and then the relatively slow robots and mechas entered the position to expand the results.

This is actually an improvement of the blitzkrieg in World War II on a certain blue star, and it became popular again due to the emergence of reliable wheeled equipment in the "Halo" world and armored units equipped with suspension engines in the native world.


When the advancement of armored units no longer relied on roads or flat desert or plain terrain, blitzkrieg tactics became a powerful tactic again.

In contrast, the Republic's army, which has just lost its fighting tradition in more than a thousand years of distorted peace and is still in the stage of learning while fighting, is very unsuitable to such large-scale legion-level assault tactics.

You must know that even though the combat qualities of the clone soldiers are extremely high, their training is still outsourced to those excellent bounty hunters.

Naturally, bounty hunters who are all loners and good at individual combat cannot teach them these things.

The Battle of Keelin Wasteland became a turning point after Huang Yehao's company occupied Highland 1103 and established a powerful artillery position.

After several counterattacks, the Galactic Republic army found that they could not retake the high ground. They found that relying on this high ground, the firepower of the Fourth Civilization Army covered an area of ​​more than 50 kilometers around. In this area, the actions of the Republic Army will be greatly affected.

Impact, if they cannot close this gap of more than 50 kilometers, their flanks will be greatly threatened, and they may even be in danger of being encircled.

Therefore, the Republic's army continuously retreated for more than 150 kilometers, once again set up defenses on the outskirts of Fermos, the capital of the planet Terminus, and prepared for street fighting.

The Fourth Civilization also suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Keeling Wasteland, not only in terms of soldiers, but also in terms of combat supplies. They also had to stop and wait for the arrival of more supplies.

This is the focus of the battle between the two sides in the outer space of the planet.

In the battle in outer space, the fleets of both sides were evenly matched. The Galactic Republic had about 70 battleships, while the Fourth Civilization had more than 50. The two sides attacked each other many times, but each time the defending side had the advantage.

The Fourth Civilization was limited by hyperspace channels and had difficulty supplying. The Galactic Republic was unable to provide endless reinforcements, and the fleets of both sides began to enter a stalemate.

In the Confederacy of Independent Systems, General Grievous resumed his offensive. He began to organize troops to attack the Bothans' home planet, the planet Bosavi. In order to keep the Bothans, a very useful and highly civilized race, in the Republic, the 13th Army of the Republic immediately

Organize almost all fleets to defend with all their strength.

But this is only part of the story. Civil strife broke out on Mon Calamari, the Republic's largest shipbuilding industry planet in the Outer Rim Star Region. The Quarren, who were secretly allied with Count Dooku, rebelled and wanted to challenge the Mon Calamari who were loyal to the Galactic Republic.

There have been several conflicts between the two sides over the domination of the planet.

And Severance Tann led the Titan battleship Plague, and after rendezvousing with the Trade Federation fleet, he lifted the siege of the planet Cato-Neimoidia by the Second Army of the Republic, and completely annihilated the Republic's 7th Squadron.

And this huge fleet of 120 warships is approaching the Nubian planet, the headquarters of the 2nd Army.

Under such circumstances, no matter how good the relationship between 18th Army Governor Wilhuff Tarkin and Speaker Sheev Palpatine is, the Republic cannot continue to provide such uninterrupted reinforcements.

As a result, the battle on the planet Terminus fell into a stalemate, with both sides constantly dispatching fighter jets and light warships to harass the other side's supply lines.

Admiral Matt Horner of the Fourth Civilization also had his own plans. He began to build a large number of Gauss armed platforms and hangar platforms for defense near the hyperspace channel of the planet Manfa, and then occupied the planet Terminus.

One of the satellites began to build a huge mass launcher on the satellite.

Once this mass launcher is completed, the Fourth Civilization will be able to launch metal garbage directly from the satellite to bomb the planet Terminus. This can also be regarded as a redirected orbital bombing, but the destructive power is not so great.

It will cause species extinction and environmental damage on the planet.

This chapter has been completed!
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