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Chapter 795 Death Trap

795,death trap

Near the asteroid belt on the outskirts of the third planet in the Valk system, Jedi Knight Baloi and his troops rode an Aquitens-class light cruiser to the place where the signal was sent.

"General, the signal source is intermittent and seems to be weakening." A technical soldier said, "It is confirmed to be a severely damaged mining spacecraft. The spacecraft has been captured by the planet's gravity and is expected to be on the planet after 51 standard hours.


Baloyi looked at the image of the spacecraft displayed on the screen. This was a mining spacecraft produced by Corellian Engineering Company. The database showed that this was a model from more than 2,000 years ago, and judging from the serial number on the outside, the spacecraft had also been

It has a history of more than 560 years.

The spacecraft is about 400 meters long, has a huge cargo hold and three sets of mining equipment, and can accommodate more than 1,000 crew members and 250,000 tons of cargo.

But the spacecraft that now appears on the screen has great damage to the hull, especially in the middle of the hull. Something directly punched a big hole, and countless fragments are slowly circling around. The anti-gravity system and stability of the spacecraft

The system should also have been damaged and is now floating crookedly.

"General, according to the scan, there are 5 to 13 life signals on the spacecraft. Because the situation inside the spacecraft is complicated, the data is not accurate. In addition, the spacecraft's life-support device is leaking oxygen. It is estimated that those survivors will not survive for long." Clone.

The human commander came over and said.

"Go up and have a look, hoping to get some clues about the invaders from these survivors. We can't fight the shadows, we must expose these things to the sun!" Baloyi said decisively.

He put on simple protective equipment, then took 30 soldiers on a shuttle and flew towards the mining spacecraft.

Baloyi is a Jedi Knight. He has not yet grown into a Jedi Master to the extent that he can survive in space with the help of the Force. In fact, even a Jedi Master still needs at least a respirator to enter the vacuum of the universe.

[General, we cannot establish contact with this spacecraft, so we cannot go to the hangar or docking bay.] The clone commander said in the communication.

"It doesn't matter, let's go in through the gap in the spacecraft. I'll pilot it." Baloyi's last words were to the pilot.

He took over the driving of the spacecraft, then unfolded his force power, sensed everything around him, controlled the spacecraft to carefully avoid the floating debris around, and then flew in through the blasted hole in the spacecraft with great accuracy.

The shuttle door opened, and the clone soldiers relied on jet packs to fly toward the interior of the spacecraft. This jet pack is standard equipment for combat in a gravity-free environment and cannot be used in a gravity environment.

Baloyi jumped out of the hatch. He didn't need a jetpack. He only used the force to pull things around him, and then he could move freely in this space.

They moved forward along the gap in the spacecraft. Along the way, there were broken pieces everywhere, as well as ores that had been blasted out of the cargo hold.

"General! There are corpses here!" a clone trooper greeted.

Baloyi flew over under the force of the force, and sure enough he saw the body of a crew member floating among a pile of debris. He looked carefully and found that the body was hit in the back, and the entire hit area was burned.

It became a big black hole.

"This is not a blaster wound, nor a laser gun...but it looks like it was slightly stirred here with a lightsaber." Baloyi frowned, "It is indeed a plasma weapon, send the information back to the spacecraft, search

Let’s find out which organizations or races in this galaxy are using individual plasma weapons.”

[The search has been completed, and there are 127 races and 42 organizations that meet the requirements. But none of them are active in the wild star field.] The voice of the clone commander came from the communication.

"Keep going." Baloyi nodded, "Show me the closest route to the survivors."

[At your 10 o'clock position, there is a hatch. According to the scan, the electronic system there is still intact. As long as I can access it, I can force the door open with military authority. However, this door is blocked by a large piece of spacecraft debris.


"Leave it to me." Baloi approached there, pulled out his lightsaber and inserted it directly into the fragments, then moved slowly.

The millions of degrees of temperature of the lightsaber instantly melted, cut, and cut the fragments in two. Baloyi used his greatest force, grabbed the fragment, and pushed it hard. This large fragment was 7 or 8 meters long.

It was actually pushed open! The hatch at the back was exposed.

A clone soldier immediately found the location of the hatch switch and connected the data line. The Aquitens-class light cruiser immediately entered the military authorization. In times of war, military authorization is above all else. As long as the level is in place, any door can be opened.

Gates of civil facilities and spacecraft.

The red indicator light on the door went out, and then an electric spark exploded. It seemed that the green light was damaged, but the hatch still slid open silently.

A strong stream of air spurted out from the door, followed by two corpses, as well as countless fragments and blood.

[General, this spacecraft has lowered its compartment. Once you enter, just close the door and repressurize it. 】

Baloyi nodded, waited for the airflow to stop, climbed into the cabin, closed the door, and started the pressurization system.

The air filled the place again, and Baloyi also took off his respirator. He pulled out his lightsaber and was on guard while moving forward. But it has to be said that in such a gravityless environment, no matter what you do, it is very inconvenient and very inflexible.


In fact, when the Jedi move in such an environment, they move in a similar way to Spider-Man, and the Force is the spider silk in their hands.

They followed the instructions and headed all the way towards the small cabin of the target. The road was in a mess. They saw at least a hundred corpses. These corpses died in horrific ways. Some died of suffocation, and some were killed by plasma weapons.

The uneasy feeling has been lingering in Baloyi's heart, and the Force has been reminding him that this place is very dangerous and he should leave as soon as possible.

But Baloyi was hesitant because he didn't know where the crisis was. He didn't see the enemy, and it was hard to imagine what else could be here.

Maybe it's the sense of crisis brought about by this about-to-fall spaceship?

For the first time, Baloyi had some doubts about the Force.

"General, I feel very strange here..." said a clone soldier, "Judging from the situation here, this spaceship has obviously been invaded by a boarding invasion and has completely collapsed. Under such circumstances,

Is there anyone alive who can send us a distress signal?"

"Maybe it's a trap." Baloyi's eyes became firm, "But we can only step in and see who the thing that appears is. If we retreat here, then this thing will appear again

Hide, then go to the next colony and start killing again."

"I think so too, General." The clone trooper nodded.

"Is there anything wrong with the scanning device?" Baloyi asked another soldier.

The soldier held a scanning device in his hand, shook his head and said: "There are mechanical signals everywhere inside the spacecraft. The energy of this spacecraft has not been completely cut off. Many devices are still operating. The signals are too complicated to even determine the survival rate."


[Don’t worry, General, the scanner on the spacecraft can see the survivors. They are still there, they are probably unconscious, their vital signs are weakening, you need to speed up.]

Baloyi pushed aside the horrified corpse of a crew member in front of him and flew towards the target cabin.

This cabin is in the core area of ​​the spacecraft. After the spacecraft was damaged, the terrain became very complicated, and they walked for another 5 minutes before arriving.

Judging from the icon on the hatch, this is a power distribution room, which should be very narrow, with three survivors squeezed in here.

The feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger, Baloyi said: "You guys step back and I will handle it."

The clone troopers nodded, stepped back a few meters, and then formed a circular array to surround the place.

Baloyi opened the hatch, and the terrifying scene in front of him almost shocked him!!

Only three crew members were seen naked in the power distribution room. They were chained, and there was no movement except for the instinctive twitching.

Before Baloyi could take action, three steel thorns suddenly stretched out from bottom to top, piercing them directly!

Immediately after a burst of powerful electric current flashed, the bodies of the three people shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then a large amount of nano-tissue was injected from their dry blood vessels, and their muscles and joints began to glow a little.

Red light!

"Let's go!!" The crisis in Baloyi's heart instantly amplified to the extreme, and he immediately used the Force to grab a floating table next to him and block it in front of him.

Almost at this moment, these three people exploded!!!

Boom~~!!!! The powerful electromagnetic pulse spread instantly along with the electromagnetic pulse. The powerful impact blew everyone present away, spinning continuously in a weightless environment, making it almost impossible to stabilize their bodies.


Immediately afterwards, the surrounding cargo boxes exploded one by one, countless ores flew everywhere, and dazzling rays of light shot out from each cargo box!

All I saw was a humanoid robot emerging from it! These robots have soft bodies, and if it weren't for some exposed pipelines, it would be almost impossible to connect them to the robot.

Moreover, their head is a sensor like a flashlight, and the rays of light are emitted from the sensor.

After these robots got out of the cargo box, they immediately picked up the plasma rifles in their hands and fired wildly at the clone soldiers!

Countless light blue plasma balls flew out and exploded on the clone soldiers who had not yet stabilized their bodies. Their polymer alloy combat armor blocked part of the plasma balls, but it quickly disintegrated and melted under the high temperature.

One by one the clone troopers were killed.

Baloyi forcibly stabilized his body, raised his hand and pushed back, blocking the plasma shot at him. Ripples of energy actually rippled on those robots, which were deflection shields!

The clone troopers also quickly stabilized themselves with jet packs, quickly entered the bunker to take cover, and opened fire.

There were more than 50 robots that came out of the cargo box. They kept firing and their shooting skills were extremely accurate. Under the leadership of Baloyi, the clone soldiers fought and retreated, retreating towards the outside of the cabin.

"We are under attack! We are under attack! It's an unknown robot!" The clone troopers hurriedly called for help from the spacecraft.

[We have seen it! More signals have appeared in this spacecraft, and the number is more than 100! Some of them are heading behind you!] said the other side of the spacecraft.

"Request support!"

[Open fire! Use the minimum power to blow up that section of the cabin!] The clone commander made a prompt decision.

The twin-mounted turbolaser cannon of the Aquitens-class light cruiser immediately adjusted its direction, aiming at another cabin in the direction of the path behind Baloyi and others, reduced the firepower output, and then opened fire directly.

Boom~~~!!! The unprotected mining spacecraft was suddenly blasted with a large hole by the turbolaser cannon, and from the hole, the mangled remains of the robots were sprayed out.

But there were more robots that also activated their jet devices and flew across the large hole in the direction of Baloi.

[General, retreat from the gap quickly! Let’s get closer!] The clone commander began to direct the spacecraft to move closer to the mining spacecraft.

They did not dare to continue firing turbolaser cannons, so they used close-in defense weapon systems to shoot wildly at those robots.

Baloyi and the surviving clone soldiers rushed out of the ambushed cabin, but more and more robots rushed over, and these robots were very flexible. Their feet should be equipped with electromagnetic devices that can stick to the spacecraft cabin.

It can move against the wall and turn on the jet device to take off when necessary.

In such a gravity-free environment, these robots are actually more flexible than clone troopers!

"You guys, hurry up! I'll take the lead!!" Baloyi walked at the end, waving his lightsaber, and bounced back all the dense plasma balls shot by the robots.

[Quick, quick, quick!! The robot's signal is close to 200!] The clone commander said eagerly.

The docking bays of the Arquitectus-class light cruiser were opened, and dozens of clone troopers fixed themselves in the bays, firing desperately at the robots.

The firepower of the robots was also very fierce, and some even picked up anti-armor rocket launchers to shoot at the light cruiser. Although it could not shake the shield of the spacecraft, the power of such continuous explosions also made the situation on the scene more dangerous.

At this moment, Baloyi suddenly felt a violent throbbing in his heart, which almost made his heartbeat stop!

He felt it!


Death is inevitable...

At the same time, the clone commander's scream came from the communicator, "General!! A violent energy reaction occurred in the energy core of the spacecraft! No! This thing has been installed with a reverse reaction bomb!! It's going to explode!!"

"Asshole!!" Baloyi yelled, instead of retreating, he advanced directly towards those terrifying robots.

The dense plasma ball shot at him. He tried his best to block the plasma ball with his lightsaber. Then he rushed in front of one of the robots. The lightsaber flashed and pierced the robot's chest!

The flashlight-like sensor on the robot's head went out immediately.

Baloyi became fierce, and while frantically blocking the plasma ball, he pushed the remains of the robot forward in one direction.

The robot's firepower is getting more and more crazy. The clone soldiers he brought have all been wiped out by this time, and the Aquitens-class light cruiser is trying to leave here.

Baloyi had been shot several times. He roared to hold back the pain and pushed the remains of the robot in his hand directly into a rescue capsule!

A few seconds later, an extremely violent explosion swallowed up everything around...

This chapter has been completed!
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