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Chapter 797 The Dark Cloud of Geth

797, The Dark Cloud of Geth

Capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant.

In the meeting hall at the top of the central tower of the Jedi Temple, there were several members of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order, including Master Yoda, Ith-Kos, Plo-Kon, Sars-Tin, and Opal Lanzisis.

They all came here to discuss the recent attack in the Palin sector in the wild star region of the galaxy.

Among them, Saas-Tin attended the meeting via hyperspace communication.

Now all aspects of the battle are very urgent, because after converging with the Trade Federation fleet, Severance Tann is attacking the planet Nubia, the headquarters of the Republic's 2nd Army. Therefore, Master Windu personally went to the front line to take command and was unable to participate in this event.


At the same time, Master Depa-Biraba is also fighting hard on the planet Harunkar, and has not received any messages from her for a month or two.

Apart from Master Shakti who is stationed on Kamino Planet, and other people with missions, as well as Master Adi Gallia who has been confirmed to have died, the Supreme Council of Twelve is the only one who can still reach the scene.

Five people.

Not to mention that Master Yoda needs to be stationed on Coruscant, and Master Plo-Kon still needs to recover from the injuries he suffered when he was attacked by the battleship Venom Fang. Now the only one the Supreme Council can use is Ith-Kos.

, Saas-Tin and Opal Lanzisis!

"Baloy has confirmed his sacrifice and has felt this in the Force." Plo-Kong said.

"My fleet has arrived in the Valk system and has launched a search and rescue operation. Judging from the current situation, the more than 1.4 million residents on the Valk planet are probably in danger. The specific situation requires further investigation." Sass-Tin said, it turns out that

The reason why he participated in the meeting remotely was because he had already gone to the Valcke Galaxy.

"One thing that concerns me a lot is that Baloyi had clearly retreated from the planet Valk and sent a distress signal. Why did he die after that? What happened?" Is-Kos frowned.

said with an eyebrow.

"This is indeed contrary to common sense. Logically speaking, since he has retreated to await reinforcements, and the Supreme Strategic Command has given him instructions not to leave but to wait where he is, he should not run around." Pu Luo said.

- Kong said.

Saas-Tin said: "Baloy's spacecraft is not on the Valk planet. Now our sensors are scanning the entire galaxy in order to find their traces, but it will take some time. The most important thing is that we don't know him.

Have you left this galaxy?"

Master Yoda's face was solemn, and he held his cane and said slowly: "The seventh attack is on the planet Valk. A new enemy has appeared. I feel that it is very important to find traces of the enemy."

At this time, a clone commander appeared from Suss-Tin's holographic projection. He performed a military salute and said to Sass-Tin: "General Suss, our Cheer-class assault landing ship has been

Entering the planet's atmosphere, landing is about to begin!"

"Okay, start landing immediately! Pay attention to the search for survivors, and ask the Cheer-class to try not to fire directly, and use LAAT assault transport boats for air support." Sass-Tin said, "Pay attention to the living dead. According to the report,

These living dead are more difficult to deal with than the virus-infected people we encountered on the planet Christophsis."


Sass-Tin turned to the communicator and said to Master Yoda and others: "I will sit in the battleship in space, report the combat situation to you at any time, and guard against possible enemy space forces."

"Thank you for your hard work. Finding clues in this battle is more important." Master Yoda nodded.

On the surface of the planet Valk, two Cheer-class assault landing ships have entered the atmosphere, and 11,000 clone soldiers of the Galactic Republic began landing operations on a large number of LAAT/I assault transport craft.

Groups of clone troopers descended to the ground, quickly established positions, and then began to attack with the powerful firepower support of AT-TE walkers.

Their target is the largest cluster of living dead near this colony. Judging from aerial reconnaissance, this cluster stretches for 4.5 square kilometers and numbers more than 100,000!

Because their opponents were all the living dead, the clone army did not land in the city. Instead, they directly found an open area near the corpses to land and directly launched an extermination campaign against the living dead.

After the Cheer-class assault landing ship lowered the power of its turbolaser cannon, it bombed the zombies on the ground without damaging other things. Terrifying explosions continued to set off on the ground, and countless zombies were bombed.

Have to be crushed.

The LAAT assault transport boat also unscrupulously opened up its firepower and licked the ground crazily. Without having to consider the opponent's counterattack at all, there is nothing more exciting than driving a gunboat to lick the ground.

On the front, the clone soldiers formed into small teams and launched an assault. Together with the AT-TE walkers and AT-XT walkers, they built a powerful frontal fire network. No matter how strong the corpse puppets were, even if the DC-15 blasters were

It takes several shots with a rifle to kill one, but in the face of those high-power artillery fire, they are still wiped out in pieces.

The battle went very smoothly.

As the front advanced, some technicians immediately came down in shuttles to collect samples from the corpses for analysis.

"General, according to preliminary analysis, there is basically no moisture inside these corpses, they are completely dry, and the internal tissues of the body have also undergone alienation. The epidermis has become very tough, and it is difficult for ordinary blades to leave scars on their skin. Moreover,

Because the heat dissipation of the skin has also been improved, they also have a certain resistance to blaster rifles." said the technician.

Sass-Tine also forwarded this information to Master Yoda.

"How do they move? What are those blue dots on their bodies?" Is-Kos asked.

"This seems to be a nanoscale control device. After this control device is injected, it moves to key locations in the body through the empty blood vessels of these corpses, provides energy and controls the corpse. The blue highlights we see

, is the energy node. This energy is very efficient and can support the movement of this corpse for at least a month." said the technician.

"But even so, this kind of living dead still does not pose a threat to the regular army... If those infected with the T virus are a by-product of the Inchori biological weapons used by Dawn Planet, then what are the enemies here?

Why go to such great lengths to create this kind of living dead that has little effect?" Sass-Tin frowned and thought about it.

Master Yoda sighed and slammed his cane on the ground, "The meaning of fear, these living dead."

Puluo Kong nodded and said: "Indeed, if these enemies create these living dead to attack the colonies, this terrifying form can indeed cause panic and demoralize the defenders, so that they have no intention of resisting. Then through interference

If the colony's communications are blocked, the people in the colony will soon fall into despair and chaos amid fear, and will eventually be easily captured."

"In Baloyi's report, these living dead were impaled on steel thorns. Were there any steel thorns found?" Sass-Tin asked.

"General, we did not find any steel spikes." The clone commander replied.

At this moment, a communication link suddenly came in, "Report! We have found General Baloyi's spaceship!"

This chapter has been completed!
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