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Chapter 808 The Unfinished Truth

808, the unfinished reality

The outer rings of the Milky Way, the Del Rey II satellite.

This satellite has been abandoned for 3900 years. Once upon a time, it was Lucian Del Rey's last hope to rebuild the Jedi Covenant, but everything has disappeared in the long river of history over time.

But now, the place is gradually showing its vitality again.

15 insect-shaped Geth cruisers are parked in the outer orbit of the planet. Hundreds of Geth fighters are collecting asteroids around the planet and sending them back for refining. There is already a structure over 600 meters high and over 1,000 meters wide next to it, like an insect nest.

The Geth Space Station has been constructed.

This Geth space station is a comprehensive space station that integrates refining, production, processing, and manufacturing. Under the space station, three small Geth frigates are being built.

And around the space station, more than 20 turrets have been built. This kind of turret is actually the Gaussian firepower platform provided by Tang Xiao, but Geth used his own aesthetics to change the appearance of the turret, transforming it into a bug shell.


Although it is strange to say this, the geth are indeed more interested in biomechanics. In other words, their creation structures are more based on insects.

A bright red elite Viking fighter jet left the hyperspace channel and flew straight towards the Del Rey II satellite. The surrounding Geth spacecraft ignored it and let it go.

Tang Xiao piloted a fighter jet into the atmosphere of the Del Rey II satellite, and saw only that in the gray desert, a large group of magnificent buildings had been excavated. There were lights on in some buildings, and it was obvious that people were already inhabited.


This is a complex of buildings roughly equivalent to a small town. The front entrance is where Tang Xiao found Little Klesh's gauntlet.

Yes, this is the temple that Lucien Del Rey built during the last period of his life, and it is also the last stronghold of the Jedi Covenant that disappeared in the long river of history.

Tang Xiao walked into the temple. When he came here again, his mentality was different. He no longer had the anxiety of searching for the ruins. On the contrary, he had more time to observe the temple itself.

Just like the desert outside, the entire temple is made of stone materials and is large in scale. In Lucian Dray's later years, due to an accident, he was already the last member of the Dray family and he controlled the Dray family.

That huge property.

As a large family during the old Sith War, the Drey family controlled countless wealth, and after awakening to the Force, this family gradually became a powerful family of Force-sensitive people.

The continuous intermarriage of powerful Force-sensitive people formed such a behemoth. They had wealth, power, and inheritance. They created the Jedi Covenant organization and maintained the operation of this organization.

The Jedi Covenant's style of conduct is completely different from that of the Jedi Order. Their radicalism is not only reflected in their violent and unscrupulous calculations during the battle against the Sith, but also in their use of wealth and understanding of the creed.


They don't mind luxury, nor do they mind appropriate desires. So they will wear gorgeous clothes, live in luxurious residential areas, drive luxurious spaceships, eat all kinds of delicious food, and also fall in love and get married.

There is also more emphasis on family and family ties.

And these things are prohibited in principle for the Jedi Order. Especially intermarriage between Force-sensitive people, after the end of the Sith War, the Jedi Order even banned it.

This is also reflected in the temple left by Lucien Delray. He directly bought the planet in his later years and then built this magnificent temple.

Standing at the entrance of the temple, a solemn and solemn atmosphere arises spontaneously, and at the same time, there is also a hint of sadness.

Lucian Dre had lost everything at that time, including his companions, friends, and relatives. Even the Jedi Covenant had fallen apart, and he himself had lost his eyes.

He wanted to rebuild the Jedi Covenant, and gave it a name - The True Covenant, which means that although he lost his eyes, he saw the truth.

The same is true for this temple. All the stone materials are gray, which makes people feel gradually depressed, as if there is no hope.

In the end, the true covenant established by Lucian Dray did come to an end, and he also came to an end in depression and depression.

At the entrance of the temple is the 20-meter-tall Force guard. Now the guard has been re-erected and repaired. It turns out that this is a statue of Lucian Dre when he was young, and he was wearing a small Klesh on his hand.


Obviously that was the peak of Lucian Dre. He killed Hazen, who had fallen to the dark side, and obtained the gauntlet of the Sith artifact Little Klash, but it was also the beginning of his journey into the abyss - because it was also at this time

, he lost everything except the cold credit in the bank.

"Alas..." A faint sigh sounded in Tang Xiao's ears.

He is the heroic spirit of Lucian Dre.

"Things have changed and people have changed. What's there to be sad about? In my opinion, your life is complete." Tang Xiao said.

"I sigh, not because of the passing time. I sigh, because of my unfinished dream...I failed to persist to the end. In this magnificent temple on the outside, there is the empty interior of the true covenant." Lucian

-Dre sighed.

"Because you who established the true covenant were already an empty shell at that time." Tang Xiao smiled coldly.

"What do you know!"

"More than you think, Lucian."

Lucien Del Rey was silent for a long time, and then continued: "The purpose of the Jedi Covenant is fighting, passion, and victory... and the True Covenant is self and survival..."

"Among all the behaviors of intelligent creatures, self-isolation is definitely the worst." Tang Xiao looked forward, "I think Zekaras will tell you the same answer."

"I can feel you talking, powerful and dark ruler, but please forgive me for not being able to hear his voice clearly." From the depths of the temple, a tall and elegant star spirit in gorgeous robes walked out.

Zekaras, leader of the Silak tribe.

Beside him followed a tall, pale-skinned protoss with purple spots. He was Temple Guardian Tarim, an old but still powerful and loyal warrior.

"I'm just discussing with a person who lived four thousand years ago about the benefits of Kara's way." Tang Xiao replied calmly.

"The Way of Kara is not a topic that can be joked about. It is a powerful and dark ruler. But from your last sentence, I can indeed feel the relevant connection." Zekaras said.

"I think, just take a walk."

"Please." Zekaras made a gesture of invitation.

This chapter has been completed!
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