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Chapter 816 The Redevelopment of Civilization (Part 2)

816, Redevelopment of civilization (Part 2)

6. Del Rey II satellite

The current total population of this satellite is about 10,000, including 21 protoss including Zekaras. In addition, there are 500 frozen embryos of protoss that are growing. Even if there is a mothership, even Tang Xiao has not done it yet.

It is clear that with the acceleration of unknown cloning technology, it will take at least 10 years for these embryos to grow.

As for the rest of the population on the satellite, apart from some construction workers, they are the Force organization established by Tang Xiao, the Twilight Covenant and the supporting teachers and service personnel.

Although the population is very small and very small, the importance here is no less important than other planets.

Because the Drei II satellite is not only the location of the Twilight Covenant, but also the temple of Lucian Drei, which contains countless collections of the Jedi Covenant. And it is also where the protoss live now, and they also carry out activities here.

The research and development of Force Technology.

The Force engine technology analyzed from the temple guardian robot was a major achievement.

7,Kev-Bill Planet

This ocean planet adjacent to the Dawn Planet is now the home of the Salarians. The population of the Salarians is 3 million, and the population of their vassal Gnolls has already exceeded 10 million. The population structure of the race is stable and healthy.

The need for reproduction as a species has been met.

The Salarians are now increasingly important in the Fourth Civilization. They are widely involved in the Fourth Civilization's scientific research, intelligence, overall command and special operations. In fact, Tang Xiao arranged them in the Endor galaxy.

This practice on the only habitable planet besides Dawn also shows recognition of the status of the Salarians.

Compared to races such as the Geth and Protoss, which cannot be willing to be inferior to others and fly solo sooner or later, the Salarians are the second largest race in the Fourth Civilization that Tang Xiao truly recognizes.

Now the Salarian people are carrying out in-depth development and construction on the planet Cave-Bill. Various maritime cities, offshore industrial platforms, and submarine operating areas have been completed one after another. And their development direction is very clear, which is high-tech industry, including high-precision

Development of components, manufacturing of electronic systems, artificial intelligence systems, etc.

8, Incholi planet

After William Birkin was killed and Annette Birkin took over William Birkin's research, she continued William's ideas and completed the substance that could make the Inchori addicted.

The Inchori are naturally addicted to the nicotine in cigars, and this substance also stimulates the Inchori's hormone organs, making them more violent and powerful.

After eight years of hard work, almost all the Incholi people have finally become dependent on cigars. Currently, there are three planets occupied by the Incholi people in the Incholi galaxy. Their total population is about 1.2 million. Although their power is

Powerful, but only obedient. The disorder and chaos engraved in their genes still prevent them from becoming a real army.

Now, Anat Birkin's research has turned to using the T virus to create Inchori biological weapons, and some results have been achieved.

In fact, she didn't have this ability originally, but on the one hand, Tang Xiao's request in this regard was not urgent, so she had enough time. On the other hand, her genius daughter, Shirley Birkin, was gradually growing up.

And he also began to contribute his own wisdom to research.

Different from her original suffering story, Shirley Birkin grew up healthily under the blessing of the fourth civilization, and her physical fitness and wisdom also made great progress, far exceeding those of her peers. Tang Xiao

Judging, maybe this is the reason why William Birkin's G virus fusion experiment on Shirley was successful.

Because of the growth of Shirley Birkin, Tang Xiao also dispelled the idea of ​​awakening some of the virus experts in "Resident Evil", and Shirley did not disappoint Tang Xiao.

Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group is currently operating well, and many products have appeared on the pharmaceutical market in the galaxy. Currently, in addition to Inchori biological weapons, one of the directions Shirley Birkin is still researching is through T

Viruses or G viruses have the purpose of strengthening the human body and improving human genes.

At present, Shen Yuanhao, the former representative of the Fourth Civilization in the Yinqiaoli Galaxy, has been promoted to the supervisor of the Yinqiaoli System. He was an accountant and has done a good job in his work after so many years of experience. Although now the Yinqiaoli people

The army has not really appeared to participate in this grand galactic civil war, but they have also begun to radiate their power to the surroundings.

Near the Incholi galaxy, there is also a once important shipbuilding center of the Fourth Civilization - the Golden Nice Shipyard. This was obtained by Tang Xiao from a wealthy man during the Incholi rebellion 8 years ago. It used to be a joint venture with the Trade Alliance.

Cooperate to jointly build Hiigara-class battlecruisers. Now, as Hiigara-class battlecruisers are gradually unable to adapt to the current battle, Golden Nice Shipyard has also begun to adjust its production lines and switch to producing Martha-class heavy missile cruisers and supporting weapons.

Cloud series missiles.

Before the Golden Nice Shipyard was occupied by the Fourth Civilization, it was already the largest black shipyard in the outer star region of the Milky Way. At least 70% of the modified spaceships in the outer star region were processed here, so the scale here was already very large.

Now after the transformation, it has the ability to start building 30 kilometer-class warships at the same time.

Most of the nearby Challinor planet is controlled by the United Mining Group, and a large amount of minerals are mined on the Amador moon close to the Golden Nice Shipyard to meet the needs of the shipyard.

9, the fourth group

With the outbreak of the war, the Fourth Group has rarely appeared near the Dawn Planet. Now the largest group of the Fourth Civilization, with Gross Shelbia as the director and personally controlled by Tang Xiao, is continuing to take root in

Planet Mequito has established extensive ties with the Interstellar Banking Association.

On the one hand, Shelbia was assisting the Interstellar Banking Association in defending her hometown, the planet Mechito and the planet Murinster, to prevent the invasion of the Galactic Republic. Because according to the plot that Tang Xiao knew, one year after the war broke out,

The Galactic Republic had already landed on the planet Mequito and launched a long tug-of-war with the defenders.

On the other hand, Shelvia is working with the Interstellar Banking Association to build a new, huge fleet, and the main force of the fleet is the Behemoth-class battlecruiser.

However, in this direction, the 8th and 9th armies of the Galactic Republic exerted strong pressure, so now they are still mainly on the defensive.

What we need to wait for is an opportunity——


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