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Chapter 823: Escape in panic

823, flee in panic

"Betrayal?" Adi Gallia repeated in a low voice, "Now even I can't judge whether I am betrayal or not...I only know that things can't go on like this."

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately pushed the joystick, and the Delta-7 fighter jet flew out of a snake shape in the air with incredible maneuverability and speed, firing at Is-Kos from different angles.

While they were fighting, other Republic warships continued to bombard the Plague.

The Plague's shields have been recirculated, but even so, they are still unable to withstand the powerful firepower of the Republic fleet.

After being hit by thousands of turbolaser cannons again, the Plague's shield was finally destroyed, and then a large amount of firepower was poured on the battleship.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the huge super-matter electromagnetic gun in front of the battleship.

Countless explosions set off on four energy rails that were tens of thousands of meters long, and the terrifying power caused countless fragments to fly out of the outer armor.

The officers and soldiers of the Fourth Civilization on the Plague also tried their best. They controlled every firing turret on the battleship to attack the Republic fleet. The factory inside the battleship continuously manufactured missiles and then sent them to the missile launcher for launch.

The battle has become extremely fierce, and it is impossible for both sides to take a step back.

At this time, the battle between Adi Gallia and Iss Kos also had a winner. Adi Gallia seized the opportunity to directly launch the missile at a very close distance and then manually detonated it in advance!

This is exactly the trick Darth Malthael used when fighting them before, and it worked surprisingly well in the air battle between powerful Force-sensitive people.

The power of the missile explosion destroyed the fighter engine of Is-Kos, and then Adi Gallia accelerated the fighter jet directly towards the Republic fleet, easily bypassing the interception of the Republic fighter group, breaking through the fleet's air defense circle, and facing a Jaeger-class

The battlecruiser's rear engine fired 4 proton torpedoes in succession!

This puts the Republic Fleet Commander in a dilemma. To confront the fighter jets piloted by powerful Force-sensitives, the best way for the fleet is to shrink its formation. But if it shrinks its formation, the enemy on the opposite side will be at the end of its war effort, but its firepower is still terrifying.

The Plague Titan battleship!

The fleet commander finally made up his mind and said loudly: "Leave Master Adi Gallia alone! All battleships attack the Plague! Sinking the Plague is our only goal!"

Under the desperate attack of the Republic fleet, even the huge hull of the Plague Titan battleship finally reached its limit.

As several proton torpedoes broke through the incomplete air defense network of the Titan battleship and exploded on the armored belt, a more violent explosion finally erupted from the front of the Plague battleship!

Then, one of the energy rails was disconnected from the middle and separated from the battleship amid the explosions that were still going off.

The main structure was damaged, the anti-gravity stabilizer inside the Titan battleship also failed to work properly, and the entire battleship tilted.

"The hangar platform is destroyed! Close the ammunition compartment quickly!"

"Reactor No. 3 is on fire! It needs to be shut down immediately!"

"No, the internal rail transit has been destroyed, and the corridor leading to Reactor No. 3 is full of fire! This corridor is 6,000 meters long! Even robots can't get through now!"

"Empty Reactor Three of all hypermatter!"

"This will overheat the reactor and possibly cause a meltdown!"

"Just do it!"

Severance Tann held on to the battleship console and struggled to support her body. A big bulge was created on her forehead and blood was flowing out, but she was still commanding the battleship.

"It's the last moment... General, it's an honor to fight alongside you." The adjutant came over and stood at attention and saluted Severance Tann.

Severance Tann closed her eyes, then opened them suddenly, and said: "No, don't give up any hope! Unless the battleship disintegrates under my feet! Otherwise, I will not stop fighting! Send the order to remove all super matter

Inject the hyperspace engine and prepare to start random jumps!"

"General... If we don't lock the target and jump randomly, we can indeed save some super matter usage and allow the warship to enter hyperspace. But... I can't guarantee whether we can still come out..." the officer in charge of engine control said seriously,

"With all due respect, General, I would rather kill a few more Republic bastard warships on the battlefield than be torn to pieces in hyperspace!"

"No!!!" Severance Tann suddenly yelled hysterically, "Don't give up! Why give up?! I won't die! No! Never!! I will never die!


"General..." The officer looked at her in shock.

The adjutant immediately said: "I understand general, as long as we survive, we will have more opportunities to kill the enemy!!"

"Execute the order, turn off all shields and weapon systems, and start charging the hyperspace engine! All energy is injected into the engine!" Severance Tann said through gritted teeth, the will to survive filling her entire brain.

Just like when she escaped from the Chiss Territory and was hunted, she would rather devote herself to a bounty hunter in order to survive. When death came before her eyes, Severance Tann's incomparable desire for survival disappeared.

It will overwhelm all reason.

"General, do we need to turn?" the navigator asked.

"No need, just face the Republic fleet and start the hyperspace jump!" Severance Tann said viciously, her eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

Darth Lilium had just shot down a Republic ARC-170 heavy fighter. Before he could take a breath, he heard Severance Tann's instructions coming from the communication.

She was immediately shocked, quickly connected to the communication and shouted: "What are you doing?! Now the Plague can no longer jump! Stop it! Stop!! The fleet of Flashlight Head is almost here!!"

However, her voice could no longer wake up Severance Tann, who was in a state of panic. In the midst of an abnormal flash of white light, accompanied by countless lightning fluctuations in hyperspace, the incomplete body of the Plague Titan battleship seemed to instantly

It was stretched countless times before entering hyperspace and disappearing.

Such a physical phenomenon is simply impossible to form in a normal hyperspace jump!

Just after the Plague forcibly entered the hyperspace jump, Is-Kos, who had just been rescued back into the battleship, immediately ordered, "Track the hyperspace fluctuations! I want to know the direction of the Plague's jump this time!"

"General, this jump of the Plague is abnormal. It seems that they did not perform any navigation calculations at all and started jumping directly." said the radar soldier.

"What is she doing? Even risking her life to escape?" Is-Kos gritted his teeth.

In his opinion, Severance Tann's behavior was like jumping from the 20th floor to avoid a fire. Either way, she was risking her death.

"General, then we..."

Is-Kos snorted coldly, "Master Adi Gallia and another dark force user were left behind by the Plague, catch them! Also, prepare another fighter jet for me."

"Yes, General."

"Tan, you bitch!! What the hell are you doing!! You are making fun of the battleship the master gave you!!" Darth Lilim was still yelling at the silent communicator.

Then her eyes fell on the densely packed radar signals on the radar screen, a hint of fear flashed in her eyes, she turned around and ran away in the other direction.

She didn't even look at Adi Gallia from beginning to end.

Because she understood that Adi Gallia was not on her side, and she had not yet fallen to the dark side. Under such circumstances, it was not impossible for her to hand her over to the Republic as a favor.

Fortunately, she had been seriously injured before, so after the battle started, she did not break into the Republic fleet formation like Adi Gallia, but harassed the outside. It was naturally much easier to escape at this moment, and she directly

He first flew to the hyperspace ring that Adi Gallia used when he arrived, connected the fighter to the hyperspace ring, then started the hyperspace engine and disappeared instantly.

The last one left behind was Adi Gallia...

At this moment, she was already trapped in a heavy siege by the Republic fleet.

"Surrender, Master Adi-Galia." Is-Kos said on the public channel.

Adi Gallia took a long breath and said softly: "I surrender."

She shut down the fighter's engine and just let the fighter float.

A Jaeger-class battlecruiser flew over, activated its tractor beam, and dragged Adi Gallia's fighter into the hangar.

This chapter has been completed!
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