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Chapter 898 Unit 99

Unit 898,99

Master Plo-Kon then said: "Then according to the previous decision, I will summon Master Akin Koral, Master Stass Ali, Master Coleman Kasage and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi

Come here, their cultivation and character have become the best among the Jedi Order, which will become an important factor for them to enter the Supreme Council."

"Sacrifice for the faith of light, all the friends who have passed away. The inheritance of light will never end, and the inheritance of light will surely win, with the hard work of several generations." Master Yoda said.

"We will definitely win... Even if I die in the end, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and the Dream Sisters are still enough to take on the important responsibilities and lead the Jedi Order to move forward." Plo-Kon said firmly, "Jedi Knights

The hope of the group is not only for the present, but also for the future.”

Master Yoda nodded and looked out the window at the vast starry sky, but his heart was filled with worry.

He had already predicted some of the extremely dark future through the Force, but he still didn't understand where this darkness came from.

From the current point of view, the greatest darkness in this galaxy is the death angel, but this is not the case.

On several occasions when the Necromancer had contact with the Jedi, he had hinted that he was not the only Sith Lord.

So, who is the other one?

Count Dooku? At present, it doesn’t seem to be the case, because according to the information of a double agent who cannot be named, Count Dooku’s name has not been recorded in the Book of Sith, so he is not even a

Sith Lord! This information also comes from the Death Angel.

Who is the other Sith Lord?

Where does the darkness and disturbance in the Force originate?

Is Anakin really the Chosen One, or is he someone else?

When and how will the balance of the Force arrive?

Where will this war between the Republic and separatism go?

Too many questions and too many mysteries make the future gloomy, and it is impossible to even see the slightest way out.

Clone soldiers Rainbow, Beard and Leaf took a spaceship to the Coruscant Military Zone. After parking the spacecraft, they went to the command center to report.

Who knew, the commander sent them directly to the medical center.

There, they underwent a series of physical examinations and scans, and were asked in detail about their previous battles on the planet Harunkar.

Then, he was taken to a laboratory.

When he opened the door, he saw Jedi Master Shaak-Ti wearing a brown coarse cloth robe waiting in the laboratory, and with her were two Kaminoan biologists.

Rainbow and the others suddenly felt a little panicked. You must know that although they were divided into different units and accepted the leadership of different Jedi Knights, the one who actually controlled all the clone soldiers was Master Shakti in front of them.


She has been stationed on the planet Kamino for a long time. In addition to protecting Kamino from invasion, she also oversees the production and training of clone troopers.

Therefore, every clone trooper has been trained under the leadership of Master Shakti.

This is like how no matter how high your achievements are as an adult, you will always have respect for your class teacher and principal when you were a student.

But now, they were sent directly to Master Shakti, which surprised them.

But Master Shakti was very natural. She asked nonchalantly: "The planet Harunkar is not a very good combat environment, right?"

Rainbow was stunned for a moment, then said: "That's true. Almost every place on the planet Harunkar is full of dreams, especially in the jungles of the planet. We can't even tell whether what appears in front of us is real or not.

Unreal. Especially in such an environment, electronic equipment is almost impossible to use, which makes it impossible for us to get accurate information."

Shakti nodded and continued: "But in an environment like the planet Harunkar, you survived, and you are also the only few survivors. This also shows your outstanding ability and wisdom."

Caihong and the other three looked at each other, their expressions a little lonely.

Beard sighed and said: "Actually...our life was saved by Master Depa Biraba's sacrifice. If possible, we would rather die on the planet Harunkar than hope that this battle would end up being

Such a tragic ending..."

Shakti took a deep breath, "From the combat report you sent at that time, I can also understand your mood... I understand it very well. But what happened has happened and is irreversible, Depa-Bilaba

Let's leave the matter to the Jedi Order to resolve. Now, I want to talk to you about your own matters."

"What's the matter?" Rainbow asked doubtfully.

A Kaminoan on the side said: "Actually, after scanning, the electrical response of your cerebral cortex is more than 8 times that of normal humans. Even by the standards of clone soldiers, it is much higher than that of ordinary clones. On the one hand,

, let us be very interested in your experience on the planet Harunkar. The planet Harunkar is full of illusions. Perhaps it is because of such mutations that you finally survived. On the other hand, we are concerned about your current situation.

Looking forward to it very much.”

"You mean, our brains...?" Ye Zi pointed at his head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"To put it simply, if you think of your brain as a computer, then although the total capacity of your brain has not changed, the computing speed has become much faster. Of course, at present, this process is beyond your control. So.

We are curious about what would happen if you could control this process," said another Kaminoan.

"So, you plan to cut us into slices to study?" Caihong asked.

Shakti looked at the two Kaminoans and said, "This is exactly what we want to do. Let's arrange to cut their heads into 0.1 mm thick slices."

"This is not a funny joke," said a Kaminoan.

Obviously, this strict race does not understand the meaning of humor.

Shakti waved her hands, looking very bored, and said: "Actually, your mutation is not an exception. In the extreme environment of the battlefield, there are not a few individual clone soldiers with varying degrees of mutation. Therefore,

In order to study the conditions of these individuals and grasp the laws of mutation, we set up a special unit to conduct research."

She looked at the three clone troopers and said slowly: "Clone Troop No. 99 is the name of this unit."

"Clone Troop 99? Are you saying we are going to change our affiliation?" Rainbow asked.

"This is an opportunity to choose. Clone Force No. 99 will conduct systematic research on your mutations and may further transform you to give you stronger capabilities. But correspondingly, there are also greater

There are risks. Once the experiment fails, you may really become useless and be completely abandoned. But even if you succeed, what awaits you is a more cruel battlefield." Shakti said, "If you are not willing, then your

The relevant memories will be erased and returned to the ordinary troops."

The Kaminoan biologist on the side said calmly: "We do not recommend that you give them a choice, Master Shakti. They are just clones and our products. From the beginning, they have no human rights.

.For us, we naturally hope to have more experimental individuals."

The clone troopers were already used to the contempt for the Kaminoans, but Shaak-Ti's attitude made them extremely grateful.

The three of them looked at each other and made a decision after exchanging glances.

Rainbow looked at Shaak-Ti and said: "We agreed to join Clone Force No. 99. But not for this bullshit experiment, but for the Galactic Republic, for the people of the Galaxy, and for the glory we shoulder! At the same time, it is also for the sake of what you have given us.

Our respect."

"Very good, there are three more experiments..." Before the Kaminoan could finish his words, his voice was directly cut off by Master Shaak-Ti raising his hand and using the force.

She said calmly: "Go back and tell Kamino Planet Prime Minister Rama Su that I need to replace two technicians here."

Then she looked at the three soldiers and said: "I will take you to the exclusive camp. Maybe the next experiments and training will be very difficult, but please remember that I will always stay on Kamino Planet, and my communications and

The door is always open."

The group of people came to a camp at the rear where the living conditions seemed to be much better than usual, and found that there were not many people here. Even if the three of them were included, there were only less than 20 people.

Seeing three new members arriving, one of them, a muscular man, laughed and came over to say hello, "Ah, Master Shake Ti, another new member is here?"

"Judging from the current situation we have, the three of them should be the last ones. From now on, your army will only have these people. Treat them well." Master Shake Ti said.

"Hahahaha!" The big guy laughed, walked over and slapped Caihong hard on the shoulder a few times. Even with Caihong's qualified clone soldier's physique, his legs were weakened by these pats. It can be seen that

How powerful is this big guy?

"My name is the Wrecker King! Those slender-necked Kaminoans said that my muscle metabolism is much higher than normal people... God knows what they are talking about! Hahaha, but it doesn't matter, the food here is better than in the barracks.

More!! If you need anything in the future, just come to me!" the big man said with a smile.

A soldier with a relatively normal figure next to him sighed and said: "Those Kaminoans meant what they said literally, which means you can't understand it... Ah, my name is Technician, nice to meet you."

"My name is Caihong, this is Huzi, and this is Ye Zi. We... all seem to have more active cerebral cortexes..." Caihong said.

"Then you are in the same situation as them..." The technician pointed to a few other people and said, "Let me introduce it to you. This is the hunter, his reaction nerves are more developed, and this is the crosshair, his naked eye vision

It can be compared with a telescope. This is Iron Box. He has an abnormal perception of human body structure. This is..."

After getting to know everyone one by one, Rainbow and the others discovered that Master Shakti had left at some point. He asked the hunter who seemed to be the leader of these people: "Then what do we do on a daily basis?"

The hunter nodded and said: "Targeted transformation. For example, like the Wrecker King, those Kaminoans will use strengthening medicine injections, genetic adjustments and dietary control to make his muscles grow faster and have a higher density.

, will also burst out with more powerful power. Then, it will be hell-like training. Compared with our training volume, the previous training in the clone troop camp was completely childish."

"Pediatrics? You must know that the amount of training for our clones is more than five times that of ordinary soldiers!" Ye Zi was a little surprised.

"Then our training is 10 times or 20 times that of ordinary soldiers, and it is more targeted." Hunter said, "For example, they will add a lot of training on reaction ability. For example, one of my training contents is to let people

I was continuously shot by 5 guns for more than 1 minute without being hit by a bullet."

Rainbow gasped, "This is no longer something a human can do!"

"Hahahaha!! So now I can smash 5 robots directly with one punch! This is so cool!!" The Obstacle Removal King waved his two fists as big as bowls and laughed.

Rainbow and the others looked at these energetic soldiers and began to look forward to their prospects in Unit 99.

In the middle of the Milky Way, on the planet Onderon, in the industrial base of Tyran Heavy Industries, a subsidiary of the Fourth Civilization.

"Who the hell modified the design of the Thor prototype?!" Tyron Heavy Industries' chief engineer Rory Swann's loud voice resounded throughout the base early in the morning.

The engineers who were carrying breakfast on the way to the industrial laboratory naturally turned around and avoided the direction from which the sound came. It seemed to be a common practice for a long time.

At this moment, Rory Swann was in a huge workshop. Standing in front of a huge mecha that was at least 20 meters high, he lost his temper. He grabbed a poor engineer by the collar and sprayed saliva all over him.

Their faces were all, "Ah! You tell me! Tell me!! Those four 250mm Punisher cannons are the soul of Thor! Do you understand? The soul!!!!"

He then pointed in the direction of the huge mecha with another hand modified into a mechanical pliers, "But why did you replace these cannons with soft turbolaser cannons!! Tell me! Tell me!!"

The engineer was so confused by Siwang's loud voice that he muttered: "Yes... it was Engineer Zhang who made the modification..."

"That bastard Zhang Jiarui!! When did he do it?!" Siwang became furious when he heard the name.

"Yesterday... in the middle of last night... he said you can't understand the charm of energy weapons... Let's turn raw rice into cooked rice..." the engineer said.

"I'll go over and stuff him into Bansa's ass now!!" Rory Swan threw the poor engineer aside and rushed out like the wind.

This chapter has been completed!
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