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Chapter 927: Battle of the West: Flank

927, Battle of the West: Flank

"Oh, it seems that there is no need to even invest in the Army's muddy legs. I have solved the problem...hehehehehe... You can continue to take the taxpayer's subsidy and watch the show here." On the flagship Chaos

, Severance Tann looked at the Dora City area that was constantly marked in blue on the hologram, and mocked Ling Liang.

"You are massacring civilians. There is no place to show off!" Ling Liang stared at Severance Tann with burning eyes.

"Facing my fleet, they dare to resist. This is their crime, and they will naturally be eliminated." Severance Tann said coldly.

"But they don't have weapons in their hands! Moreover, your massacre of civilians will have a negative impact on our future attacks!" Ling Liang retorted.

"Hehehehe... don't put on any more drama, you idiots of the Army. The Governor gave you the opportunity to watch the show here with taxpayers' money. It is already the greatest mercy." Severance Tann sneered.

"I will report your decision to my superiors truthfully," Ling Liang said.

"Please." Severance Tann made a gesture of invitation.

The Army of the Fourth Civilization finally dispatched. 50,000 army soldiers boarded APOD-33 transport aircraft and landed in several major cities on the planet Dora. Their purpose was no longer to destroy the enemy, but to stabilize those who had previously targeted the planet.

The orbital bombardment of the Shield and the massacre of the Inchori Avengers plunged public order into chaos.

And... clean up the civilians who died at the hands of the Incholi Avengers and were infected by the T-Virus and turned into zombies.

On April 14, the administrative center of Planet Dora was captured by more than 300 Inchori Avengers 101. These merciless biological weapons directly ignored the surrender requests of the officials and government heads in the administrative center and destroyed the entire administrative center.

More than a thousand people in the center were slaughtered.

Afterwards, the Supreme Military Command of the Fourth Civilization issued an order, ordering Severan Tann to immediately stop using the Incholi Avengers and limit their scope of activities to Dora City. However, it did not impose any restrictions on Severan.

Silk Tann made the accusation.

Because the unexpectedly stubborn resistance of Planet Dora really delayed the actions of the Fourth Civilization Army, although Severance Tann's combat plan was cruel, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the entire overlord plan, the Supreme Military Command still

Accepted her judgment.

But at the same time, they also retained the opinion that due to this massacre, the implementation of the Overlord Plan may face more tenacious resistance, allowing Severance Tann to consider it carefully.

Severance Tann simply ignored this opinion.

On that day, the news of the capture of Planet Dora spread, and the people of Dawn Planet who were reveling because Admiral Matt Horner's A fleet launched the first wave of super-matter electromagnetic cannons against Planet Eriadu once again had one more person.

Reasons to party.

The planet Dora has been captured, the Nosoin corridor has been completely opened, and the fleet of the fourth civilization will be able to directly lead to the Eriadu system!

At the same time that the planet Dora fell, the Galactic Republic sent a task force into the planet Eiattu 6 in the southern part of the Milky Way's central ring.

When the Agama planet in the north of the Eriadu planet has not yet fallen, the hyperspace channel near the planet Eriadu 6 can still be used. From here, the planet Dora can be threatened from the flanks, thereby affecting the fourth civilization's influence on the planet.

Attack on the planet Eriadu.

The 41st Storm Legion (41st Stion) of the Galactic Republic arrived on the planet Aiatu 6. The king of this monarchy planet, Antbbianplourr III, welcomed the arrival of the Republic clone army and proposed to

Provide comprehensive logistical support for the military.

The unprecedented war on the planet Eriadu is about to break out, which makes the planet Aiatu 6 very nervous, because they know very well that even a little bit of power leaked from both parties in this war is enough to destroy their planet.

In fact, Aiatu 6 has a total population of 7 billion and has a very developed industry and economy, but they are also a group of typical 'peaceful planets' born after the reform of the Galactic Republic Rusan. Such a planet has almost all industries and industries

They have nothing to do with the military. They don't even have regular troops, only security police-level troops.

Their developed industries are all used to produce civilian products, such as holographic theaters, automatic casinos, and home entertainment.

So when the war broke out, the people on the planet Aiatu 6 were at a loss. They had no plan for mobilization? industrial transformation? wartime economy? All of these, so they could only wait for help from the Galactic Republic.

However, the target of this Galactic Republic fleet is not the planet Aiatu 6. Their target is the planet Tibrin.

Compared to the planet Aiatu 6, which has no idea what war is, the Ishi Tib people on the planet Tiblin are much more aggressive.

Although the economy is not developed and the population is only about 500 million, they have their own military industry and their own army, and many Yinxi-Tibu people also work as bounty hunters and mercenaries in many places in the galaxy. They are very

Active race.

The Yinxi-Tibu people on the Tibrin planet are currently ruled by the dictator Suribran Tu. This brutal ruler maintains his rule on the planet. After the war broke out, he was very determined

On the side of the Galactic Republic, it was also one of the first planets to proactively declare war on the Confederation of Independent Systems.

His actions gained the strong support of the Galactic Republic, so although he went against the grain on the planet and committed countless anti-social crimes for his own luxurious life and rule, no one could resist him.

Because behind Sulibran-Tu is the Galactic Republic!

However, just recently, with the outbreak of the battle on the planet Eriadu, Suribran-Tu also felt a great threat. He desperately asked the Republic for help, and said that if he did not get help, the planet Tibrin would be in danger.

May be forced to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

On that day, it may be a disaster for the 7 billion civilians on the planet Aiatu 6, which is only 4 seconds away from the Tibrin planet!

Although they understand that Sulibran-Tu's statement is a moral kidnapping, after discussion, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic believes that it is very important to send troops to stabilize the stability of the planet Tibrin and Aiyatu 6.

Because if it can always be guaranteed that the Agma planet will not be captured by the Sothrob Company of the Salustians, then starting from the Tibrin planet can indeed threaten the flank of the separatist fleet on the Dora planet.

After the Republic's 41st Storm Legion arrived on the planet Aiatu 6, the 501st Legion, which had just completed the combat mission of the Republic's 8th Army on the planet Zanfatar, as well as Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano

The master and apprentice also received the mission and began to move in this direction.

At the same time, Tang Xiao, who was taking command on the planet Glenson, also received a communication from Count Dooku.

"Dear Governor, I am very pleased with the recent developments of Planet Dawn. I believe that Planet Eriadu will soon fall into our hands." Count Dooku complimented, and then said: "However, there is one thing.

I must ask for your help - regarding the planet Tibrin."


[Picture 1 attached to the Easter egg chapter: Yinxi-Tibu people are a very common non-human race in Star Wars.]


Thanks to book friend 20220605201104327 for the 100.asxs.coin!!

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