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Chapter 929 Justice and Justice

929,Axioms and Justice

The priestess began to walk around these young apprentices, giving different opinions and guidance according to each of their situations.

She walked all the way and saw only a looming figure behind a table. She shook her head, picked up the pointer and tapped it lightly in the air. There was a snap, and then there was a scream. The little girl Xiao

Yan appeared, covering her head and staring fiercely at the priestess.

"Wrong method, Xiao Yan." The priestess said calmly.

"What's wrong!? I've obviously used the force to become invisible!" Xiao Yan shouted loudly.

"The reason why you can become invisible is not that you are using the Force, but that the Force is using you. The density of midi-chlorians in your body can be said to be the highest among everyone here, which is why you can become invisible. However,

Can you explain why you can become invisible?" the priestess asked.

Xiao Yan shook her head blankly.

"Because you can't even take the first step to perceive the existence of the Force." The voice of the priestess gradually became colder. "In the next seven days, you need to add a lesson on Force perception after the academic course.

Evening class.”

Xiao Yan's little face suddenly turned bitter, "...Eh? I clearly made an appointment with Zhang Xucheng and the others to explore the depths of the temple tomorrow... The protoss engineer Kadar also agreed to lend us a machine sentry!"

"It's a pity that your expedition can only be postponed." The priestess said nonchalantly, "Maybe when the protoss dig deeper, your subsequent adventures will be more interesting. But now, you must add a section

Evening class.”

Zhang Xucheng, who was sitting on the side, raised his hand with loyalty and said: "Teacher, can I also add an evening class?"

"Of course." said the priestess.

"Oh, great!" Zhang Xucheng winked at Xiao Yan, obviously having other plans.

The priestess looked at them, her expression covered by a gorgeous mask, but her tone was full of teasing, "But your evening classes are separate. The star spirit Zelakas is somewhat interested in your talent. He thinks that in

You will find a common ground between psionics and the Force. He will channel your unique powers."

"Ah???" The plan was ruined, and Zhang Xucheng collapsed, lying on the table and groaning, "No...Zelakas is super strict...he speaks directly in our hearts,

It looks so scary..."

"Hahahaha!!" The other children laughed when they saw them making a fuss, and the originally solemn atmosphere in the class suddenly lightened a lot.

The priestess looked at this cheerful class, and a long-lost look of relief appeared under her mask.

At that time, the war had just broken out, and she was still the Jedi Master, Depa Billaba... She had been worried about the war, the people, and the entire galaxy... Countless burdens wiped the smile off her face, but luckily she had

The two amazingly talented apprentices, the Dream Sisters, gave her life some color.

Later, on the planet Harunkar, she saw that the talents of the Dream Sisters had finally been realized and turned into their powerful strength, which also allowed her to see the future of the galaxy, a bright future. After that, even if she herself fell to the dark side, she still felt that


And now, after she accepted the dark side and completely let go of everything, she rediscovered her original feelings with the disciples of the Twilight Covenant...

Before the war broke out, he spent time teaching the Jedi apprentices at the Jedi Temple.

However, at this moment, a communication message interrupted her thoughts. She looked at the message, took a deep breath, and said to the apprentices: "That's it for today's class. Let's take the cultural class first. Everyone follows Go to the classroom with your own class, okay, get out of class is over."

After saying that, she hurriedly left the classroom, came to the conference room, and connected the communication.

The holographic projection of Darth Malsayel appeared here, gloomy, terrifying, and full of the aura of death. He said coldly: "I will give you a task - to publicly execute the governor of the planet Tibrin, Sulibran.


The priestess' tone was unkind, "I remember we had an agreement. I will not swing my sword against the Galactic Republic."

"Don't refuse in a hurry, Priestess. Although you won't wield the sword against the Galactic Republic, I think you will be willing to wield the sword for the people, right?" Darth Malsayir said, passing a message

Bring over the documents.

When the priestess lowered her head to check, Das-Masayir continued: "If you refuse this task, I will be very disappointed. The priestess... will be really disappointed. Hahahaha..."

He sneered and closed the communication.

The priestess looked at the document. Her expression under the mask became more and more serious, and finally even revealed anger!

Such a perverse tyrant, with his hands stained with the blood of civilians, actually maintains his rule with the support of the Galactic Republic?!

Where does the Galactic Republic stand? Where is justice? Where is justice?!

The priestess roared loudly in her heart. She raised her hand and touched the cold lightsaber hilt at her waist. Then she calmed down... Yes, justice and justice... are here.

When he came out of the conference room, he found the tall and thin figure of the star spirit Zelakas in front of him. He glanced at the priestess, and a calm voice suddenly appeared in her mind, "I feel the strong murderous intention in your heart."

, Priestess.”

"I have received a new mission. I am going to kill a person." The priestess said coldly.

"Under Tang Xiao, a powerful and dark leader, this is not surprising." Zelakas said.

The priestess glanced sideways at him and sneered, "The rigidity of your protoss is very similar to that of the Jedi Order. Your arrogance makes you refuse to explore the deeper nature of affairs and human beings, which leads you to make one mistake after another.

s Choice."

After saying that, he walked away.

One day later, on April 15, an inconspicuous spacecraft flew into the Tibrin planet, and easily passed through the loose and backward sentries on the outer orbital border of the planet, and entered the atmosphere. Then, with the voice of the special envoy of the Confederation of Independent Systems,

Identity submitted an entry request.

After landing at the special spaceport of the planet's extremely luxurious Governor's Mansion, the honor guard that came to greet him hurriedly arrived.

The door of the spaceship opened, and the priestess, still wearing the majestic purple robe and the gorgeous mask, came out and said to the Yinxi-Tibu official in front of her: "I am here on behalf of the Confederation of Independent Systems, and

The Governor of Tibrin Planet is discussing some important matters, so please be prepared."

The official was a little embarrassed, "Well... Sir Sulibran said that only Count Dooku comes in person is the proper standard."

"Haha..." the priestess sneered and said: "Then it seems that it was my mistake. Go back and tell Sulibran Tu that if I leave empty-handed this time, what I will bring next time will be a fleet.


The official was suddenly covered in cold sweat, and said a few words into the communicator tremblingly, and then said carefully: "Sir Sulibran said... there may have been some misunderstandings just now... He has prepared a sumptuous dinner, please invite the representatives

Adults participate."

The priestess waved her hand, "I'm not here to eat, let's get straight to the point. Now our fleet has occupied the Dora planet, which is not far from the Tibrin planet, so we need to solve the problem first."

This chapter has been completed!
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