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Chapter 956 Exposed


The Galactic Republic's reinforcements arrived on the planet Marastal, and at this time, the army of the Fourth Civilization was leaving the cover of the underground pipe network. While a considerable part of Obi-Wan Kenobi's troops had already entered the underground, they attacked

Their ground positions were attacked.

The Republic's reinforcements arrived and immediately went into battle. They quickly landed on the outskirts of the capital Pixel City against the massive anti-aircraft firepower set up by the Fourth Civilization, and then launched an attack on the Fourth Civilization's army.

This batch of reinforcements was transported by two Cheer-class assault landing ships. There were a total of 20,000 clone soldiers and a large number of heavy equipment including AT-TE and TX-130 Saber assault tanks. They were also equipped with higher-than-standard configurations.

LAAT/I assault transport gunship.

After a large number of LAAT/I gunboats joined, they carried clone soldiers and began to perform leapfrog tactics, going directly deep into Pixel City and striking hundreds of strategic locations.

At the same time, the military commanders of the Gran and Dag people sent panicked messages to Master Luminara-Anduli, "General Luminara! It's not good! The separatists are attacking our supplies.

Warehouse! Please go and provide reinforcements, otherwise our supplies will fall into the hands of the separatists!"

Luminara Anduli nodded and said very calmly: "I will arrange for reinforcements to go there immediately. Where are you?"

"We are on our way to the command center. General, are you there? Let's meet up as soon as possible and rush to the warehouse!" the Gran commander said eagerly.

Luminara Anduli said calmly: "Yes, I am in the command center. Come here."

A moment later, the Malastar Planet Joint Command Center was set up in the center of the city.

Suddenly several rockets shot straight past, boom! Boom! Boom!

!The violent explosion immediately plunged the building where the command center is located into a sea of ​​flames!

Immediately afterwards, heavily armed Gran and Dag soldiers rushed into the building under the cover of B-1 combat robots and fired wildly at every room!

Hey, hey, hey, hey... The blaster rifle fired out scorching blaster beams, exploding on the walls and on the table.

Holographic projection equipment, battlefield maps, computer hosts... everything in the command center exploded and burned during the strafing, and the command center was in a mess.


"General... except for a few holographic dummies... there is no one here!

!" A Gran soldier reported back in panic.

"What?!" The commander-in-chiefs of the Gran and the Dage looked at each other, their eyes full of horror.

"No! We've been discovered! Run!"

"The commander-in-chief of the Dagh people reacted faster, leaving the soldiers behind and running away without saying a word.

But suddenly there was a burst of intensive gunfire and explosions from the periphery! More than ten soldiers of the Gran and Dage were killed in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, the building nearby suddenly collapsed, and several huge AT-TE walkers came out from the ruins!

The Gran and Dag troops suddenly fell into chaos. They fought independently and could only hide behind bunkers and shoot randomly. Some people dropped their weapons and surrendered directly.

The only ones still resisting are the emotionless B-1 combat robots.

However, in front of the elite clone soldiers, these robots did not last long before they were all wiped out.

The young and beautiful Mirio Jedi apprentice Barriss Offee led a commando team into the heavy siege and directly captured the two commander-in-chiefs of the Gran and the Dagur.

The commander-in-chief of the supreme military force of the dignified planet actually became a prisoner and was brought before Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Anduri.

Obi-Wan Kenobi fought with Shi Aimin, who calls himself 'Captain Dawn', for more than two hours yesterday. He couldn't do anything to each other. The two fought at a 50-50 level, so they had no choice but to retreat temporarily. Quickly.

The possibility of a surprise attack was completely eliminated, and the only option was to return to the rear and prepare to reorganize the offensive.

To this day, he still has one eye that looks like a panda eye.

However, standing in front of these two commanders-in-chief, his momentum was still impressive.

The commander-in-chief of the Dag and Gran people huddled together, trembling all over, and begged softly: "Don't kill me... don't kill me... I will say anything, anything..."

"What are you doing with the Separatists..." Luminara was about to ask something, but Obi-Wan interrupted her with a gesture.

"You are not soldiers! Who the hell are you!" Obi-Wan Kenobi asked sharply.

"What did you say?" Luminara Anduli was startled by Obi-Wan's words and looked at him in disbelief.

The bodies of the two 'commanders-in-chief' were shaking like chaff, and they said tremblingly: "We... we are drama actors... Two months ago, hundreds of actors were gathered for training to play the role of military commander-in-chief.

, we acted the most alike, so...so we came over to act..."

"How did you tell? Master Obi-Wan." Luminara asked.

"I just had this feeling before, but I have never been sure. I always feel that although there is nothing wrong with their demeanor and temperament, they lack the aura of gunpowder." Obi-Wan said: "Planet Marastal

It is not a peaceful planet. There have been disputes between the two races on the planet for a long time, and there have been conflicts with the corporate alliance before. In such an environment, it is impossible for someone who can become the military commander to be this...

...Hmm, 'clean' feeling."

Luminara Anduli's face was gloomy, "So the planet Marastal has been playing tricks on us from the beginning! They have joined the separatism long ago, but now they are playing tricks on us! They just want to involve our troops!

Let us suffer a lot of casualties at an extreme disadvantage!"

"What other plans do you have?" Obi-Wan Kenobi scolded.

"We...we don't know much...we just kept sending them messages from the beginning, telling them the location of your artillery positions and spaceports, and then secretly transported a large amount of supplies to them. Lebanese...no, the separatist army

The supplies have always been sufficient, and there are also a large number of robots mixed in our transport ships to land secretly..." said the Gran's 'Commander-in-Chief'.

"What benefits has Separatism given you?" Luminara asked.

The Dagur 'Commander-in-Chief' answered carefully, "They said they would help us resolve the disputes on the planet, give us more economic independence, and build us a new colony on a newly reclaimed planet. At the same time,

It will also assist us in developing an independent industrial system..."

At this time, Barriss Offee, who had been standing silently, suddenly said: "Shouldn't these things be given to you by the Galactic Republic?"

This chapter has been completed!
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