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Chapter 966 The Hidden Tauren

966,Hidden Tauren

The quarrel among the Galactic Council continued, and then this farce involving thousands of high-ranking people reached a climax in a sentence from Rush Clovis, the representative of the Intergalactic Banking Association.

He said calmly: "According to our intelligence, the Federation of Independent Systems used the production capacity of 100 industrial planets as collateral to borrow 300 billion credit points from us to expand the scale of the war."

Padmé Amidala, a member of the Naboo planet, stood up suddenly and said angrily: "You, the Interstellar Banking Association, have been playing tricks on both sides of the war and providing funds to both sides at the same time! Now take this matter to the Republic Parliament.

It said, where did you put the Constitution of the Republic?

300 billion credits are enough to arm 50 combat formations!"

Rush Clovis spread his hands and looked innocent, "The Constitution of the Republic does not stipulate what should be done after a civil war occurs? The current situation is that since this is a civil war within the Galactic Republic, then we

As a fair, fair and open banking industry, it is naturally obliged to provide financial services to members within the Republic. Moreover, once we cut off the supply of funds, many people on the outer planets will starve, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"Your behavior is undoubtedly expanding the scale of the war! Don't tell me that you can't tell whether the funds are used to build warships or buy food!" Alderaan Councilor Bail Organa also stood.

Get up and accuse.

"In fact, we really have no control." Rush Clovis shook his head ruthlessly.

This meeting still had no results, and Speaker Sheev Palpatine announced that the meeting would be temporarily adjourned again and will continue tomorrow.

Padmé Amidala walked out of the venue extremely angry. Her beautiful face turned red, her teeth were clenched, and her eyebrows were raised. She was extremely angry.

At this time, a person walked up to her, came to her and made a polite aristocratic salute, "Padmé, I am very pleased to see you as beautiful and energetic as usual today."

Padmé was furious when she saw this man. This man turned out to be the representative of the Interstellar Banking Association on the Galactic Parliament, and also the representative of the Scipio Sector - Rush Clovis


In fact, although he works for the Interstellar Banking Association, he is actually a human.

The Interstellar Banking Association is not completely controlled by the Muun people. It is just that the founder is a Muun people, and they have the largest shares and power. There are still a large number of people from other races serving in it.

The same is true for some other corporate giants. Not all Neimoidians in the Trade Alliance are Neimoidians, and not all Kurivas in the Enterprise Alliance are...

Moreover, since humans are the largest race in the inner and core circles of the galaxy and occupy the most wealth and industry, the number of human executives among these corporate giants is also very large.

Rush Clovis is about 35 or 6 years old, and he looks quite handsome and calm.

However, Padmé Amidala just wanted to pick up a chair and smash his handsome face to pieces. She snorted and said: "Congratulations, Mr. Rush. By letting hundreds of millions of people continue to sacrifice in the war,

, you and the master behind you have made a huge fortune again."

Rush Clovis sighed and said: "Padmé, you know what I mean. I never mix business and private matters. In fact, what I want to explain to you is that today in Parliament,

You may have over-interpreted some things at the conference..."

"There is nothing to over-interpret! Now your Interstellar Banking Association is providing funds to both sides of the war at the same time. This is treason!" Padmé Amidala yelled angrily.

Rush Clovis was startled, shook his head and said: "Ever since the war broke out, you have been too sensitive... Why can't you calm down? Just like before, the relationship between you and me...



Padmé Amidala interrupted him directly, "I don't know what you are talking about! If we have had any misunderstandings, then they should all be clarified today! Please leave immediately! I will be very careful."

File a new round of lawsuits with Parliament quickly!"

Rush Clovis shook his head again, but turned around and left without saying anything more.

In fact, he did have a relationship with Padmé Amidala 4 years ago, but Padmé has always wavered between her responsibilities as a member of the parliament and her personal feelings, which made their romance always difficult.

It's stormy.

Finally, after their on-and-off underground romance lasted for 3 years, with the outbreak of the war, Padmé Amidala's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, and she directly treated him without any pretense, and then although

It was not stated clearly, but the romance between the two ended here.

However, Rush Clovis has always been deeply in love with Padmé.

[PS: That’s right!

Do you think that the artist boy Padmé talked about in "The Phantom Menace" who had sex at the age of 14 was her only boyfriend? That's so naive! The time Padmé and Clovis broke up was the war.

In other words, a month or two before the war broke out, when Padmé was sleeping with Anakin Skywalker, who was several years younger than her, she actually had a boyfriend! I didn’t expect it.

!Hahahahaha! In addition to the plot of the old cow eating young grass, there is also a hidden thread of the tauren!】

But love is love, and career is the most important thing. Rush Clovis thinks he can handle this well.

However, what he didn't know was that another pair of eyes had already been staring at him.

In the Speaker's Office, the Speaker of the Galactic Parliament, Sheev Palpatine, was opening the communication to talk to someone. On the other end of the holographic projection was Master Windu.

At this moment, Mace Windu, whose body had undergone mechanical transformation and treatment, had a cold face, and his red mechanical eye was emitting a terrifying light.

"You mean, you suspect that the Interstellar Banking Association has committed treason?" Master Mace Windu asked coldly.

Sheev Palpatine smiled warmly and said: "This is not a suspicion, but something that is directly confirmed. But the problem is that from the perspective of the Constitution of the Republic, we cannot convict the Interstellar Banking Association. And you

We also understand that the Interstellar Banking Association controls the economic lifeline of the galaxy, and any action against them may have serious consequences."

"So, what are you going to do?" Master Windu asked.

"I hope the Jedi Order can take action and secretly investigate Rush Clovis," Palpatine said.


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Rush Clovis, Padmé’s second boyfriend.]

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