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Chapter 994 The Sensitive One in Inqiaoli

994, Incholi Sensitive Person

The Eriadu satellite, the outskirts of the Crystal Sea, is the command center and logistics base of the Armored Corps of the Galactic Republic.

Defeated soldiers who were escaping continued to return to the base on trucks and hoverbikes. One hoverbike could even hold 4 or 5 people on it, making it almost impossible to even fly.

Most of these defeated soldiers were pale and frightened, and many of them were covered in blood, but there were not many wounded soldiers - in the hasty escape, those wounded soldiers were basically abandoned.

The blood on these people's bodies is the blood of other comrades.

They have completely lost the courage to fight. Even after psychological treatment, it is estimated that no more than 10% can return to the battlefield.

This extremely cruel offensive by the Incholi people completely destroyed their confidence.

They have never seen an opponent that can tear a person in half with their bare hands, they have never seen an opponent that can bend the barrel of an AT-TE walker, and they have never seen an opponent that can overturn an AT-TE walker head-on.

Off-road vehicle rival!

In addition, the powerful M-22 Ripper shotgun and Striker assault rifle ammunition that the Inchori love very much have a terrifying effect on the human body. It is not a bad thing to be hit by the Striker's rifle grenade-like bullet, isn't it?

Was it blown to pieces? If it encountered the M-22 Ripper, it would be directly cut into a pile of minced meat by countless jagged shrapnel!

Powerless to resist, totally powerless to resist!

Even though they are equipped with powerful AT-TE walkers and UT-AT suspended self-propelled artillery, they still have no ability to resist when faced with the Inchori flying around with flapping backpacks on their backs and being extremely powerful and invulnerable.


Inside the command center, the news from the front line had already informed the Republic commander of this fiasco, and he immediately understood where he had gone wrong.

The mistake was in treating the Incholi as ordinary infantry!

To fight against the Inchori, you have to arrange yourself in a relatively dense formation, use as much frontal firepower as possible to reduce their numbers from a long distance, and then through cross-fire and good coordination between combat groups, you can defeat them.


Want to set up a position to hedge? Then there is no chance at all!

The Inchori's flapping backpacks that only they themselves can perfectly control give them unimaginable mobility and flexibility, which is perfect for fighting against powerful but cumbersome armored vehicles like the AT-TE.


They are coming!" the radar soldier shouted in fear.

On the radar screen, there were dense signals, thousands of them!

It's an Incholi!

The Republic commander took a deep breath and said: "It's at least half an hour later than I expected. A beast is a beast after all."

He looked back at the pale-faced staff members, and then said: "Cover the wounded soldiers and civilian personnel and retreat first. Others, resist on the spot!"

"Colonel! You should leave quickly!"

The commander smiled and took out the blaster pistol from his waist. Katcha turned on the safety and said calmly: "Beasts may sometimes eat people, but people will eventually win. I just do what I should do."

That’s it, you guys, retreat as soon as possible! The more people you take away, the better!”

Gunshots and explosions have been heard in the distance, and Inchoris wearing flapping backpacks have rushed over in dense numbers! The anti-aircraft firepower at the base has been opened, but how strong is the defense of this temporary forward base?

In the command center, the civilian staff were evacuating in panic. They did not forget to take away all the memories. If they could not take them away, they smashed them all and lit a fire and burned them together with some paper documents.

The commander put on his military cap, straightened his clothes, then rushed out with a pistol and a group of guards!

Inchoris kept roaring and falling from the sky. They didn't slow down at all. They fell directly from the sky and crushed everything they hit! Whether it was a vehicle or a human body, they dived down at a speed of 1,200 kilometers per hour, weighing more than

In front of half a ton of Incholi people, there is no chance of survival!

"Beast..." the commander gritted his teeth, raised his hand and raised his gun to point at an Incholi who had just crushed a truck in front of him and pulled the trigger!

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Fierce explosions continued to set off, and in the sky the Galactic Republic's V-19 Torrent light fighter jets and Z-95 Headhunter universal fighter jets continued to dive downwards, and fired wildly with blaster cannons.

On the ground, the high-speed armored forces of the Galactic Republic have returned. The TX-130 Saber hover tanks rushed over at high speed, and laser cannons fired continuously.

Under such an open-land attack, even the Inchori had to hide behind the wreckage of previously destroyed armored vehicles and some rocks, curling up their huge bodies.

They can withstand blaster rifle fire, but in the face of these airborne and vehicle-mounted heavy weapons, the difference between one shot and ordinary people is at best whether they leave a whole corpse.

The huge figure of the HAVw A6 turbine tank also appeared on the edge of the battlefield. The hatch opened and clone soldiers wearing white polymer and gold combat armor filed out. They immediately formed combat groups and began to advance in groups.

The HAVw A6 turbine tank is 49.4 meters in total and 10 meters high. It is extremely huge. Its hard wheels and huge body can directly crush most obstacles, and then it can carry 300 soldiers at a high speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

This is a very large vehicle that the Galactic Republic will use on some planetary battlefields with relatively desolate terrain. Why can it only be used on desolate planets? Because once this thing enters the city, basically everything it passes through will have to be rebuilt.

After unloading the clone troopers, these turbine tanks began to slow down, relying on several powerful turrets on the tanks to provide fire support.

The current situation is completely difficult for the Incholi troops.

Different from the slow AT-TE walkers, the TX-130 of this Republic armored force can reach a high speed of 200 kilometers per hour. They have enough maneuverability to get rid of the powerful Inchori and then use it to distance themselves.

Destroy it with your own powerful firepower.

Although Shen Yuanhao and his more than 100 Warthog off-road vehicles are also cooperating with the remaining Inchori force of more than 7,000 people, they have already tried their best just to deal with the threat from the fighter jets in the sky, and

You let off-road vehicles fight against TX-130 hover tanks?

This is courting death.

What's more, the reason why the Galactic Republic chose Crystal Sea as the battlefield is because the terrain here is flat, which is convenient for the deployment and galloping of armored forces. If this continues, this Inchori army will only be completely annihilated!

Shen Yuanhao picked up the telescope and looked into the distance, and said to Karina beside him: "Those huge turbine tanks should be our last chance. What are the possibilities of capturing them?"

There are about 100 Incholi warriors gathered around Karina. Different from other Incholi people, they are all larger than others, and their scales show a black color.

Greenish color.

Compared to normal Incholi people, these people are like demons!

"Others, it's unlikely. But if I go, it's 100% possible." Karina was completely excited, and there was even a faint golden light in her eyes. As her power increased,

There was so much excitement that the surrounding rubble even floated out of thin air!

Karina is a naturally Force-sensitive person!

This chapter has been completed!
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