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Chapter 996 The numbers in this chapter are not very auspicious.

996, the number in this chapter is not very auspicious.

Eriadu moon, Kalina crater.

The planetary shield generator on the satellite is naturally the most important facility and needs to be focused on defense, and Kalina Crater is a key link in this defense system.

Because the maximum depth of Kalina Crater reaches more than minus 2,100 meters above the satellite's altitude, making it the lowest-lying area in the entire satellite, the Galactic Republic built a huge geothermal energy power station here.

The geothermal energy of a mere satellite cannot naturally support a planetary shield, but the geothermal energy power station in Karina Crater supplies energy for the defense facilities around the planetary shield.

Once Karina Crater is captured, the defense facilities around the planetary shield generator, including shield barriers and defensive artillery, will lose their energy supply. Even if backup energy is enabled, the power will not meet the required standards.

But now, the front of Kalina Crater is experiencing an extremely spectacular scene...

2,000 AT-PT walkers charge in a swarm!

After acquiring the Blade Fleet previously, the 5,340 AT-PT walkers in the battleship cargo bay were also captured by the Fourth Civilization and became a very important armored force.

Although the AT-PT is a relatively early model among the Galactic Republic's bipedal walking machine family, it also has good performance. It is equipped with a twin blaster cannon and a concussion grenade launcher. The relatively slender mechanical legs can allow walking.

The machine can move forward at a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour and can jump to a height of about 5 meters.

Compared with other bipedal walking machines, the AT-PT's armor and firepower are relatively average, but its maneuverability and flexibility are very good.

But similarly, with the disappearance of the Blade fleet, this bipedal walker designed and manufactured by Rossana Heavy Engineering Company, a subsidiary of Quat Power Dockyard, also lost orders from the Galactic Republic.

However, compared to Rendili, who lost the order for the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser and was almost injured, the failure of a bipedal walker did not affect the Quat Power Dockyard.

They quickly developed two bipedal walking machines, AT-XT and AT-RT, and re-entered the military market. They are now using these two bipedal walking machines as a blueprint to develop the final model - AT-ST bipedal walking machine.

Foot walker.

Ling Liang, the Major General of the Fourth Civilization Army, decisively invested 2,000 AT-PT bipedal walkers in this landing operation, and used it as a mobile ace in her hands.

When the Galactic Republic army placed its armored forces on the Crystal Sea, trying to threaten several cities and logistics bases occupied by the Fourth Civilization's rear forces from the direction of the Crystal Sea, forcing the Fourth Civilization to fight them in the Crystal Sea, Ling Liang directly fought.

Another trump card - the Incholi!

She asked the Inchori to resist the armored forces of the Galactic Republic alone, and then led the main force with 2,000 AT-PTs as the forerunner and 3 infantry divisions as the follow-up force to attack Karina Crater!

An extremely fierce battle began in an instant. The Galactic Republic's defenders in this direction gathered more than 50,000 people, but they were all conscripted soldiers. After more than three months of training, they went to the battlefield.

The defenders relied on the terrain of Kalina Crater and a large number of fixed defense facilities to continuously fire and fire, with dense lasers and missiles covering almost the entire crater.

In the sky, the V-19 Riptide light fighters and Z-95 Headhunter universal fighters of the Galactic Republic continued to provide fire support, swooping down to straf with blaster cannons, and launching concussive missile attacks.

But it still cannot resist the tide-like offensive of the fourth civilization!

At least half of the AT-PT walkers have been modified, with the concussion grenade launchers removed and converted into the same model of Hellfire long-range surface-to-air missile launchers as the Titan mecha, but there is only one set.

A large number of Hellfire long-range surface-to-air missiles posed a great threat to the Galactic Republic's air force, but they still continued to dive and fire despite the missile firepower.

Fighters kept being shot down, and AT-PTs kept being destroyed by artillery fire.

But this cannot stop the resolute advancement of the Fourth Civilization Army!

Compared with the conscripts of the Galactic Republic, the Fourth Civilization adopts a universal compulsory military service system. Their soldiers have to undergo more than two years of military service training before going to the battlefield. And they have been taught since childhood that the three major natural disasters are raging, and the fourth natural disaster

The rise of such a belief makes their determination to fight much stronger than those conscripts of the Republic who were once just miners on the satellite and had nothing to eat!



"The soldiers of the Fourth Civilization wearing Liberator II combat uniforms roared and rushed up to the crater, picked up the M-15 Vindicator assault rifle or pickaxe sniper rifle in their hands and fired continuously, forming skirmishers in small groups.

Line charge.

The fixed firepower points on the mountain that were set up behind the rocks or even poured into concrete kept spitting out tongues of fire, and the blaster beams fired by the blaster rifles came like raindrops.

An AT-PT in front jumped up directly and landed in front of a firepower fortification. The twin blaster guns aimed at the fortification and blasted indiscriminately, but it did not break through the fortification. It was more than 2 meters thick and had a layer of polymerization and

Golden concrete. At this time, on the other side, a 1.4FD light laser cannon installed on the mountain, under the control of the Republic soldiers, turned its muzzle and aimed at the AT-PT and fired several shots!

Boom! Boom!

A big crater was immediately blown out of the side of the AT-PT, and the whole thing burned. The driver inside was on fire. He screamed and tried to open the hatch with all his strength and tried to climb out. However, he lost all strength just halfway through the climb and hung up.

He screamed loudly at the cabin door and soon became silent.

But more soldiers of the Fourth Civilization rushed forward under the cover of the mountain rock. A burst of gunfire killed the operator of the 1.4FD laser cannon. Then they rushed under the fortification, took out a needle grenade and fired directly from the

Kong threw it in.


There was a small explosion, and hundreds of tiny steel needles were shot out from the needle grenade, and they were still bouncing around, killing all 7 or 8 Republic soldiers in the fortification!

Boom! Boom!

Several more AT-PTs jumped up, continuously firing concussion grenades at the Republic's defensive positions, suppressing the Republic infantry hiding behind the bunkers, and then began to use blasters against another sturdy DF-9 above.

The anti-infantry turret fires wildly!

At the same time, the Eriadu Satellite Command Center.

"General! The separatist army has broken through our defenses in Karina Crater! We can't hold on for long." The signal soldier ran over in panic and shouted.

Peng! The general of the Republic slammed his fist on the table, "That side of Jinghai is full of trash! It's all trash!"

Let Ling Liang put all her armored troops into Karina Crater! And they actually lost many troops in Jinghai, and even had their headquarters taken away!


"But the Inqori people on the other side of Jinghai..." A staff officer wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by sudden news.


Something bad is happening!

The Separatist Fleet! The Separatist Fleet is dispatched!


This chapter has been completed!
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