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Chapter 73 Exploring Cats

Throughout the day, people in the village were cleaning.

Wash yourself first, then your clothes.

After using soap mixed with wild chrysanthemum, I feel cleaner and brighter than using soap locust. I can't stand the dirty clothes that have been worn for almost a month.

Not only the clothes, but also the bedding and mats all need to be washed.

There are hemp ropes hanging everywhere in the woods, and the washed clothes are hung on them to dry. The sunlight that shines into the forest is blowing away the moisture bit by bit.

Yan Yu lay comfortably on the upper bunk.

He stretched out his little feet and swayed back and forth, as if he was playing with the sunshine. He was having a lot of fun.

Turn over neatly, turn your head to one side, and spread your hands and feet back.

The front side has been exposed to the sun for a bit too long, so change the side.

When Li Xuemei came up and saw her daughter lying flat, her hand felt a little itchy and she patted it lightly.

Yan Yu didn't even look back and said coquettishly: "Mother——"

The second time I stopped patting, I switched to rubbing, squeezing and kneading my daughter’s back and calves.

Especially the calves. Li Xuemei heard from villagers that her daughter's little body seemed to be seven years old.

But...it would be a lie to say that I am not worried.

Yan Yu groaned as her mother rubbed her.

"Like a piglet." Li Xuemei's eyes were full of kindness, and a gentle smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

"Mother pig, hum hum! The baby pig took six baths in two days, hum! It's almost bald! Hum hum!"

As a baby, she is very tired from being bathed.

Yan Yu wants to express her dissatisfaction.

Li Xuemei joked: "Isn't this a little dirty pig turned into a little fragrant pig?"

Yan Yu hummed twice but did not refute.

"Mom, when are we going to plant trees?" Yan Yu was thinking about replanting.

Li Xuemei said: "Don't worry, wait until there is no one around at night." Otherwise, the villagers might think there is something wrong with them.

"Your father took Sanbao out to look for them. Not only are there branches that can be cut, but they also need to be found in a suitable place to prevent us from planting them and the seedlings will not survive."

"When will our cat arrive? It has already performed four times. Is it really going to be seven in and seven out..." Yan Yu rolled her face, wanting to pet the cat and try out the exploration function.

Just as she was talking, her cat came again!

Li Xuemei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she went down and waited for it to come over with difficulty dragging its residual leg.

That's right, the cat's injuries have escalated.

In the past, I could still touch the ground with my claws, but now I am dragging it away as if I am completely unconscious.

She tried to get closer, but the cat didn't hide.

With an idea in mind, I tied the peeled twigs I had prepared long ago with cloth strips.

Then he touched a small fish sent by the villagers, handed it to it, and patted its head.

The cat subconsciously tried to avoid it, but in the end, it allowed him to be touched, with its little ears slightly sticking back.

It meowed lowly twice, then took the fish in its mouth and left.

It can be said that in this drama between humans and cats, both parties have mastered the details very well.

For example, Yan Yu insists on peeling off the skin of a small branch, or a cat wants to be petted but refuses to be touched.

Yan Laoer broke off many branches and temporarily planted them in the forest. He poured some water on them to keep them active.

Then one man and one cow came to the stream, and Sanbao drank water, while he used a small wooden stick to dig out worms on the edge.

He had to arrange for egg laying tomorrow morning, and he had to give the hens something good to eat in advance.

When Yan Laoer returned, he caught up with Maomao's sixth performance.

A cat and a snake suddenly rolled out of the grass.

It startled him.

When he looked over carefully, Yan Laoer looked strange.

You would say that these two fought very well. Indeed, they are evenly matched. The snake has a very strong sense of attack and keeps attacking, but the cat is obviously not like that.

If he didn't know the truth, he might really be frightened by this 'scheming cat'.

The snake refused to dodge when it was slapped, and fell to the ground softly after being hit.

It's a miserable cry.

The snake gained the upper hand and rolled it up. It swooped out and gave it a hard claw.

I probably struggled with it for a long time, but to no avail. The snake wanted to go away, but the cat was reluctant to let go, scratching and biting...

In the end, the just cat finally won.

The snake ran away, it won.

He was so tired that he stuck out his tongue.

Yan Laoer went over to pick it up, picked up the small branches scattered on the ground, fixed them again, hugged the cat, and came back generously.

He said to his brother: "Brother, this cat is injured. I want to keep it for a while."

It was impossible for Yan Huaiwen not to notice this bobcat that repeatedly showed its presence.

"Wild animals are difficult to tame. Let it go after it recovers." The implication was that he agreed to keep the cat for the time being. "Also, be more careful and don't let it hurt anyone."

Yan Huaiwen thought very well. The wild animals in the mountains could not be raised at all. They stayed here. There was water and fish in the stream. It would only take a few days. When the bobcat's injury improved, he was afraid that he would have to leave on his own. How could he still be like this?

It's like having cats and dogs at home since childhood, they have been following them all the time.

Give the cat to his daughter.

Yan Laoer also went to take a pleasant bath.

He was a little uncomfortable with long hair, so it took him a long time to rub his long flowing hair clean.

Washing takes time, and wiping takes time.

He knew he had to adapt, so he refused his wife's help and started learning from scratch.

Yan Yu looked very serious and asked the cat: "You have been wandering outside for a day, have you got any bugs on your body?"

The cat shook its head very cutely.

Yan Yu was happy, "Then come here and pet her." Maomao still dragged his legs and lay obediently in front of her.

After stroking her little hands from beginning to end, Yan Yu was satisfied. She stretched out her arms and tried to bring the cat closer to her.

But she ignored her own strength and couldn't hold him for a while.

The cat turned over in response, exposing its belly to the owner with the next-level authority.

Yan Yu laughed and screamed.

She dug out her little notebook and found a charcoal pencil.

Start asking the cat: "Can you find the water source?"

The cat nodded.

"Both animals and plants are okay?"

Keep nodding.

Yan Yu pondered for a while and asked in a low voice: "Is your exploration scope only above ground? What about underground?"

The cat's little paws tapped the ground, and then nodded.

"Oh! You can also find it underground." She memorized it and asked, "If I tell you the name, can you find it for me?"

Maomao looked sideways at her for a while, as if thinking about how to express her words.

It turned around and looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention, it swooped down to the ground, took a piece of mugwort that the villagers had given in exchange for scented soap, and then jumped onto the upper bunk and took the mugwort.

Place it in front of Yan Yu.

He meowed, and then used his little head, mainly his eyes, to rub the mugwort.

Yan Yu understood immediately: "Are you saying that you have to see, no, recognize something before you can go out and find it?"

The cat meowed softly and nodded again.

Yan Yu carefully wrote it down again and said to himself: "Yes, there must be deviations in every world. It seems that if I want you to go out to work, I have to update your database first."

She immediately felt that the workload was huge.

Close your little notebook.

He climbed down neatly and greeted Maomao: "Come down, there is no one here."

This chapter has been completed!
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