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Chapter 1774: Venerable Ghost Hand

The cave was extremely deep, and although there were no restrictions in the way, Qin Fengming's spiritual detection still revealed the presence of restricted energy fluctuations on the stone wall.

After walking for as long as a cup of tea, the three of them arrived at a vast cave hall.

The cave here is fifty or sixty feet wide and dozens of feet high, making it extremely wide. Such a wide cave is actually indispensable for monks. Because monks practice, they need to absorb a lot of Yin Qi or spiritual energy.

Energy, if the space is too small, the energy contained will naturally be less.

Therefore, monks' caves are generally extremely wide and tall.

Of course there are exceptions, like Qin Fengming, no matter how big the cave is, it will have no effect on him.

"Greetings to Master, the monk surnamed Fei who killed Junior Brother Xi has been captured by the two disciples and brought back. Master, please punish him." As soon as the two Ghost Lord monks entered the cave, they immediately wrapped up Qin Fengming and arrived.

Among them, a white-haired old man sitting at the stone table came forward, bowed respectfully and spoke.

"You two stand aside for a moment and let me see who killed Xi Guang."

As the two Ghost Lord monks stood in front of him, Qin Fengming also saw the white-bearded old man two feet away. This old man also looked like a fairy, with a white face and no beard, a head full of white hair, and bright eyes.

, looking very hale and hearty.

"Is it the junior who killed my useless disciple Xi Guang?"

As soon as he spoke, an extremely huge coercion surged out from the old man, like a hurricane, rolling towards Qin Fengming, covering Qin Fengming in an instant.

But what surprised the white-haired old man was that the huge coercion he released had no effect on the middle-aged monk standing in front of him. Although the man stood in front of him, although his face was frightened, but under his huge pressure

Under this, the middle-aged figure did not waver at all.

It seemed that he was not affected by its huge coercion at all.

"Hmph, are you the damn Lord Ghost Hand? In front of Fei, your mere coercion from the late stage of Ghost Lord will not have any effect."

Qin Fengming's figure straightened up, and the expression on his face suddenly changed, and the original fear suddenly disappeared.

"You are not a person in the realm of ghost handsome, who are you?" Suddenly seeing Qin Fengming's change, the white-haired old man was shocked. At the same time, he raised his hand, and a spiritual sword light shot out from his hand, heading straight towards

Qin Fengming's body was cut into pieces.

"Chi!~~" Just when the old man raised his hand and the sword light flashed out, the secret technique of booing in Qin Fengming's mouth had also been activated.

Although this sound was only a slight sound, it was extremely shocking in the empty cave.

Following this soft sneer, the two early ghost king monks standing next to them suddenly felt a sudden rumbling sound in the sea of ​​consciousness. Their minds were shaken and they fell into a coma.

But what surprised Qin Fengming was that although the great monk in the late stage of Ghost Lord was shaken by the effect of the secret technique of Shock and Hush, he regained his clarity in just an instant. It was the monk who was unprepared.

Next, the powerful secret technique that he mastered did not make the old man in front of him fall into coma at all.

After Qin Fengming entered the cave, he had secretly blessed his body with the Golden Body Technique. When the frightening boo was activated, he also shot forward, and without exception, he came into contact with the sword light emitted by the old man.


"Bang!" A muffled sound sounded. When Qin Fengming flew forward, his right hand had already been stretched out, and the energy-wrapped fist immediately hit the black sword light.

The sword light used by the late Ghost Lord cultivator was instantly shattered with a bang by Qin Fengming's punch. It turned into energy and disappeared without a trace.

"Hmph, this junior actually has the guts to sneak up on me. I really don't know how to live or die. Let me let you know the origin of my name Guishou."

Faced with Qin Fengming's sword that was shot away with one punch, Lord Ghost Hands was slightly startled, but he did not show any surprise. Instead, he snorted coldly in his nose, and with his hands dancing, he unexpectedly faced

Qin Fengming flew over.

The two of them were only two feet apart, so they came into contact in an instant.

Suddenly, a series of sounds of the collision of skin and flesh resounded in the empty cave. The muffled sound was mixed with the two men's involuntary groans due to pain, and filled the entire cave.

Both of the two body movements were extremely fast. A ball of black light and a ball of multicolored light kept colliding in the cave that was tens of feet wide, just like two lightning bolts flying around in the cave, touching each other and stimulating.


In just two or three breaths, the two of them had exchanged more than a hundred punches with their physical bodies.

If the strong and heavy fists hit the stone wall, a huge hole would be immediately blasted out. However, when the two fists and feet met, no one could get away with it.

"Boom!" After the exchange of four fists, a huge roar suddenly sounded. With this loud noise, the two entangled figures finally separated and each retreated several feet away.

"Hahaha, junior, you are already extremely extraordinary for being able to withstand my continuous attacks. However, with your physical strength, you are hardly a match for me. If you stop now, I can consider forgetting the blame and bypassing your life.


The white-haired old man's body was stagnant, his hands were behind his back, and his face was red due to the violent collision. Looking at the middle-aged monk in front of him, he laughed. The meaning of his words was that he wanted to shake hands with Qin Fengming and make peace.

Unbeknownst to others, at this time, the skin of the white-bearded old man's hands on his back had burst, revealing a piece of flesh and blood. On his body, two bones had also been broken. At this time, he was using all the magic power in his body at full speed.

Repairing injured parts of the body.

It is very obvious that this old man is known as the Lord of Ghost Hands, and the tenacity of his hands is definitely much stronger and tougher than his body.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being called the Lord of Ghost Hands. A pair of fleshy palms does have some skills, but do you think that with these palms, you can make Fei surrender? In my dream, Fei just moved his hands and feet, and then he

Come down, I wonder how much money you can still receive?"

Qin Fengming stood a few feet away, raised his hands, and saw that the tiger's mouth was shattered. He couldn't help but admire the old man in front of him, but he did not show much fear. He looked at the old man opposite and said without changing his expression.

The toughness of his body at this time was already comparable to that of the body-refining demon cultivator at the peak of transformation. He never expected to meet a great monk who practiced body-refining techniques. Even so, he still had a high fighting spirit.


Without waiting for what the old man was saying, Qin Fengming swayed, and with the sound of thunder, he flew towards the old man again. Almost as soon as Qin Fengming disappeared, a black fly flew out of the white-haired old man's mouth, and there was a flash of black light.

, and then faced Qin Fengming who was flying towards him.

But what shocked the old man was that in a flash, the flying grab passed through Qin Fengming's body. The energy on his side fluctuated, and a giant fist flashed out again, hitting his face directly.

"Bang!" As a last resort, the white-haired old man had to grit his teeth and stretch out his fists to block. His hands touched together again. "Hi!" Just as the old man followed the opponent's blow and flew away to one side.

At that moment, I saw colorful rays of light flashing out in front of me, and a sword light with such power that even the white-haired old man was slightly shocked when he saw it flashed out.

It shot toward the chest of the white-haired old man at an extremely fast speed.

This chapter has been completed!
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