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Chapter 2590 In Danger

"Chi! Chi!~~" The two of them just flew away again for a cup of tea, and then several more huge horses shot past from a distance and disappeared in the distance.

The air in the space tunnel here is extremely thin, and even though the huge horse flew only ten miles away from the two of them, it only made a slight sound.

Sensing the aura contained in those huge horses, Qin Fengming's brows furrowed more and more.

The speed of that horse was so fast that even if he could sense the aura contained in that horse, it would be difficult for him to understand the full picture.

I just feel that there are a lot of talismans swimming in the huge force contained in the huge energy.

This place is definitely not a huge one. Within the magic circle, no matter how powerful the magic circle in the human world is, there is definitely a limit, that is, there will never be a powerful magic circle that can trap a monk in the realm of the gods.

Because the power of the laws of heaven and earth does not allow such a huge accumulation of energy.

Under such a definition, Qin Fengming's clear eyes, even if he cannot completely see through it, can definitely see some clues.

However, the huge horse training seen at this time contained many runes, which obviously existed independently and outside of the magic circle. When such a strange thing appeared, even Qin Fengming, who was well-informed, couldn't help being surprised.

, it’s hard to figure it out.

"Ah, brother, look, there is a monk there."

An exclamation was heard, awakening Qin Fengming who was thinking in his heart.

Following the direction of Qin Bing'er's finger, he saw a huge horse shooting past dozens of miles away from the two of them.

Although the horse was moving rapidly, with the colorful light reflected by the horse, the figure of a monk still appeared very clearly in their eyes.

This place is empty and unobstructed. Although it is difficult to release spiritual consciousness, what you can see is extremely far away.

With the monk's keen eyesight, he can see clearly even the flashes of horses hundreds of miles away.

Just as the horse was shooting past, a monk sitting cross-legged suddenly appeared on the spot ten miles away.

In this strange space passage that has no resemblance to the classic records, a monk sitting cross-legged and meditating suddenly appeared. Such a strange scene made even Qin Fengming and Qin Bing'er extremely mentally tough and unable to help but feel embarrassed.

A chill ran down my back.

Although the two were extremely fast and quickly flew hundreds of miles away, the scene of the monk sitting cross-legged in the void was finally imprinted in their minds.

A scene that should not have happened appeared before Qin Fengming, and it was difficult for Qin Fengming to get it out of his mind for a long time.

For several days, Qin Fengming and Qin Bing'er were on high alert and did not dare to carry anything.

Although the colorful and huge horses occasionally appeared around him, the closest distance was only ten miles away. There was almost no threat to the two of them.

But even so, the two of them were always vigilant and used all their magic power to resist the coldness that was everywhere around them, but the magic power in their bodies was still consumed rapidly.

Of course, Qin Fengming was not afraid of the consumption of mana, but the invisible darkness and the monk hidden in the darkness made him dare not slack off at all.

As for Qin Bing'er, although her magic power could still be maintained with the strong supplement of mid-grade crystal stones, her tense mind was already feeling tired.

"Bing'er, please enter the Shenji Mansion. There aren't many dangers here. It's good for me to fly alone." Qin Fengming naturally saw Qin Bing'er's condition, moved his lips slightly, and transmitted the message.


Facing the danger in the passage, it is more advantageous to gather the strength of two people than to face it alone. However, in this place for several days, there was no space storm or any other attack, which surprised Qin Fengming.

At that time, I also felt relieved a lot.

If it was just a monk hiding in the dark, Qin Fengming would definitely have the confidence to fight him even if the opponent was a late stage monk.

"Well, brother, be careful. Since there are monks here, maybe it's not one of them who will release the Shenji Mansion. As long as there is danger, I will show up immediately."

Qin Bing'er is not a pretentious person. After transmitting the sound, the magic formula surged in her body, and her figure was like an erratic flying butterfly. She flew towards Qin Fengming who was moving rapidly. With a flash of green light, she disappeared.


The power of Qin Fengming's soul can be replenished with the use of soul stones, so there is no need to worry about consuming a lot of energy while flying in this strange passage.

Half a month later, the huge horse training around the body became more and more dense. Almost every tea break, there would be several shots passing by within ten or several miles around the body. And the horses training in the surrounding distance were even more difficult to count.

But what puzzled Qin Fengming was that none of those trainers would come towards his figure.

As the intensive training flashed by, the figure in the distance began to appear occasionally. It seemed that the monk had been flying at the same speed as him, never lagging behind.

Looking at the figure sitting cross-legged, Qin Fengming's eyebrows suddenly rose, and his eyes sparkled even more.

"Huh, Qin wants to see who you are and what he wants to do to Qin." Looking at that figure, Qin Fengming finally felt a little moved.

The magic formula surged in his body, and with a rush of magic power, he actually powerfully performed the Xuantian Microstep in this strange place. He flashed sideways towards the occasionally flashing figure.

Facing the ubiquitous strong suction force, just like other people who are not practicing physical training, if they want to move their bodies like this to resist the huge space pulling force, they will definitely take big risks. Even if they have top-notch body

Qin Fengming, who practices physical training, does not dare to be careless in the slightest.

His body flashed and he quickly dodged the huge horse's lasing.

What shocked Qin Fengming was that although there was a strong suction force at this time, the speed when he used Xuantian Micro Step was so fast that he had never experienced it before.

In just two or three breaths, Qin Fengming had already arrived several hundred feet away from where the figure stopped.

"I'm Qin Fengming, but I don't know what you call me?" He was so close to the other party, but the monk who looked to be in his fifties still didn't move. Qin Fengming froze and said politely to him.

In this strange place, he certainly didn't want to fight anything if it wasn't necessary.

Although the horse does not seem to be much of a threat at this time, no one can predict what will happen if someone is caught by it during the fight.

Following Qin Fengming's message, the monk didn't react at all. Although he stared at Qin Fengming, his expression showed no emotion, as if he didn't bother to answer.

"Brother, that person doesn't seem to be a living person, just a body without a soul."

Just when Qin Fengming was angry at the other party, he suddenly flashed and Qin Bing'er appeared. At the same time, a sound transmission entered Qin Fengming's ears.

Qin Bing'er has a special physique. She is originally a body of spirit and has a special response to the soul.

After saying this, Qin Fengming's expression also changed. He raised his hand, and a multicolored giant claw flashed out, covering the figure of the monk sitting cross-legged in the distance.


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