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Chapter 300 Three-person battle

Qin Fengming had been paying attention to the three of them. When he heard that the Guangping monk turned out to be Du Yuqi, a sinister demon who was famous for his disgrace, his expression changed greatly.

Before entering the battlefield, he had gotten to know some powerful people from various countries, and Du Yuqi was among them. He also knew that the skills practiced by this person were extremely sinister, and he never thought that he would meet him here again. It seems that this Chengdan monk

The activity area is really not something that a little foundation-building monk like him can stay in for a long time.

It is reasonable for Zhang and Wei to flee as soon as they heard each other's name. Du Yuqi's reputation was definitely not something that these two mid-term monks could resist.

Du Yuqi cast the spell very quickly. When he finished casting the spell, Zhang Li and Wei Ming had only escaped thirty or forty feet.

The two giant hands transformed by the blood-colored ghost mist were extremely fast. With just a flash, they caught up behind the two of them. The huge palms carried a bloody aura and quickly pressed down on the two of them.

The two people who were escaping also realized that something was wrong, and felt the huge pressure coming from them. They quickly turned around and sacrificed their own magic weapons at the same time. They turned into a golden giant blade and a purple giant claw respectively, facing the bloody giant hand.


The power of the giant blood-colored hand was so astonishing that the magic weapons offered by Zhang Fang and the two men were unable to scatter them. The big hand was like a substance, and it actually suppressed the two people's magic weapons and could not help but retreat.

When the two saw this, they were immediately shocked. They waved their hands at the same time and each offered a magic weapon before they could intercept the giant hand.

At this moment, Du Yuqi, carrying a thick blood-colored fog, rushed towards the two of them.

In just a blink of an eye, the two of them were surrounded together with the four magic weapons they were fighting against. The sky was covered with red ghost mist that was filled with bloody aura.

At this time, if the two of them escaped again, they would reach the sky.

In the thick bloody fog, Du Yuqi laughed loudly and said: "You two juniors, if you don't just sit back and wait for death, how long can you wait?"

Although Zhang Fang and Wei Ming could not see Du Yuqi's face, they knew that he must be in the ghostly mist. They immediately waved their hands and presented a magic weapon, which was constantly hovering in front of them to prevent the other party from sneak attacks.

Now if the two of them were asked to give up their resistance, the two of them would absolutely refuse, knowing that falling into the hands of the sinister demons would be worse than death. Only by fighting with all their might could they have any chance of survival.

Zhang Fang and Wei Ming, who were the most defensive, did not answer. They made secrets separately and used their own secret techniques.

What Zhang Fang performed was the secret skill Qingling Dafa on the green screen. In the blink of an eye, the cyan mist wrapped itself up and no longer exposed. At the same time, the cyan mist and the blood-colored ghost mist touched each other and immediately began to attack and devour each other.

When I got up, I couldn't tell whether I was up or down for a while.

Seeing this, Zhang Fang's expression softened slightly.

Wei Ming was not idle at this time, but he was making secrets with both hands. Runes flew out of his mouth, and instantly turned into a huge ball, spinning in front of him. Then, he bit the tip of his tongue, and a stream of runes flew out of his mouth.

Thick blood and essence flew out of his mouth and fell onto the ball.

As soon as the ball was stained with essence and blood, it immediately glowed brightly. At the same time, a buzzing sound came from it. In an instant, the runes disappeared, and a giant blood-colored bird appeared out of thin air, with its wings stretched out and its feet

It's two feet long.

With its wings trembling, the red ghost mist couldn't even get close to him.

"Haha, I actually have a secret skill with me. That would be even better. If I capture you, I can incorporate two powerful ghostly skeletons into my magic."

Seeing Zhang Fang and the others casting spells, Du Yuqi did not stop them, but burst into laughter.

After the two of them finished casting the spell, Du Yuqi said again: "You have successfully cast the spell, and then you will die in peace. Now I will let you taste the power of my evil evil art."

Just when Du Yuqi finished speaking, he saw a thick blood-colored ghost mist rolling, and suddenly flashed out of it were red skeletons covered in blood. They were dancing one by one, and the skeletons' mouths kept opening and closing, making bursts of clicking sounds.

.The two of them were immediately surrounded.

Under Du Yuqi's urging, these red skeletons used their magical powers one after another as they passed by instead of swooping forward.

I saw skeletons one after another. Some were spitting demonic flames from their mouths, and some were displaying streaks of bloody sword light. They went straight to the surrounded Zhang and Wei.

Seeing this, the two of them did not dare to let these attacks get close to them, and immediately activated their secret techniques to attack these red skeletons.

I saw Zhang Fang, invisible in the green mist, shooting out a series of green sword energy, shooting at the bloody skeletons around him, and in an instant, all the hundreds of skeletons outside him were killed by him.

Wei Mingze urged the giant bird in front of him. He saw the giant bird spread out its body and quickly circled around its body. When it landed, there was no more skeleton wherever its wings passed.

When Zhang Fang and Zhang Fang saw this, their expressions did not show the slightest joy, but became more and more nervous.

"Yes, the secret techniques you have performed are truly astonishing. It seems that the skeletons in the Foundation Establishment Stage cannot pose a threat to the two of you, so let's let a few skeletons in the later Stage of Formation to deal with you."

Just when Zhang Fang and the two were stunned, they saw a bloody ghost mist rolling in front of them, and three bloody skeletons walked out of it. However, these three skeletons seemed to have some intelligence and stood twenty or thirty feet away.

, looking at the two of them with contempt.

The two of them felt hairy all over their bodies, and cold sweat flowed down their backs.

The waves of ghostly coercion emanating from these three skeletons frightened the two of them. They seemed to be facing three monks in the late stages of becoming an elixir.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Du Yuqi chuckled and said: "Don't be surprised. These three people were all in the late stage of becoming an elixir before they were alive. At this time, although there are no treasures available, their own secret skills can still be used. You two can

Just wait and feel it.”

After saying that, after connecting mentally, the three skeletons immediately started to move. Some of them made seals with their hands, while some of the skeletons kept opening and closing their mouths, and runes floated out from them.

Seeing this situation, the two of them looked at each other, each with fear in their eyes. Then they gritted their teeth and each cast a spell. A huge palm about several feet high suddenly formed in Zhang Fang's green mist, and then suddenly

He slapped the thick fog behind him. At the same time, his body swayed and he followed the giant palm and rushed forward.

Wei Ming even tried his best to urge the giant bird to follow it and go in the direction behind him.

The two of them actually wanted to break through the bloody ghost mist and escape from this place.

I saw Zhang Fang's giant cyan palm rushing into the ghost mist with great pressure. Wherever it passed, the ghost mist scattered one after another. The huge palm seemed to knock down the empty space. It passed through, but the bloody ghost mist

After a while of rolling, the ghost mist that had just dispersed coalesced back together. There was no damage at all.

What Wei Ming encountered was the same as Zhang Fang. Wrapped in a thick bloody mist, the two men immediately stopped and did not dare to take another step forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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