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Chapter 5568: Fengyang Ancestral Land

Of course, what Qin Fengming expected was not to see many beautiful female cultivators from the Fengyang tribe. What he wanted was to see some Xuanling Realm cultivators and ask them for some information.

As far as he could see, the places where Fengyang monks gathered to live were all giant mountain peaks. Qin Fengming did not see any high-rise palaces.

It seems that they live in a somewhat barbaric environment, but the clothing of the Fengyang monks is not rough. Most of them are wearing colorful and exquisite clothes, with various rings and feathers on their heads. It seems that both male and female monks

, all have a sense of unrestrained temperament.

Of course, there are many people as neatly dressed as Qin Fengming.

But Qin Fengming could easily know that most of these monks should not be from the Fengyang clan.

The three of them did not enter the place where the Fengyang tribe lived, but Qin Fengming discovered from a quick glance that wherever the Fengyang tribe monks gathered, there would be some forbidden aura emanating from it.

After sweeping away those forbidden auras, Qin Fengming didn't care much at first.

However, when Qin Fengming passed through the gathering places of many Fengyang tribes, he suddenly discovered that those seemingly chaotic gathering places actually vaguely formed huge forbidden magic circles.

The magic circle was operating, and the energy and aura blended with each other, seeming to cover a large area. Although Qin Fengming and the other three flew away within it without any hindrance, Qin Fengming was convinced that breaking through such a restrictive magic circle would require divine intervention.

What a monk can do.

This is only the outskirts of the Fengyang Clan, and the place where it is founded is naturally more restrictive and powerful.

Suddenly, Qin Fengming's heart was shocked: "There must be people in the Fengyang tribe who are extremely skilled in formations, otherwise it would be impossible to arrange the gathering place of the entire tribe into a huge formation that can watch each other."

Although Qin Fengming did not test those magic formations, they can still transmit forbidden energy to each other even though they are hundreds or thousands of miles apart. Such a magic formation is definitely not comparable to a simple magic formation.

Along the way, Qin Fengming already knew the names of the two monks beside him. The male monk was named Su He and the female monk was named Su Yun. Naturally, the two of them came to participate in the Luan-winning ceremony.

However, Su He did not need to participate because he was already engaged to a Fengyang tribe woman. But Su Yun came to participate in the hope of marrying a top monk and attracting a powerful monk to their tribe.

Their tribe is a small tribe among the Fengyang tribe, and there are only a few aggregation monks in the entire family.

For a small tribe like theirs, if they want to increase their strength, the easiest way is for the female monks in the tribe to marry powerful monks.

But under normal circumstances, only when a female cultivator reaches the state of aggregation, will foreign monks choose to form a double cultivator couple with her.

In the past two or three thousand years, Su Yun is the only female cultivator whose cultivation has reached the state of convergence.

Of course, Qin Fengming has no feelings about this kind of marriage from the Fengyang tribe. The world of immortality is a world of the jungle. If a tribe wants to grow, it must not only have opportunities, but also have people who can seize the opportunities. And small tribes choose

This approach should be said to be the simplest and feasible approach.

"Senior Qin, the vast mountains ahead are the core area of ​​our Tianfeng Tribe. It is also the place where the Luan Duo Grand Ceremony will be held. All those who want to participate will gather here."

Stopping outside a vast mountain range, Su He pointed forward and said.

Seeing that they had finally arrived at the venue where the conference was held, Su Yun's beautiful expression was mixed with excitement and some reserve and worry.

She came here with a tribal mission. If she could not bring back a favorite monk, she would definitely disappoint everyone in the clan. But she had to stand out from the many female monks in the gathering period and let the male monks participating in the event choose her. For small people like them,

It is also difficult for female cultivators from the tribe.

Because the Fengyang tribe is not short of female cultivators, under the same conditions, those who join male cultivators will naturally choose female cultivators from those large tribes as their wives.

Because that way, they will get more cultivation resources, and they can also get guidance on cultivation.

The Fengyang tribe does not actually discriminate against those who voluntarily form religious couples with female cultivators in the tribe. This is because these monks are also members of the clan's fighting force. In addition, most of their descendants are still inherited from the Fengyang tribe's bloodline.

And when these monks formed a Taoist couple with the female monks in the clan, they had to make an oath not to betray the Fengyang clan for the rest of their lives.

Of course, there are also female cultivators from the Fengyang tribe who voluntarily follow monks from other tribes, but this is rare.

Looking at the endless mountains in front of him, Qin Fengming couldn't help but be shocked by the scene in front of him.

What I saw deep in the mountains in front of me were huge round objects suspended in the clouds in the sky. These round objects were obviously huge residential buildings for monks.

Because these objects have a large number of monks coming in and out. Such a building really surprised Qin Fengming.

"Senior, those round buildings suspended in the air are the unique residential buildings of our Fengyang tribe. They stay in the air with the help of a power of suspension in the mountains. As long as senior enters them, they can

Understand the specifics.”

Seeing Qin Fengming suddenly showing a different expression, Su Yun hurriedly explained.

Although it was her first time to come to the clan's ancestral land, she had already known about the floating round building in the clan. Because it was unique to the Fengyang clan and did not exist in other clans.

Along the way, Su Yun also got to know a lot about the senior Qin Fengming. She knew that although he was a senior monk, he took good care of the two brothers and sisters. When he felt that they were tired, he would take the initiative to stop and let them go.

During the break, he never shouted at the two of them arrogantly.

Not only was he polite to the two of them, but he also took the initiative to give them guidance on their cultivation.

Although it was only a few words, they all touched on the bottleneck of their cultivation. A little guidance had already made the two brothers suddenly become cheerful, and they suddenly had a clear sense of the bond they had always had in their hearts.

If they were not in a hurry, the two of them would immediately stop and practice in seclusion.

As a result, Su Yun no longer dared to speak in front of Qin Fengming. Although she was still a little shy, she was observant and saw the surprised change in Qin Fengming's expression and explained in time.

Hearing what Su Yunyan said, Qin Fengming nodded, but did not speak.

"Senior Qin is coming to the gathering place of my Fengyang tribe for the first time. He needs to apply for an identity card. To do so, he needs to be guaranteed by the tribe. It just so happens that our Su tribe has just become qualified to be a guarantee. I wonder if I, senior, would like my tribe to guarantee it?"

Su He looked at Qin Fengming and spoke respectfully. As the words came out, there was a look of eager expectation on his face.

Qin Fengming didn't know that the guarantor tribe of the Fengyang tribe was not just a tribe, but had a deep connection with this monk.

If Qin Fengming can be selected by a female cultivator from a major tribe in the Fengyang tribe this time, their Su clan will be protected by that tribe.

In this way, their tribe can naturally benefit a lot.

And for a tribe like theirs, which has only a few monks at the lowest level, there will generally be no monks above the divine to ask them to be a guarantee.

Because their tribe is too weak, they simply can't come up with training materials that can impress monks above the realm of gods. They also can't hand over a large number of top-quality spiritual stones needed for identity cards.

Although the two of them did not know the specific cultivation level of the young monk in front of them, Su He knew that he was definitely in the middle or even late stage of spiritual enlightenment.

If foreign monks of this level want to find a guarantor tribe among the Fengyang tribe, they must at least have several large tribesmen who are in the realm of the gods.

They only have a few monks from the Su clan, so they don't have the qualifications and confidence to invite them.

This time, although the tribe elders asked the two to bring a lot of precious treasures, their highest goal was to invite an early-stage spiritual monk.

If a monk in the early stage of cultivating the gods can succeed, it will also be an unspeakable good thing for their tribe.

You must know that being able to be protected by a monk in the realm of the gods is a good thing that many tribes desperately want but cannot get for a small tribe like theirs.

The tribe that only gathers monks can be said to be the lowest-level tribe among the Fengyang tribe.

But such tribes are extremely numerous, numbering in the tens of thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

"Okay, I'll thank you both." Qin Fengming didn't know what the brother and sister in front of him were thinking at this moment, so he agreed casually.

Hearing Qin Fengming's answer, the brother and sister were suddenly pleasantly surprised.

But soon, Su Yun looked at Qin Fengming with a red face, and muttered: "Senior, our Su clan is very small, and we can only give away a few materials for cultivating immortals. I don't know whether senior is...


The female cultivator said as she carefully handed a storage ring to Qin Fengming.

Hearing the female cultivator's words and actions, Qin Fengming was slightly startled. He didn't understand why he asked the two people in front of him to vouch for it, and even asked them to take out their treasures.

"Senior, if you want to participate in the Duoluan Conference and enter our Fengyang tribe, foreign monks need to spend a lot of top-grade spiritual stones, and the higher the cultivation level, the more spiritual stones will be spent. Therefore, as long as you participate in the monk

, all to ensure that the tribe provides spiritual stone materials."

Su He bowed and saluted, with a somewhat unnatural expression on his face.

Although he didn't know how many spiritual stones it cost for monks in the late stage of spiritual enlightenment and above to participate in the grand event, monks in the early stage of spiritual enlightenment would need a thousand top-grade spiritual stones. This number of spiritual stones was a huge sum of money for their tribe.

"I see, it is fate that Qin met your brother and sister. You take back these materials. Qin can still afford the mere cost of attending the grand event."

Qin Fengming smiled slightly, waved his hand and pushed the storage ring back to the female cultivator.

Seeing Qin Fengming's calm expression, the female cultivator glanced at her brother and slowly put the storage ring back into her hand. But she did not put it away, but just held it in her hand.

"Okay, let's go to the place where the identity cards are issued and go through the entry procedures now." Qin Fengming nodded to the two of them and ordered.

As he spoke, a strange aura swept over the two bodies.

Feeling their bodies suddenly warm up, the brother and sister suddenly felt a sense of relief flowing through their bodies, and their moods immediately became uplifted. The strangeness just now disappeared.

"Senior, please follow the junior." Not daring to neglect, the brother and sister bowed and immediately led the way.

Although there is a forbidden aura emanating here, it does not restrict flight. The two of them took Qin Fengming and flew directly towards a tall mountain peak.

There is no huge circular building suspended in the air here, but there are many caves on the mountain peak.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a cave that is obviously much larger than other caves. In front of the cave, there are tall and wide stone steps. The huge stone gates are like two mountain walls, standing majestically on both sides of the cave.

At this moment, there is an endless stream of monks gathering here.

Qin Fengming glanced briefly and found no Xuan-level monk among these monks. The highest one was only a person in the late stage of divine connection.

Following behind the Su brothers and sisters, Qin Fengming stepped into this tall cave.

This chapter has been completed!
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