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Chapter 5825 Invitation

"Reporting back to my predecessors, above the Mastiff Vine interface, there is a place called the Mastiff Vine Mountains. That place is extremely vast. For countless thousands of years, no one has dared to really enter it. But every two thousand and four hundred years, the Mastiff Vine Mountains

The powerful mastiff beasts and vine demons on the vine interface will gather one after another to the mastiff vine mountain range. This law has never changed for countless thousands of years. Only this time, there seems to be a deviation. Now the mastiff beasts and vine demons are scattered in the area.

There is no longer a powerful existence, and this time is different from the usual pattern for a hundred or two hundred years, which is really strange."

The female cultivator frowned slightly, her eyes full of doubts.

As a mastiff and vine cultivator, she has never seen in the classics that the mastiff and vine demon would leave its habitat so many years in advance.

Although there are times when monsters and vine monsters appear ten years earlier or later, they never appear more than fifty years ago.

But this time, their patrol team ventured deep into the mastiff vine area. It was because they suddenly received the message that the mastiff beasts were away from the special magic circle arranged in the mastiff vine area that they took the risk to investigate.

Although it was confirmed that the Mastiff Beast Vine Demon had left, the seven of them were very puzzled.

As for the specifics, we can only return to Yuheng and report it to the senior management before making a decision.

"The gathering time of mastiff beasts and vine demons, which has never gone wrong for countless thousands of years, has been advanced this time. Is it possible that... Well, Qin now wants to get a map of the entire mastiff vine interface.

, the more detailed the better.”

When Qin Fengming heard the female cultivator's words, his expression was suddenly shocked, and he murmured something in his mouth. Then his expression condensed and he spoke decisively.

At this moment, he felt a mixture of joy and sorrow. What he was happy about was that he had encountered the Mastiff Beast Vine Monster, which was gathering towards the Mastiff Vine Mountains. This would save him a lot of trouble and be able to go to the Land of Tianji. What was worrying was that this time, the Mastiff Vine Monster

The beasts and vine demons gathered in advance, maybe it was related to the injured terrifying beast.

If the evil creature really recovers from its injuries on the mastiff vine interface, it will probably be a bloody storm.

And if he cannot join the second soul as soon as possible, the second soul will be in great danger.

"Senior, don't you want to go to other areas? If you don't have an identity token, if you go to any area, you will be hostile to the monks in that area, and you may not even be able to pass the edge ban. If you have an identity token, even if you go

If you go to another area, you will be hostile, but as long as you have a reasonable reason, you can enter it safely if you think about it."

Seeing Qin Fengming mentioning other areas again, the leading female cultivator's expression changed and she spoke urgently.

"Is there a reasonable reason? But I don't know what kind of reasonable reason can allow Qin to enter other areas?" Qin Fengming's eyes flashed and he asked immediately.

This time he came to the Mastiff Vine interface, and he definitely didn't come looking for trouble. It was definitely a great thing for him to be able to successfully complete what he had set out to do.

He still has many unfinished things to do. Thinking about how difficult those things are, Qin Fengming has no intention of causing any trouble or causing any trouble in the mastiff and vine interface.

"Reporting back to senior, although the monks in our seven regions are not on good terms, they are not uncooperative. Especially for seniors with such a level of cultivation, it is common for them to cooperate with powerful monks from other regions or discuss some secret matters. However, senior

If you want to go to other areas, you must get the approval of the area where you are and carry a token, so that you will not be regarded as a bad person by other areas.

How specific it is, we are not advanced enough and don’t know the details, but every time the Mastiff Vine area is opened, there will be some monks in each area who will act alone for special reasons, and many of them will go to other areas to act. If seniors are interested, we will

I can serve as my senior’s introducer and take my senior to the Yuheng Land to meet with me, the Palace Master of the Yuheng Land, and then we can discuss how to proceed.”

The female cultivator looked at Qin Fengming, her eyes full of expectation, and the words she spoke were obviously eager.

Of course she knew that the monk from the outside world in front of her was very powerful. If such a powerful person could be invited to join the Yuheng Land, it would be unimaginable for them to get a reward from this inspection.

It was a great achievement to find out that the Mastiff Beast Vine Demon was no longer inhabited, but their patrol team was not the only one to receive this credit. As far as she knew, there were at least three or four other teams that accepted this task.

But inviting a powerful person who crossed the border to join the Yuheng Land is a contribution reward that only belongs to their team. And it is also a very considerable credit. Because in the future, the powerful person will receive the first three credits.

, will be allocated to a portion of the recommended team.

Although it may only be 10%, the credit received by a cultivator at the top of Mysterious Master is beyond what the patrol team like them can imagine.

Listening to the female cultivator's words, Qin Fengming quickly thought about the pros and cons.

Not long after, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly became firm and he said: "Okay, Qin will promise you to wait and accompany you to the land of Yuheng."

"That's great. With the skills of my seniors, as long as they join us in Yuheng, they will be personally received by the Lord of the Palace. It is not impossible for them to be promoted to the position of commander. Seniors want to go to other places to do business.

If it were in the name of Yuheng, it would be much simpler."

Seeing that Qin Fengming agreed so quickly, the female cultivator immediately showed great joy on her face and said in surprise.

The other six people also showed signs of surprise.

For everyone, not to mention how many benefits they will get in the future, just with such a powerful person traveling together, their return journey this time will undoubtedly be extremely stable.

Qin Fengming agreed to the female cultivator in front of him and naturally made the most beneficial choice for him.

Even if he obtains a detailed map of the Mastiff Vine interface and travels through the Mastiff Vine interface with little knowledge of the Mastiff Vine interface, the dangers he will encounter will certainly not be small. Even if he encounters a terrifying danger that could threaten his life, he would still be in danger.

It's not impossible.

First, going to Yuheng Land to catch up on the information about the Mastiff Vine interface is what Qin Fengming needs to do most at the moment.

The eight people said no more. After some repairs, the group of eight people flew away in a certain direction.

The seven people were very sensible and never asked Qin Fengming why he was able to enter their combined attack array unscathed when they were using their combined attack array at full strength.

With seven people leading the way, Qin Fengming saved a lot of things. He no longer needed to use all his spiritual consciousness to explore the surroundings, and he no longer had to be vigilant about whether there was any danger around him.

Because there was danger, the seven were attacked first. When the seven were in personal danger, Qin Fengming was confident enough to make reasonable responses.

With Qin Fengming walking together, the seven of them felt more at ease.

The seven of them did not dare to guess how powerful a person could be who could freely come in and out of the swarm of Cold Shadow Insects. However, they were convinced that ordinary late-stage Xuan Masters and peak monks would never have such strength.

While fleeing, Qin Fengming was not idle and kept asking about things he was interested in.

What surprised Qin Fengming was that in addition to the terrifying mastiff beasts and vine monsters on the Mastiff Vine interface, what frightened the monks the most was that there were many kinds of gregarious monster insects all over the entire interface.

Whether it is swamps, deserts, or hills and ravines, there are a large number of demonic insects gathering there.

But to the mastiff and vine interface monks, although the monster insects living in groups are terrifying, they are far less threatening to everyone than the mastiff beasts and vine monsters.

It is for this reason that when the mastiff and vine interface monks go out for inspection, they always choose the edge of the area where there are no mastiff beasts and vine demons, and then carefully explore the mastiff and vine area.

This chapter has been completed!
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