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Chapter 6059 Dangerous

 As the seven major mansions sensed that a large number of mastiff beasts and vine demons gathered around the border, the entire mastiff and vine world was filled with a ferocious aura before a war.

Trouble caused by the mastiff beast and vine demon is a common occurrence for the mastiff vine monks.

It can be said that any monk born in the world of mastiffs and vines has understood that the chaos of mastiffs and vines is something he will often experience since he can remember.

The chaos caused by the Mastiff Beast and Vine Demon has brought both dangers and unnatural benefits to the monks in the Mastiff Vine Realm.

It can be said that the exercises and various magical powers and secret techniques practiced by mastiff and vine monks are all aimed at the mastiff and vine demons, and they are also targeted techniques based on fighting.

From the battle with the mastiff vine demon, the mastiff vine monk can understand the world and break through his own bottleneck in life and death.

Whether it is a large-scale or small-scale Mastiff Vine Demon disaster, the Mastiff Vine monks need to go all out.

And the battles with the Mastiff Vine Demon for countless thousands of years have also given the Mastiff Vine monks their own unique set of arrangements to preserve their strength against the Mastiff Vine's chaos.

Even if a large number of flag cities are breached, the Mastiff Vine monks can move quickly and finally rely on more powerful defensive methods to resist the attack of the Mastiff Vine Demon.

Although faced with the massive Mastiff Beast Vine Demon chaos, although the seven monks in the Mastiff Vine Realm were all enveloped in the impending rain, no one was too panicked.

Countless battles with mastiff beasts and vine demons have convinced the monks throughout the interface that no matter how violent the chaos, the monks will win in the end.

And just when the entire mastiff and vine world monks were preparing for the war, Qin Fengming and his group of seven finally entered the real land of Tianyuan.

This is a space. Qin Fengming cannot sense how big it is.

Qin Fengming's figure fell rapidly, and the magic power surged in his body, and he immediately stabilized his figure.

This place is very deep underground, but it is not completely dark, but a little fluorescent light fills the vast space.

Above the head, there is a dark strange substance, but Qin Fengming feels that it is somewhat different from when he sensed it outside before. Qin Fengming cannot tell what kind of substance it is.

Carefully releasing his spiritual consciousness, Qin Fengming felt that there was an obstructive force blocking his spiritual consciousness, but he was still able to detect extremely long distances.

What made Qin Fengming feel more at ease was that when he breathed carefully, he felt a fresh air that was not turbid filling the surroundings.

The fresh breath is filled with the rich energy of heaven and earth.

What kind of place is this? Qin Fengming's heart is full of vigilance, but there is also a strong curiosity.

Soon, the seven monks who entered together gathered together again.

"That direction should be where Lin's body went before." As soon as Shi came to Qin Fengming's side, ancestor Lin Shuo's words rang out on the spot.

In this underground space, Lin Shuo immediately felt a ethereal feeling connected to his mind suddenly filling his body and mind.

He can be sure that his body should have gone in that direction.

"Okay, let's go in that direction." Qin Fengming decided immediately without hesitation.

None of them knew anything about this place. Since Ancestor Lin Shuo could sense his body's aura, it meant that the Mahayana's plot must be in that direction.

Although the dots of fluorescence in the space are not very bright, under the eyes of the monks, they can still clearly see the surrounding scenery.

Although this place is not outside, there are still mountains and rivers.

The rumbling sound of water roared from the mountains in the distance, making Qin Fengming feel no different from outside.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be any vegetation here, and it looks very desolate.

Everyone jumped through the air without encountering any unusual obstacles.

"Look, what's in front of you?" During the flight, a shout suddenly rang out from everyone. The person who spoke was one of the five Yu Wei people.

Everyone was speechless, but their figure suddenly stagnated in mid-air.

There are still mountains ahead, but among the mountains, there are densely packed skeletons of mastiff beasts and vine demons scattered around.

Looking at the skeleton of the ferocious beast in front of him, Qin Fengming's heart couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Ahead, what you can see is a vast land of scattered bones with no end in sight. Broken limbs and broken bones are scattered all over the vast mountains like dead branches and roots.

The skeletons of different thicknesses, none of which are complete, are piled up randomly in the mountains. From a distance, strange yin-fire steaming masses appear, which at first glance looks very desolate and terrifying.

Qin Fengming was able to tell from the bones that those were the bones of the mastiff beast and vine demon.

Yu Wei once said that the last time the Arctic Land was opened, they had driven a large number of mastiffs here.

And these skeletons should be the skeletons of the mastiff beasts and vine demons that were driven here by the monks from Youfu Palace.

However, there are too many bones here, which shows that the monks who drove the mastiff beast and vine demon here were not just Yu Wei and a few others, but there should be many other monks.

Qin Fengming looked at the broken limbs and bones in front of him. He could imagine how ferocious and brutal the scene these ferocious beasts went through.

It's just that Qin Fengming couldn't imagine what kind of attack could cause hundreds of thousands or even more mastiff beasts and vine demons to be blown to pieces here.

You must know that the monks who entered here at the beginning were not only dozens or hundreds of Xuan-level monks, but also several Mahayana leaders from Youfu Palace.

Being able to kill such a large number of mastiff beasts and vine demons under the eyes of several Mahayana men was beyond Qin Fengming's imagination, and he suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back.

Qin Fengming did not believe that in the world of mastiff vines, there were dangers that even the Mahayana could not resist and had to be resolved with the help of many low-level monsters.

However, when Qin Fengming looked carefully at the bones below, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

At the same time, a low cry also sounded: "These monster beast skeletons did not fall thousands of years ago. These skeletons should have been a long time ago." The speaker was Yu Wei.

"Yes, these skeletons obviously no longer have any energy aura. It is impossible for the previous mastiff beast and vine demon skeletons to appear in this state in a thousand years."

Several other people clearly noticed this and immediately echoed.

After Yu Wei finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a thick skeleton immediately flew up and flew back towards him.

The two broken bones immediately burst out into a ball of blue illusory flames as they flew towards the target.

"Sure enough, it is very decayed. I am afraid it is no less than hundreds of thousands of years old." As soon as the thick bones fell into Yu Wei's hands, they immediately turned into a handful of debris.

The debris flew around, suddenly floating in the air surrounded by a ball of blue fire.

It is very obvious that the skeletons here have indeed existed for an extremely long time, certainly much longer than the last time the Arctic Land was opened.

Looking at the layers of skeletons scattered here, Qin Fengming and others already know very well that the skeletons here should be left by the monks from Youfu Palace who entered here during the opening of the Arctic Land.

The Arctic Land will be opened every 150,000 or so times, and every time it is opened, the power of Youfu Palace will undoubtedly have something planned.

Every time you enter here, a large number of mastiff beasts and vine demons should fall here.

Seeing the thick layer of skeletons spread out among the mountains in front of them, Qin Fengming and everyone else couldn't help but have a look of fear in their eyes.

There are so many skeletons that no one can count the exact number.

Qin Fengming's expression was solemn. He didn't know why these mastiff beasts and vine monsters who were not at a very high level entered here, and what they were fighting against when they entered here.

In addition to the mastiff beast and vine demon, there are also a large number of puppets refined by Lin Shuo himself and several puppet masters.

All of these make this place full of an incomprehensible and strange feeling.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, there is obviously danger here. Fellow Daoist, you can release spiritual insects to explore the surrounding area, so that we can have time to respond when we encounter danger."

After looking ahead for a moment, Ancestor Lin Shuo suddenly spoke.

Yu Wei heard the words of ancestor Lin Shuo and did not object. He waved his hand and released a group of spiritual insects.

These spiritual insects of his are not at a high level and are usually used to explore the way. Now this place is obviously full of dangerous atmosphere. Even Lin Shuo has the intention of releasing the spiritual insects.

Seeing Yu Wei release the spiritual insects, Qin Fengming did not stop him.

This place is full of weirdness and also contains unknown threats. Qin Fengming has rich experience, but facing this place, he still feels fear in his heart.

However, he will definitely not back down. Now that he has arrived here, he will naturally continue to move forward and explore what is going on here.

Everyone stopped staying and continued flying forward along with the Yuwei Spirit Insect.

As everyone flew forward, the fear in everyone's hearts became increasingly difficult to suppress, because along the path they passed, there were densely packed animal bones scattered everywhere.

Although everyone's flight speed was not very fast, after this period of flight, they were able to fly thousands of miles away, and wherever they passed, there were bones of monsters and beasts everywhere.

Looking at the densely packed skeletons below, both Lin Shuo and the others, as well as Qin Fengming, felt extremely depressed.

The biggest fear that people face is not knowing what fear is.

The place where Qin Fengming and others are at this moment is facing ignorant fear. It seems that there is an unpredictable and terrifying thing peeping at them from somewhere that cannot be detected in the surroundings.

It seemed that if they were even slightly distracted, they would suddenly appear behind them and bite their bodies.

Qin Fengming was not afraid of the appearance of terrifying existences, but he was very afraid of the situation where he had no idea about the existence of terrors.

"No, one of my spiritual insects was suddenly killed."

Suddenly, Yu Wei suddenly stopped and uttered a word in a hurry. Just as he finished speaking, another voice rang out: "Not one, but two... no, three, four."

Only four spiritual insects lost their telepathy one after another."

As Yu Wei spoke, his expression suddenly became extremely heavy.

Yu Wei's voice was so loud and abrupt that everyone who heard it immediately tightened their expressions. They all looked around with their consciousness, and magic arts surged in their bodies, and they were even more ready to fight.

This chapter has been completed!
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