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Six thousand three hundred and sixty-three chapters ferocious soul

 Whether it was Zhan Meng, Zi Xiao, or Qin Fengming, facing the roar of beasts and birds, the choice they made was to give up collecting the mysterious wasteland and run away quickly.

At this time, Qin Fengming was already satisfied.

Previously, Fairy Yao Xi said that she would give them tea time to collect the Mysterious Wasteland. It can be said that the time is already very short. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to find and collect the Mysterious Wasteland while carefully avoiding the Yinhun Mingyan.

You must know that the Xuanhuang soil is scattered over an unknown vast area.

Searching in the surging energy, you can't use your spiritual consciousness to search bit by bit. You can only move around quickly, hoping to just encounter a scattered grain of mysterious wasteland.

It would be nice to be able to encounter a few and collect them in such a short time.

But what Qin Fengming collected was not just a few grains. Although he was distracted, driving his Taotie to resist the incoming Yinhun Mingyan, and flashing rapidly to search for it, the amount of mysterious wasteland he collected was still enough.

Master Fengji was dumbfounded.

Under the guidance of Jun Yan, what Qin Fengming needed to do was to use his body skills to quickly fly to where the mysterious wasteland fell, and then use magic to put it away.

It is naturally not difficult for Qin Fengming to collect Xuanhuang soil now.

With a wave of your hand, you can collect the mysterious wasteland and send it into the Sumeru space.

In a short period of time, Qin Fengming had collected so much mysterious wasteland that even Qin Fengming himself had no way of knowing. This was because his figure was darting around in a vast area without stopping at all.

He was not looking for it, but picking it up with purpose. He controlled Biyun's Lost Tracing Movement at such a fast speed that it was like an afterimage flickering across a vast area.

In a short period of time, Qin Fengming has already made great gains.

At this time, there was no trace of reluctance. Qin Fengming just wanted to escape from here, and then try to avoid being chased by the huge ferocious beasts and monster birds. As for Zhan Meng who was following quickly behind him, Qin Fengming was not worried at all.

Qin Fengming didn't think deeply about whether he could beat Zhan Meng.

He had no intention of fighting Zhan Meng head-on. At this time, Qin Fengming just wanted to leave the Arctic Land as soon as possible, return to the Mastiff Vine interface, and then find Qin Daoxi and leave the Mastiff Vine Land.

"Ouch!~" Just as Qin Fengming and the others were flying away, trying to escape for their lives, with a roar of a beast, a huge Zhu Niao figure suddenly appeared at the junction of heaven and earth in the distance.

In the other direction, Yiyu's huge wingspan also appeared from the void.

As soon as the sound suddenly appeared, a high-pitched bird song was transmitted out, reaching to the ground and the sky, and the surging sound waves immediately covered the vast world.

The sound waves resounded, and a strange scene suddenly appeared before Qin Fengming's gaze.

Groups of small, aimless Yin Hun Nether Flames that were originally floating around randomly seemed to become more agile the moment the sound waves swept across them. Accompanied by bursts of sharp sounds that broke through the air, they suddenly converged towards a prescribed location.

In an instant, masses of solid and dazzling demonic flames as big as an adult's head suddenly appeared in hundreds of directions in a radius.

These demonic flames are very similar in size to the ones that chased Yao Luo earlier.

The demonic flames suddenly solidified and suddenly swarmed up, chasing towards the tall temple and Zhanmeng where Feidun was shooting.

For Master Fengji and Zixiao, who were flying away, not even a ball of Yihun Mingyan chased them.

Not only the Yi Hun Ming Yan swarmed towards Qin Fengming and Zhan Meng, but also Zhu Nu and Yi Yu, who had just revealed their bodies, also rolled up the demonic mist in the sky, and rushed towards the direction where Qin Fengming and the two escaped like lightning.

In an instant, the originally lively place of Yiyu's lair suddenly became deserted.

"Chirp!" Suddenly, a strange cry suddenly resounded, and a monstrous mist suddenly spewed out from the vast mountains.

The demonic mist filled the air, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles in an instant.

However, Zhan Meng, who was flying rapidly away from the tall mountain peaks, felt a sudden surge of ice around his body, and the surging demonic mist suddenly swept over his body.

As the demonic mist approached, Qin Fengming suddenly sensed a strange and unidentifiable aura of strange soul energy.

Qin Fengming wouldn't be able to detect that weird divine soul aura if he wasn't physically present. The divine soul aura is hidden in the demonic mist and doesn't seem to appear at all.

The demonic mist swept across and spewed out, and the roars of demonic birds that shook the heaven and earth suddenly resounded.

An exclamation was heard in Qin Fengming's mouth: "The ghost of the demon bird!"

The sound resounded, and Qin Fengming, who was invisible in the white mist on the mountain peak, suddenly widened his eyes, and his expression that was calm and stable just now suddenly turned into a look of fear.

Qin Fengming could see clearly that in the sudden surge of demonic mist around him, three huge demonic birds suddenly appeared. The demonic birds were wrapped in the aura of divine souls, and they were obviously three huge demonic bird spirits.

He never imagined that there were three fallen ferocious bird spirits that had been sealed here in Yi Yu's lair.

The three ferocious bird spirits are equally huge in size. Although they are slightly inferior to Yi Yu, each of them can cover a vast area of ​​hundreds of miles.

Qin Fengming had already experienced facing huge monster spirits.

If he encountered these three huge ferocious bird spirits in other places, although Qin Fengming would be shocked and fearful, he would definitely not be frightened.

But now, when he suddenly saw three huge ferocious bird demon souls appearing in Lingqing's eyes, Qin Fengming couldn't suppress the horror in his mind.

Not to mention the three huge ferocious bird demon spirits, even one of them, as long as he was interrupted by his rapid flight, he would not be able to escape from Yi Yu and Zhu Niao who were chasing after him.

As long as he is fettered by the two evil creatures, Qin Fengming has no confidence that he will be able to escape.

As soon as the ghosts of the three huge ferocious birds appeared, their huge bodies that covered the sky and the sun were immediately blocked in front of the tall mountain peaks and Zhan Meng who were rapidly flying away.

The three ferocious bird spirits were very agile. Their bodies shot out in the void and escaped. They only intercepted the escape paths of Qin Fengming and Zhan Meng, but did not immediately rush forward to fight.

"Don't worry about the spirit, just hit it."

Just when Qin Fengming was feeling horrified, a quick word rang out in his mind.

Hearing the sudden sound of Junyan's rapid spiritual message, Qin Fengming didn't hesitate at all and immediately sent the message to Fairy Yao Xi who controlled the temple.

Faced with the huge ferocious bird spirit that suddenly appeared in the mist in front of her, Fairy Yao Xi, who was flying away in the tall temple, also felt fear in her heart. Although the temple was tall and solid, it was still in the presence of the huge ferocious bird spirit that was countless times larger than the temple.

Under the attack of the beast, the temple has no possibility of fighting against it.

Although it may not be possible to easily smash the temple to pieces, even the most powerful attack inspired by the temple cannot destroy the ferocious birds and monsters.

Suddenly hearing Qin Fengming's message, although thoughts flashed in Fairy Yao Xi's mind, she didn't know why Qin Fengming said this.

But Fairy Yao Xi didn't hesitate at all. As she was driven by her spiritual thoughts, the tall mountain suddenly carried a huge wave of energy and hit the spirit of a huge ferocious bird that was swooping forward to intercept.

With this collision, Fairy Yao Xi has greatly activated the power of the temple.

Facing a ferocious bird spirit whose body was countless times larger than the temple, Fairy Yao Xi would never dare to be careless.

The temple was blazing, and monstrous fluctuations swept through it. The mountain peaks, which were very different in size from the ferocious bird spirit, were like a huge rock, suddenly touching the huge body of the ferocious bird spirit.

There was no loud banging sound, it was like a stone falling into the viscous lake surface. It rippled and sank directly into the body of the huge vicious bird spirit.

This chapter has been completed!
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