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Six thousand five hundred and eighteenth chapter siege

 It was Fayou who spoke.

The spirit of Demon Lord Qingji was jointly attacked by three Xuan-level monks from Qingshi City in the cave. With the blessing of the city protection formation, it was unable to withstand it. It was killed after a cup of tea. on the spot.

Although it was not the original soul of Demon Lord Qingji that was killed, seeing the soul of the clone scattered to pieces under her attack, Mrs. Shen suddenly felt a sense of relief in her heart. There seemed to be an invisible weight on her heart. Pressure, suddenly disappeared.

It was a feeling that the world suddenly opened up and the vast sky became clear. It was as if the whole body was suddenly in a world filled with rays of rays of light. Mrs. Shen was immediately immersed in it...

Fei You and Wei Xianzi were both startled when they suddenly saw Mrs. Shen acting like this.

They saw with their own eyes that the spirit was killed on the spot by the three people working together, so it was impossible for them to invade Mrs. Shen's body and seize the body.

They were stunned for only a moment, and the two of them immediately understood, judging that Mrs. Shen might have had a sudden epiphany.

This kind of sudden enlightenment about heaven and earth is extremely important to monks, because this is the most anticipated thing for monks to break through their own perception of heaven and earth.

Fei You and the other two do not know the true origin of Mrs. Shen. In fact, the elders of Qingshi City never ask about their origins. As long as they sincerely join Qingshi City, trigger the Qingshi City Oath, and swear to dedicate the rest of their lives to Qingshi City, the monk can become Qingshi City. A member of the city.

Although the two of them did not know about Fairy Shen Rou or the tragedy of the Shen family, they could imagine how they felt when thousands of clan members were killed and they were unable to take revenge.

It's no wonder that Mrs. Shen has a vicious nature and ruthless methods.

Now Mrs. Shen suddenly had a change in her state of mind. After the two of them were stunned for a moment, they immediately looked at each other and carefully exited the cave.

The two people left the cave and immediately set up a ban, and asked two Ghost Lord Summit monks to station themselves at the entrance of the cave to prevent anyone from entering.

After arrangements were made, the other elders were informed of Mrs. Shen's situation, and then they found Qin Fengming and the others.

In Bluestone City, although there are not many monks who can truly be regarded as Bluestone City, their quality is extremely high, and almost all of them are ghost masters or above.

Under the leadership of the Xuan-level monks and the late-stage Ghost Lord, the peak monks quickly coordinated and coordinated the tens of thousands of monks in Bluestone City.

Naturally, Qin Fengming would not immediately agree to what Fei You said and leave the Bluestone City to lure the monster insect army. He first gave Fei a list to Fei You and asked him to find the elders of Bluestone City to collect the agreed amount and then talk about the rest.

What Qin Fengming didn't expect was that Fei You didn't have to wait long before Feiyou collected the amount he specified.

Scanning a storage ring handed over by Fei You, Qin Fengming nodded: "When the insect swarm gets closer, Qin will go out to test it. As long as the swarm of beasts and insects can be restrained with the help of the Jijing Stone, Qin will not refuse." , I will definitely take the risk to help.”

For the sake of these precious materials that could not be collected normally, Qin Fengming no longer refused.

Just as the two of them were talking to each other, swarms of insects all over the mountains and plains quickly approached the city wall.

Facing the boundless sea of ​​​​insects approaching rapidly, the monks on the city wall steadied their bodies amidst the thunderous buzzing sound of the rapid rotation of the city protection formation, and most of their faces looked pale.

Not to mention the monks of Qingshi City, even the Haiyi Saint Ancestor in the Mahayana Realm faced the boundless tide of insects that swept over the world and quickly enveloped him. His scalp was numb and his eyes were wide open.

After all, there is a swarm of insects and monsters gathered in Qingshi City, and no one can count it.

Facing the swarm of insects that filled the mountains and plains with an indescribable quantity and filled the sky with a ferocious aura, the backs of Qin Fengming and Hai Yi Saint Ancestor also showed signs of coldness and trembling.

Even if he knew that Qin Fengming had a large number of semi-mature Silver Sheath Insects, Saint Ancestor Hai Yi was convinced that the Silver Sheath Insects alone could withstand the impact of such a large number of insect swarms.

It is true that the Silver Sheath Insect is stronger than this monster insect, but it is ultimately unable to cope with it. Under the cover and bite of the insect swarms that are fearless and coming one after another, the Silver Sheath Insect cannot always maintain sufficient fighting spirit and energy.

As a former Mahayana demon, Qingji Demon Lord's judgment on the strength of the insect beasts is not biased. In front of the insect beasts, the Mahayana will no longer appear so powerful.

"Woo~" Suddenly, a dull but majestic horn sound suddenly sounded in Qingshi City.

As soon as the sound rang out, a surging energy aura suddenly surged out and instantly swept over the bodies of tens of thousands of monks on the city wall.

Qin Fengming only felt a force suddenly supporting his body, and a pure Yin energy suddenly wrapped around his body.

"Hey, this city defense formation can actually provide monks with pure energy!" Qin Fengming glanced around and suddenly let out a soft sigh.

There were many monks who spoke out like Qin Fengming. Everyone suddenly felt the thick and pure Yin energy filling their bodies, and their whole bodies were immediately filled with an extremely comfortable feeling.

Accompanied by this pure Yin Qi energy, everyone's fighting spirit, which had been depressed at first sight of the vast sea of ​​​​insects, suddenly became high again, and shouts and shouts rang out on the tall city wall.

The tidal wave of insects covered it like rolling mountains, approaching rapidly.

The thick, turbid fog that stretched to the sky covered the entire sky as if it were sweeping over the heaven and the earth. Before it came close, a strange aura that made Qin Fengming feel bloated and stuffy had already penetrated the barrier of the city defense formation and directly affected him.

on the body.

As the insect swarm approached rapidly, the monks on the city wall finally saw clearly what the insect swarm in front of them looked like.

It was an eight-clawed beetle with vicious stripes all over its body. The beetles were layered in layers and densely packed. Looking at them made people shudder and their hearts tremble.

"Buzz!" A rapid buzz sounded continuously, and a layer of blue-black ice crystals suddenly appeared on the tall bluestone city wall. The ice crystals condensed rapidly, and in just an instant, a layer of blue-black ice was formed that was about ten feet thick.

The tall city wall was completely wrapped in it.

As the ice crystals suddenly appeared, sharp and bright blade lights suddenly emerged from the city wall covered with ice crystals. The blade lights slashed and slashed irregularly, and the huge and tall city wall instantly turned into a tall sword.

Blade wall.

These blades of light don't have much long-range attack power, but their close-range defense capabilities are obviously extraordinary.

The insect tide finally arrived near the city wall of Bluestone City.

The demonic insects that gathered rapidly grew in layers, and in an instant they reached a height that was several feet higher than the wall of Bluestone City. Rolling, the tall insect waves formed by layers of demonic insects rolled around, touching the cold light of Qingyou without any fear or sluggishness.

On top of the tall city wall.

There was no violent banging sound, just like a wave of insects sweeping over the city wall suddenly touching the city wall.

Amidst the piercing buzzing sound, the sky-wide blade light immediately wreaked havoc in the scalp-numbing sea of ​​insects. The sharp and fast sword light shot out, and as soon as it entered the sea of ​​​​worms, it immediately killed dozens or hundreds of monster insects around it.

He was beheaded on the spot.

However, the sharp blade light was instantly overwhelmed by the larger number of monster insects and disappeared without a trace.

As the layers of sword light killed countless monster insects, the countless blade lights were also wiped out by layers of monster insects.

A dull hissing that made Qin Fengming's heart suddenly tighten, suddenly resounded from the city wall under his feet, and the sound spread rapidly towards the distance, as if the huge city defense array could not withstand this sudden insect tide, and its power was sluggish.

Or it means disintegration.

The thick layer of ice crystals on the city wall seemed to be suddenly heated and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sudden situation caused the monk standing on the city wall to suddenly change his expression, his body swayed, and his steps couldn't help but move back.

"Woo~woo" suddenly, a very regular sound of horns sounded.

"Quickly, activate the 'Di Zi Jue' talisman to strengthen the city wall ban!" The horn suddenly sounded, and rapid shouts also sounded in the ears of the frightened monks.

The practitioners seemed to have been suddenly struck by a stick, and they suddenly woke up. They put aside the fear in their hearts, raised up the magic power in their bodies, and used all their strength to unleash huge energy.

Among the energy, there are runes that shoot out one after another.

As the runes one after another disappeared into the forbidden fluorescence on the city wall, the dull hum quickly weakened, and the thick ice crystals that had just disappeared quickly became full and thick again.

"Look, look, what are the monsters doing there?"

Just when everyone was relieved, thinking that with everyone's blessing, the city formation could finally withstand the impact of the insect tide, suddenly a urgent cry sounded on a city wall.

Qin Fengming turned around and looked quickly, his eyes suddenly showing a gloomy look.

This chapter has been completed!
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