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Chapter 6767 Dragon Pattern Yun Lingji

 Qin Fengming never expected that this purple-red fluorescent stick, wrapped in the energy halberd, was actually changing.

The purple and red fluorescence that originally lingered on the stick suddenly stopped intertwining and split into two dazzling lights, one red and one purple, shining on the world. A majestic aura that made Qin Fengming's heart tremble suddenly filled the air, like an incompetent person.

The being above suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, looking down at Qin Fengming.

It was not that Qin Fengming had never encountered that feeling before. The ones he had encountered before were all beings whose realm was far beyond his. When they released their breath specifically for him, that kind of breath made Qin Fengming feel horrified and unable to resist.

The purple light and the red light are like two energy groups attacking each other, constantly touching each other but not blending.

The colorful light blazing in the sky enveloped Qin Fengming for more than ten miles. From a distance, there was no violent energy impact. In the dense steam, it seemed that only purple light was shining.

But Qin Fengming, who was in the center of the light, had his heart pounding and his eyes wide open for a long time without closing.

In front of him, amid the roaring and impact of the overwhelming colorful light, the stick that was about ten feet long had disappeared, replaced by a black and purple halberd that was about ten feet long.

The halberd has thick arms and is purple-black all over. A red dragon covered with dark red scales curls up on the hilt, running through the entire halberd handle. The arc-shaped halberd blade shines with a faint light, which is extremely compelling. The halberd blade and the halberd are

The head is like the raised head of a red dragon on the hilt of a halberd, with fluorescent lights flashing and the sharp blade flickering in and out of light.

The halberd blade is hung with a colorful axe, which looks like a cluster of dragon whiskers. There is no wind shaking, but there seems to be a clanking sound.

Surrounded by the colorful light in the sky, Qin Fengming's whole body was wrapped in a thick aura like a mountain, as if the earth was sinking. In the terrifying aura, he felt wisps of sharp blades that seemed to be able to easily break boulders and crack the earth.

Laser into the void.

The halberd swayed slightly, the void swayed, and Kuangyu seemed to be unstable.

The situation that appeared in front of him made Qin Fengming feel like he was in a dream. He had never experienced this kind of situation before. It was too mysterious and beautiful to be real.

He just used random magic on a whim, and condensed the form of a halberd. The crystal clear keel transformed into something like this. No one would believe it.

However, this situation really appeared in front of Qin Fengming, and he couldn't help but believe it.

Far away in the Tianhong Realm of the Spiritual World, in a place full of spiritual mountains, there is a cave that leads to an unknown depth underground. There is a pool of green water in it, and there is a coffin floating on the pool.

Although the place is deep underground, there are many luminous stones inlaid in the vast underground cave, making the entire cave filled with shimmering light and not dark.

When Qin Fengming was surprised by the sudden change of the dragon bones, the coffin suddenly shook.

This coffin has been floating in the pond for an unknown number of years, and is covered with a thick layer of blue-black dirt.

As the coffin trembled, the heavy closed coffin lid was suddenly pushed open by something.

As the coffin lid opened, two skeletal arms poked out of the coffin. Above the arms were two bony claws, which supported the mouth of the coffin. A figure suddenly appeared.

This is a figure with a body like a skeleton. The body seems to have no flesh and blood. There is only a layer of human skin covering the skeleton. The ribs are protruding. An unhuman head is swinging. The eye sockets are sunken. The skin and flesh on the face are shriveled. The hair is as dry as wormwood.

The hair is tangled randomly and looks scary.

But as soon as this figure, which looked like a dead skeleton, appeared, an overwhelming aura rushed out, rolling and spreading to all directions.

Under the sudden impact of the breath, the green water suddenly surged and surged towards the shore, creating waves.

"Impossible, the dragon soul spirit pattern that I sealed has actually changed? The last time I went to check, the dragon soul spirit pattern was only in the condensation stage. It is impossible that after thousands of years, enough demon soul spirituality can be accumulated to undergo transformation.

, Could it be that something unexpected happened to the dragon bone, and someone damaged my belongings!"

The skeleton-like figure sat upright, and two rays of light suddenly shot out from its empty eyes, like two bolts of lightning piercing the dark void, making the scene suddenly brighter.

The skeletal figure screamed fiercely, and shot out like a black bolt. It suddenly left the coffin and stopped on the bank of the pool.

Sitting cross-legged, a simple jade medal flashing with green light floated out of thin air and hovered in front of him.

The skeletal figure made quick gestures with both hands, and a cloud of dark mist suddenly spewed out, immediately wrapping his body in it. The surging Yin Qi energy expanded, the cold breath filled the air, and a layer of ice formed on the pond not far away.

Thick ice crystals.

"Ah!~ Damn it! The innate spirit pattern keel that is the core of the dragon soul pattern that I have raised for two to three hundred thousand years is no longer in this world!"

Suddenly, a roar filled with incomparable anger suddenly came out from the dark mist. The dark mist seemed to be expanded by the breath of terror, and it burst out in all directions. A surge of energy that destroyed the world and destroyed the earth appeared, and the entire cave was suddenly filled with...

Agitated by waves of agitating energy raging back and forth.

Amidst the huge energy impact, the skeleton figure reappeared.

But his shriveled, skeleton-shaped body suddenly changed, as if a surge of gas was suddenly injected into his body, causing his fleshless body to slowly swell.

In just a few short breaths, a middle-aged monk with a ruddy face, full of energy, and disheveled black hair stood on the bank of the pond.

"No matter who dares to touch the ascension object that I have prepared for more than 300,000 years, I will tear it into pieces and suppress its spirit for 100,000 years until it completely collapses." The middle-aged monk roared, full of violence.


The terrifying aura was released, and the surrounding ice suddenly became even more cold than before, and the entire cave seemed to have turned into an ice cave.

"This is really too outrageous. How could that dragon bone have such a heaven-defying change? Could it be that someone arranged it as a sacrificial object?" The shock on Qin Fengming's face did not recede for a long time, and he suddenly spoke in judgment.

That dragon bone was obtained by Qin Fengming from the Wanling Valley on the Icefield Island in the Tianhong Realm, where there is a secret place called Qinglong Pond.

Now that I think about it, that place is obviously man-made.

Being able to seal part of a holy dragon's body in the Qinglong Pond is definitely not just for the monks of Icefield Island to enjoy the benefits.

Although Qin Fengming had some thoughts in his mind, he quickly dismissed them. No matter who arranged the secret place, since he had obtained the dragon bone, it was his.

If that person wants to take it back, he has to see if he has the ability.

Qin Fengming was filled with joy. Seeing the halberd in front of him that had changed so much that it could no longer be called a dragon bone, Qin Fengming felt extremely excited.

"Since you have changed your appearance, I will give you a name..." Qin Fengming murmured, thinking rapidly in his heart.

"You turned out to be a dragon bone containing innate spiritual patterns, and now you are a long halberd with a red dragon coiled around it. Why not call it the dragon pattern spiritual halberd. The dragon bone is the body, and the spiritual patterns are the marrow. It contains the way of heaven and can break through the ancient times."

Qin Fengming's eyes were blazing, and his whole body was filled with excitement and uncontrollable emotions.

Qin Fengming said the words in his mouth, and a sound like a dragon's roar suddenly resounded on the halberd. The halberd trembled, and sound waves like a dragon's roar emerged one after another and rippled around.

"Okay, from now on I will call you Dragon Marked Spiritual Halberd. Since it is the arc of spirit patterns here that transformed you, then we will collect those arcs of spirit patterns here again to see if there can be any changes."

Qin Fengming held the halberd in his hand, and a strong sense of bravery filled his whole body, as if a surging force poured into his body from the halberd, making him feel that his whole body was full of strength and had the power to pull up mountains.

However, as soon as Qin Fengming grasped the dragon pattern Yunling Halberd with both hands, the glow and majestic energy that originally filled the world immediately converged and was quickly recovered into the halberd.

The black and purple halberd looks old, heavy and rough, and very ordinary.

This chapter has been completed!
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