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Six thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight chapters resolve the cause

 Mo Ranqing nodded without any objection, his expression was calm and indifferent, as if he had been together for a long time and didn't care.

Qin Fengming did not enter the space of Xumi Cave, but sat cross-legged on the wooden chair, closed his eyes, and entered into meditation.

He really needed to think carefully, because he had determined the cause of the frequent illnesses in Mo Ranqing's body, and needed to plan how to resolve the illnesses.

Looking at Qin Fengming, whose expression was sometimes calm and sometimes frowning in thought, Mo Ranqing's eyes were crooked, and a faint smile suddenly appeared.

This kind of expression seemed to have never appeared before in Mo Ranqing's memory.

She wandered into the world of real ghosts and sought treatment from famous doctors. She always wore a veil, and her eyes were solemn and solemn. She had never had a peaceful and stable expression.

But now, her heart is at peace, and her mentality has never been more stable.

She was very curious, and it seemed that as long as she faced the young monk in front of her and stayed by his side, she had no worries in her heart, and all the difficult things became no longer difficult.

This feeling seemed to have always existed in her heart, but it had never appeared before, and now it came out.

Although Qin Fengming never opened his eyes, the changes in his expression showed that he had been thinking hard and never slackened off at all.

Mo Ranqing did not move, but kept standing in front of Qin Fengming, his eyes blinking, never leaving Qin Fengming's face.

It's just that her eyes are calm, far from the intense thoughts in Qin Fengming's heart.

One day later, Qin Fengming slowly opened his eyes, frowned, and his expression was surprisingly solemn, and said: "Qin came up with a method, but he is not completely sure that it can resolve the disease in the fairy's body."

"Whether it's useful or not, you can only know if you try it. You can use it as much as you like." Mo Ranqing agreed immediately without any hesitation.

"You can't perform the surgery now. You need to wait until the full moon night, when the disease in your body fully appears." Qin Fengming shook his head.

"Then we will wait for two days. In two days it will be the night of the full moon."

Remove the restraints from Rong Xu's body, and at the same time erase some of the memories in her mind, allowing her to leave the attic.

Qin Fengming closed his eyes and deduced in his mind to perfect the technique to be performed.

Two days later, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. However, as night slowly fell, Mo Ranqing's expression became more solemn as he sat cross-legged on the wooden couch.

Qin Fengming was three feet away from Mo Ranqing, and he could feel a cold breath coming out of the female cultivator, filling her surroundings.

As the moonlight fell into the hall, the huge hall was completely filled with an icy atmosphere.

"When can the technique be performed?" Mo Ranqing said, although he tried hard to keep his words steady, but there was also a hint of sluggishness in his tone.

"When the bright moon is in the sky and the aura is the strongest, it is then most likely that the magic will remove most of the strange aura hidden in your body." Qin Fengming glanced at the full moon that had just risen in the sky and said.

As he spoke, he looked at Mo Ranqing's strong and stable body, and suddenly waved his hand out, sending a pill in front of the female cultivator.

"When you take this elixir, the cold in your body will weaken."

Mo Ranqing took the elixir and put it directly into his mouth without hesitation. Suddenly, a hot energy surged up in his belly, flowing along the eight extraordinary meridians and throughout his body.

In just an instant, Mo Ranqing felt that the cold that had been raging on his body was suddenly suppressed a lot and became no longer cold. At the same time, he felt comfortable all over his body, and the magic power in his body seemed to become more abundant.

"Even if the disease cannot be eliminated from the body, with such a pill, the discomfort in my body can be restrained." Mo Ranqing said with joy on his face.

"Although the elixir can restrain the coldness in your body, it is the energy of various spiritual objects after all. Taking more may not be a good thing. It is better to completely relieve the disease." Qin Fengming shook his head slightly.

Suddenly, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly became extremely serious. His eyes widened and he stared at Mo Ranqing closely without blinking.

Mo Ranqing was puzzled, but did not ask.

"As expected by Qin, the disease in your body is indeed related to it." Suddenly, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly became hot, and he exclaimed in surprise.

As Qin Fengming's eyes flashed, his consciousness sensed the aura of judgment in his heart.

At this time, on Mo Ranqing's body, there were wisps of strange aura that could not be sensed by the naked eye or spiritual consciousness. It was an aura that was different from the laws of the three realms: the aura of the power of the stars.

It is not that there is no aura of star power in the Three Realms, it is just that the aura of star power is not sensed by monks in the Three Realms, and the power of stars is not manifested in the Three Realms, so it is impossible to absorb it for cultivation.

However, Qin Fengming cultivates the magical power of the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper. Although this magical power does not manifest the power of the stars, it must be cultivated with the help of the power of the stars.

In the Dragon Prison space, he collected a large amount of green crystal star sand, which also contained the power of stars.

It's just that monks from the Three Realms cannot sense its existence, and only those who have real contact with it like Qin Fengming and have the skills to control the power of stars can feel it a little bit.

At this moment, Qin Fengming sensed an extremely weak star power from Mo Ranqing.

"Have you really found the root cause of the disease in my body?" Mo Ranqing looked at Qin Fengming, his expression excited and full of expectation.

She has been suffering from this disease for hundreds of years and cannot control or eliminate it at all.

Although it is not fatal, it is very painful. Every night when the moon is full, she will be shrouded in ice and her strength will decrease slightly. Although there is no danger of death, it is very torturous.

"The disease in your body is due to the invasion of the power of the stars. It does not appear normally. It will only be activated when the power of the stars in the heaven and earth is the strongest. And every night when the moon is full, that is, in the sky and the earth,

The power of the stars is at its most intense."

Qin Fengming opened his mouth and explained.

"The power of stars? How could the power of stars invade my body?" Mo Ranqing was surprised and full of confusion.

Qin Fengming blinked his eyes, thought for a moment, and then said: "If Qin's judgment is correct, it must be carried by Miss Lan's soul. And the reason why Miss Lan can carry the power of stars is that she ascended to the upper world.

At that time, an accident occurred in the space passage, and the physical body was destroyed. For some reason, the spirit or spiritual consciousness survived, and entered the real ghost world, and also lost the body of a silver-tailed green fox.

The terrifying power of the stars carried by the soul directly killed the soul in the blue fox's body, leaving only the soul consciousness of the blue girl. However, the memory of the past was lost, causing the girl to not know her origin at all. And the power of the stars was even more

It remains in the girl's body for some unknown reason, and is triggered from time to time, causing her whole body to become cold."

Qin Fengming's judgment was the result of his thinking over the past few days. He thought about it for a long time and thought that only this situation could explain the specific situation of Mo Ranqing.

Mo Ranqing was silent for a moment, his eyes flashed, and his heart was racing.

"I wonder how to remove the power of stars from my body?" After a long time, Mo Ranqing asked.

Obviously she also believed that Qin Fengming's judgment was consistent with the truth. Regardless of whether this was the case or not, resolving the interference from the power of the stars in her body was something she had to face.

"It's not difficult at all. It's not difficult. I can remove the power of the stars that is emerging from your body at this time. It's difficult because you still have the power of the stars in your body and you need to refine it yourself. I will perform the spell first.

, remove the power of the stars from outside your body, and if successful, then figure out what to do in the future."

Qin Fengming did not hesitate and immediately spoke. As he finished speaking, his hands began to perform the technique.

The Seven Elements of the Big Dipper is an immortal art that requires the help of the power of stars. If Qin Fengming had not cultivated the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper, he would not have been able to use this magical power to clear away the power of the stars emerging from Mo Ranqing's body.

But now, it is no longer difficult for Qin Fengming to skillfully control the Beidou Seven Elements Spirit Patterns and absorb the power of the stars emerging from Mo Ranqing's body.

Feeling that his body was wrapped in spiritual patterns, the cold aura in his body slowly decreased, and Mo Ranqing's eyes widened, showing a sense of great surprise.

(I can’t code the second update. I should be able to code it tomorrow morning.)

This chapter has been completed!
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