Chapter 131: Court opening

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The case of Renhetang East China Branch suing Neptune Company has officially begun.

This court session is public.

Early in the morning, it was crowded with bosses who came to watch the fun.

It has long been rumored that Neptune is going to sue Renhetang.

Although it was Renhetang who took the lead and sued Neptune, the reason is still the same.

Of course they wanted to come and see the fun.

Chen Yang and Fang Qingpu arrived at the scene early.

Although this bastard Chen Yang does not have to appear in court, how could he be absent from such a lively event?

Naturally, people from the East China branch also came.

Appearing in court were Vice President Tian Yuehai and Minister of Justice Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan appeared as the plaintiff's lawyer this time.

The staff confirmed that both parties had appeared in court and then reported it to the judge.

After the staff announced the opening of the court.

Eucalyptus is entering the trial phase.

Chen Yang was a little surprised.

He remembered that in later generations, there would be gavels when court sessions were held.

Why don't you see it now?

While hesitating, Fang Qingpu suddenly whispered: "Boss Chen, don't worry, it's just a small formation."

He thought Chen Yang was a little worried about the first court session.

Chen Yang was speechless.

But what Fang Qingpu said makes sense.

After everyone arrived, the staff read out the court discipline.

Then check the identity information of both the plaintiff and the defendant.

The lawyer will also verify the lawyer's name, law firm, agency authority, etc.

Then the trial officially began.

First, the plaintiff speaks.

Cheng Yuan recounted the complaint in a eloquent voice.

As expected of a legal professional, he was talking about proper nouns, and Chen Yang felt drowsy after listening to them.

However, he still understood the general content.

The East China Branch wanted to terminate the cooperation agreement signed with Neptune Company on the grounds that the medicinal materials provided by Neptune Company failed to pass the test, and in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, it also wanted to recover the resulting losses.

"Defendant, do you agree with the plaintiff's claims?"

the judge asked.


Chen Yang is simple and straightforward.

Fang Qingpu reminded him when he came here that he must observe discipline.

"The plaintiff can now present evidence."

The judge was also very straightforward and went directly to the evidence stage.

Cheng Yuan took out two stacks of information.

One is the inspection form for submitting medicinal materials for inspection.

One is the qualification of the inspection agency.

Renhetang has its own inspection agencies, but they are all located at the headquarters. Generally, branches have their own cooperative inspection agencies.

The Huadong Company is a third-party organization from Jinling, and it still has a certain degree of authority.

"Defendant, do you agree with this result?"


Chen Yang continued to shake his head.

A third-party agency’s standards?


I know you won’t give up!

Cheng Yuan stood up confidently and took out another quality inspection report.

"Judge, I want to provide a new piece of evidence."

During the trial, both parties can provide new evidence.

After the quality inspection report was taken out, everyone's eyes widened.

This is actually a report issued by a secondary inspection unit.

And it’s from this province.

The judge nodded slowly.


Depends on the inspection equipment in each place.

Naturally, equipment varies from place to place, so standards also vary.

Generally speaking, you cannot use the standards of other places to litigate here.

But it's different with the secondary standards.

In terms of rigor, Level 2 is more authoritative.

And it is the latest standard.

The report was quickly passed on to the relevant personnel.

After some confirmation, the two drug material inspection reports were legal.

Qiaocheng can naturally recognize it.

"Defendant, this is a new quality inspection report provided by the plaintiff. You have the right to question it."

The judge asked again.

Since the evidence is new, the defendant did not receive a copy, so the original must be produced.

The second-level inspection report was placed in front of Chen Yang.

The two also conducted a special study.

"Hey, it's still an old date. It seems that these guys have put a lot of thought into it. They have obtained the second-level inspection standards? Are they prepared in advance?"

"I can't tell, but the date can be controlled."

“Can the inspection date still be controlled?”

"What does this mean? Aren't we also changing from plaintiffs to defendants?"

"That makes sense! I don't think he can be smarter than me."

"Yes, yes, boss Chen is very smart, haha, he was already prepared."

The two of them started talking as if no one was watching.

"Defendant, do you have anything to ask?"

The judge reminded the two men again.


Fang Qingpu comes on stage.

"Judge, I am the defendant's lawyer, and I will take over all Mr. Chen's affairs."

"We have read the test report, and there is no problem. You have also tested it, and it is true."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

The judge was also a little stunned.

According to normal procedures, no matter who presents evidence, the other party will first question the authenticity of the evidence.

Of course, it's generally useless.

Because some evidence collection work has already been done before the trial.

The court will also directly present the results of the investigation.

But this evidence is newly provided, and it will take some time for the court to verify it.

To prove that the new evidence provided by the defendant is legal and valid, we can proceed to the next step.

But today’s eucalyptus is a little weird!

No one even asked.

"Defendant's lawyer, are you sure you give up the challenge?"


"Well, in the face of the evidence provided by the plaintiff, what does the defendant have to say?"

"Judge, there is no problem with the two quality inspection reports, but how can we prove that the medicinal materials they sent for inspection came from Neptune Company?"

Fang Qingpu quickly raised a key question.

The report is true, but it’s hard to say whether the medicinal materials you sent for inspection are genuine.

"Plaintiff, what is your explanation?"

"Judge. Regarding this, we have provided relevant evidence. Our Renhetang procurement process is very strict. The medicinal material samples sent by the other party for inspection will be sealed as soon as possible, and then sent to the testing agency under 24-hour monitoring.

.So there won’t be any problems during this period.”

Cheng Yuan also provided a video.

The staff here fast-forwarded the playback on the spot.

I saw on the screen that after the Neptune Company's truck delivered the medicinal material samples, the staff of Renhetang sealed the boxes on the spot and put them into a monitored warehouse.

Finally, everything is loaded onto the truck and sent to the structure for inspection.

The entire process is monitored.

"Has this kid prepared enough?"

Chen Yang said in a low voice.

"Haha, I can see that he is a habitual offender!"

Fang Qingpu replied.

After watching the video, the judge briefly discussed the matter.

"Defendant, what do you want to say?"

"Judge, the video can also be edited. This doesn't mean anything."

"Judge, this video is completely unedited and can be subjected to any test."

"Judge, I think it's a bit ridiculous for the other party to produce a video to prove that this thing belongs to Aquaman."

"Judge, they are quibbling..."

Lawyers from both sides began to confront each other

This chapter has been completed!
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