Chapter 182 Natural Disaster

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Suddenly, autumn rain also swept across the capital.

The sound of falling rain hit the bluestone slabs, and the gaps between the slabs turned into a gurgling stream. When it hit the garden, the delicate petals became dilapidated. The rain was also windy, and the scattered petals had no time to display their final beauty, so they were blown away by the rain.

Blows away and turns into running water.

One autumn rain and another cold, the biting ice is bone-chilling.

In the Fengtian Palace, the palace officials added several charcoal pots and hung curtains at the door to protect them from wind and rain. Everyone moved gently, even timidly, for fear of offending the ministers who were summoning them.

His Majesty and the Emperor’s Grandson.

"Since the beginning of autumn, there have been heavy rains in Henan for days. In Gong County, there have been continuous rains for ten days in June. In Lushan, black clouds cover the sky and it pours rain. In Huaiyang, there are strong winds and rains in the middle of the month, and it is impossible to pull out trees. In northern Henan, it is even more "summer has begun."

It rains continuously until July, with torrential downpours. There is no rain in any of the thirty-nine counties in Henan Province!"

"While boating in the city, the seedlings outside the city were submerged. If it was just fine, the Pianma Ferry suddenly burst its banks next to Zheng County, and the water from the Yellow River poured in, wreaking havoc for thousands of miles. Kaifeng, Zhoukou, Xuchang and other places were completely reduced to floods


"If the bursting of the embankments cannot be controlled, and it is the rainy season, Anhui and Jiangsu will not be safe either. There are more than 60 counties along the line, and half of the country will be affected."

Fu Youwen, the Minister of Household Affairs, who was reporting the disaster to Zhu Yunxi, suddenly choked up and cried, "If this is the case, the accumulation of the thirty years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty will be destroyed in one day. Now in Henan, hundreds of thousands of victims are displaced and crying for food!"

Henan, Henan again.

Zhu Yunxi listened to the courtiers' memorials and read the memorials delivered by the horse. From the words of the local officials, he could feel the heartbreaking pain.

Henan has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. It has thousands of miles of fertile land in the Central Plains and is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Remember the website m.wxsy.

However, it is full of disasters!

Take Kaifeng as an example. Kaifeng is known as a city with many cities hidden underground. Under the current city are Bianjing City of Jin Dynasty, Dongdong City of Song Dynasty, Bianzhou City of Tang Dynasty and Daliang City of Wei Dynasty. These cities were not destroyed by war, but

Destroyed by natural disasters and man-made disasters.

The words on the memorial were spoken in the mouths of the ministers, and every word was stained with blood.

The scene of the bursting of the Fuhe River in Jiangxi is still vivid in my mind, and the Yellow River is several times worse than the Fuhe River. Imagine how many people were soaking in the cold and bitter water this time in the cold wind and rain, desperate and helpless. How many families were broken up, and how many families were broken up.

Separation of human flesh and blood.

Once the flood passed, the hard work of generations was turned into ruins. Countless people died, and diseases became rampant and lasted for several years.

Suddenly, Zhu Yunxi thought of a movie he had seen before, 1942!

That vivid and chilling picture, the frightening image, is full of the blood and tears of Henan people, and even more of the blood and tears of the Chinese people.

We always say that man can conquer nature! History always praises that after fighting against nature, the Chinese people rebuilt the Central Plains. But only by being there, can we feel how helpless the people were at this time.

The heavens will not respond, the earth will not respond!

"During the Yuan Dynasty of the previous dynasty, the Yellow River burst its banks more than eighty times. The dynasty was only thirty years old, and it burst several times again!"

The old man stood up with his hands on his knees, walked to the door of the palace, and looked at the autumn rain outside. There was a trace of resentment in his old eyes, and the resentment seemed to pass through the dark clouds and reach directly to the sky.

"We already had people regulating the river at the beginning of the year, so why did the embankment start to burst?" the old man asked in a low voice, "Are the millions of people in the Central Plains the people of heaven? We have just lived in peace for a few years, why do we have to suffer such a disaster again?

You are so happy to break up. How many people have been buried in the water and fields, and how many fields have lost their harvest. In the year of the great disaster, the people sold their sons and daughters, and even exchanged their sons for food, and the plague was rampant without even covering their bodies. God, you are going to kill me alive.

People are being driven to death!”

Seeing the old man like this, all the ministers remained silent, except for the clear tears that fell silently.

"We have built the river channel every year and defended it every year, but we still haven't prevented it!" the old man sighed.

Zhu Yunxi walked down the imperial steps and helped the old man sit down. "Grandpa Emperor, since ancient times, the Yellow River has burst every two years, reversed its flow every ten years, and changed its course every hundred years. Who could have predicted such natural disasters!" He said and sighed, "

King Zhou also took the bait, but fortunately the city of Kaifeng has not been directly flooded. He is organizing officials and garrison civilians to strengthen the city walls to ensure the safety of Kaifeng!"

"What's the use of keeping a place safe?" The old man rubbed the top of his head, "If the embankment bursts, the three provinces of Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu will not be able to protect it!" Then, the old man asked again, "How big is the Yellow River breach?"

"It started out as thirty feet wide, but by the time the memorial was sent, it had grown to three hundred feet wide. The mighty river water rushed towards the sky and covered the sun, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to break apart. No one can do it!" Fu Youwen said in tears.

At this time, the Yellow River was originally an above-ground river. It was higher than the cities along the coast, and the tragic scene was evident from its condescending breach.

"The top priority is the people of Henan!" Zhu Yunxi said, "The water will always slow down, but if the people are not properly settled, it will be easy for them to starve to death. We have to take care of the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

, we must take care of them. Not only take care of their lives, we must also prevent diseases after the flood, and we must also prevent hungry people from being deceived and gathering in crowds during disaster years!”

In disaster years, more than just people die. If it is not handled properly, half of the Ming Dynasty will be in turmoil.

"Your Majesty, please issue an order, and I will allocate money and food immediately!" the Minister of Household Affairs said to the old man.

"It will be too late when the Ministry of Household Affairs sends money and food!" Zhu Yunxi said, "It is so far away, and the Yellow River bursts. If there is a flood, it will not be able to send it across!" He said, thought for a moment, and continued to speak, "Open the official warehouse in Luoyang.

, let the local officials help the people first."

Fu Youwen looked at Zhu Yunxi, gritted his teeth and said, "Your Highness, there is not much food left in Luoyang!"

"Where's the food!" Zhu Yunxi said angrily.

"In the twenty-sixth year, the Luoyang magistrate and the storekeeper were embezzled, colluded with grain merchants, and resold nearly half of the grain in the warehouse!"

Zhu Yunxi knew this. Such a major case occurred not long after he came to this world. At that time, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, Jiang Yu, handled it personally. In Henan, there were many corrupt officials.

"The rest!" Fu Youwen looked at Zhu Yunxi and lowered his hands and said, "The rations used by His Highness's army of 200,000 and more than 100,000 civilians in the Goryeo expedition were all official grain from Henan and Shandong. I wanted to make up for it with this autumn harvest, but now


Zhu Yunxi's head buzzed and he sat slumped on the throne.

In the face of disaster, his so-called illustrious martial arts skills were simply not worth mentioning, and even a bit embarrassing.

No wonder the old man, a battle-experienced emperor, did not agree with his conquest of Goryeo at the beginning. War was never a private matter of the king, but a matter of the whole world and all the people. Moreover, when disaster strikes, it is the people who sacrifice.

At this moment, Zhu Yunxi really wanted to slap himself twice.

"Then use the food in the military warehouse!" Zhu Yunxi gritted his teeth and said, "The food from Hubei, Shandong and Hebei should be quickly transferred to Henan. Then send a message to the Chief Secretary of Goryeo and Fu Youde to quickly transfer the food from Goryeo and go to Shandong by sea!


"In addition, those who control food prices and raise prices without mercy will be killed without mercy!"

"Send a message to all the local officials, and you can borrow grain from the wealthy gentry families!"

"We do extraordinary things in emergencies, and we must protect the people."

"Food is not in vain. After the old and weak people are resettled, we recruit young and strong people, dredge rivers or build somewhere else, and use work as relief!"

"Your Highness, there is another place with food!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the corner of the hall.

Zhu Yunxi looked around and saw that the person speaking was none other than the emperor's grandson, Zhu Gaochi.

"Where?" Zhu Yunxi asked.

"Beiping!" Zhu Gaochi said loudly in the astonished eyes of his second and third eldest son, "The big warehouse in Peiping is full every year. There is enough food in the warehouse to feed 100,000 people for three years!"

"Boss, you are crazy!" Zhu Gaoxu winked desperately.

But Zhu Gaochi turned a blind eye and continued, "Beiping has been supplied with food and grass from Henan and Hebei for many years since his father became a vassal. Now that there is a disaster in Henan, it is the time for Beiping to help feed the people of the Central Plains."

"Besides, there are still thousands of hectares of fertile farmland in Beiping, not including military camps. The autumn harvest is coming soon, which can ensure that Beiping will not have any worries about food shortages!"

Zhu Yunxi stood up and looked at the little fat man, "The public heart is for the country, and the prince of Yan is the most loyal among all the emperors and grandsons!"

The prince of Jin and the eldest son of King Qin also stood up and said, "Your Highness, I and other ministers also have food in my father's army warehouse, which can be transferred to Henan!"

Zhu Youdun, the crown prince of the Zhou Dynasty, also said loudly, "When I was in the fiefdom, I inspected the warehouse in Kaifeng. Over the years, there are countless grains in the Zhou Dynasty fiefdom. I ignored His Highness's order and opened the warehouse to release grain!"

"Okay!" Zhu Yunxi was moved and said loudly, "When one party is in trouble, all parties will support you. Only in this way can you become the pillar of the country!"

It should be noted that the warehouses mentioned by these princes, emperors and grandsons are their family's private warehouses.

"Good!" The old man also praised, looking at his grandchildren, "If there is a difficulty in the Central Plains, our Zhu family and the people of the world will bear it together!"

This chapter has been completed!
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